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1、舞蹈表演专业-广西瑶族长鼓舞审美特征 摘 要 在历史的发展长河中,有一种舞蹈极具代表性意义,那便是瑶族的长鼓舞。瑶族的长鼓舞具备了悠久的文化历史,它代表了辛勤的瑶族人民在历史发展中那种积极向上的民族精神。而长鼓舞蹈便是瑶族文化中的一种典型代表,长鼓舞是瑶族文化中重要的组成部分。当人们走进长鼓舞的世界,便能感受到舞蹈给人们带来的美妙,特别是长鼓舞的舞蹈动作和音乐旋律,让人们感受到瑶族人民身上那种特有的民族精神品质,瑶族人民的辛勤,团结,积极乐观都在长鼓舞中表现得淋漓尽致。随着长鼓舞不断地发展,其舞蹈动作和舞蹈内容都得到了丰富和不断提高,舞蹈的艺术特点和特色也受到了人们的欣赏,不断的提高瑶族文化在

2、人们心中的影响力。故本文通过对瑶族长鼓舞舞蹈的审美特征进行探究,分析了长鼓舞的服饰美和形态美,有利于对瑶族文化所蕴含那种民族精神的了解,进一步提高瑶族文化在人们心中的地位。 关键词 : 瑶族文化 长鼓舞 审美特征 ABSTRACT In the long history of development, there is a very representative dance, which is the long drum dance of the Yao nationality. The long drum dance of the Yao nationality has a long cul

3、tural history, which represents the kind of positive national spirit of the hard-working Yao people in the historical development. The long drum dance is a typical representative of Yao culture, and the long drum dance is an important part of Yao culture. When people enter the world of long drum, th

4、ey can feel the beauty that the dance brings to people, especially the dance action and music melody of long drum, and let people feel the unique national spirit quality of the Yao people. The hard work, unity and positive optimism of the Yao people are all vividly displayed in long drum. With the c

5、ontinuous development of long drum dance, its dance movements and dance content have been enriched and improved, the artistic characteristics and characteristics of dance have also been appreciated by people, and the influence of Yao culture in people"s hearts has been constantly improved. Ther

6、efore, through the exploration of the aesthetic characteristics of the long drum dance of the Yao nationality, this paper analyzes the beauty of dress and form of the long drum dance, which is conducive to the understanding of the national spirit contained in the Yao culture, and further improves th

7、e status of the Yao culture in people"s hearts. Keywords : Yao culture Long drum dance Aesthetic characteristics 目录 一、 引言 . 1 二、瑶族长鼓舞的服饰美 . 1 (一)华彩的桃花刺绣 . 1 (二)龙犬图腾的服饰图案 . 2 (三)精美的灵物银饰 . 3 三、瑶族长鼓舞的形态美 . 3 (一)长鼓舞的"弹'与"扭' . 3 (二)长鼓舞的"稳'与"沉' . 4 (三)长鼓舞的"曲'和"拧' . 5 四、结论 . 6


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