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1、汽车变速器设计外文翻译我们知道,汽车发动机在一定的转速下能够达到最好的状态,此时发出的功率比较大,燃油经济性也比较好。因此,我们希望发动机总是在最好的状态下工作。但是,汽车在使用的时候需要有不同的速度,这样就产生了矛盾。这个矛盾要通过变速器来解决。汽车变速器的作用用一句话概括,就叫做变速变扭,即增速减扭或减速增扭。为什么减速可以增扭,而增速又要减扭呢?设发动机输出的功率不变,功率可以表示为N = wT ,其中 w 是转动的角速度, T 是扭距。当 N 固定的时候, w 与 T 是 成反比的。所以增速必减扭,减速必增扭。汽车变速器齿轮传动就根据变速变扭 的原理,分成各个档位对应不同的传动比,以适

2、应不同的运行状况。一般的手动变速器内设置输入轴、中间轴和输出轴,又称三轴式,另外还有倒档轴。三轴式是变速器的主体结构,输入轴的转速也就是发动机的转速,输出轴转速则是中间轴与输出轴之间不同齿轮啮合所产生的转速。不同的齿轮啮合就有不同的传动比,也就有了不同的转速。例如郑州日产ZN6481W2 型 SUV 车手动变速器,它的传动比分别是:1 档 3.704: 1; 2 档 2.202:1 ;3 档 1.414:1 ; 4 档 1:1 ;5档(超速档) 0.802:1 。当汽车启动司机选择 1 档时,拨叉将 1/2档同步器向后接合 1 档齿轮并将它 锁定输出轴上,动力经输入轴、中间轴和输出轴上的1档齿

3、轮, 1 档齿轮带动输 出轴,输出轴将动力传递到传动轴上(红色箭头)。典型1档变速齿轮传动比是 3:1, 也就是说输入轴转 3 圈,输出轴转 1 圈。当汽车增速司机选择2 档时,拨叉将 1/2 档同步器与 1 档分离后接合 2 档齿 轮并锁定输出轴上,动力传递路线相似,所不同的是输出轴上的1 档齿轮换成 2 档齿轮带动输出轴。典型 2 档变速齿轮传动比是2.2:1 , 输入轴转 2.2 圈,输出轴转 1 圈,比 1 档转速增加,扭矩降低。1/11当汽车加油增速司机选择3 档时,拨叉使 1/2 档同步器回到空档位置,又使3/4 档同步器移动直至将3 档齿轮锁定在输出轴上,使动力可以从轴入轴一中间

4、轴一输出轴上的 3 档变速齿轮,通过3 档变速齿轮带动输出轴。典型3 档传动比是 1.7:1 ,输入轴转 1.7 圈,输出轴转 1 圈,是进一步的增速。当汽车加油增速司机选择4 档时,拨叉将 3/4 档同步器脱离 3 档齿轮直接与输入轴主动齿轮接合,动力直接从输入轴传递到输出轴,此时传动比1:1 ,即输出轴与输入轴转速一样。由于动力不经中间轴,又称直接档,该档传动比的传动效率最高。汽车多数运行时间都用直接档以达到最好的燃油经济性。换档时要先进入空档,变速器处于空档时变速齿轮没有锁定在输出轴上,它 们不能带动输出轴转动,没有动力输出。一般汽车手动变速器传动比主要分上述1- 4 档,通常设计者首先

5、确定最低(1 档)与最高( 4 档)传动比后,中间各档传动比一般按等比级数分配。另外,还 有倒档和超速档,超速档又称为 5 档。当汽车要加速超过同向汽车时司机选择 5 档,典型 5 档传动比是 0.87:1 ,也 就是用大齿轮带动小齿轮,当主动齿轮转 0.87 圈时,被动齿轮已经转完 1 圈了。倒档时输出轴要向相反方向旋转。如果一对齿轮啮合时大家反向旋转,中间加上一个齿轮就会变成同向旋转。利用这个原理,倒档就要添加一个齿轮做“媒介”,将轴的转动方向调转,因此就有了一根倒档轴。倒档轴独立装在变速器壳内,与中间轴平行,当轴上齿轮分别与中间轴齿轮和输出轴齿轮啮合时,输出轴转向会相反。通常倒档用的同步

6、器也控制5 档的接合,所以5 档与倒档位置是在同一侧的。由于有中间齿轮,一般变速器倒档传动比大于1 档传动比,增扭大,有些汽车遇到陡坡用前进档上不去就用倒档开上去。从驾驶平顺性考虑,变速器档位越多越好,档位多相邻档间的传动比的比值 变化小,换档容易而且平顺。但档位多的缺点就是变速器构造复杂,体积大,现2/11在轻型汽车变速器一般是4- 5 档。同时,变速器传动比都不是整数,而是都带小数点的,这是因为啮合齿轮的齿数不是整倍数所致,两齿轮齿数是整倍数就会导致两齿轮啮合面磨损不均匀,使得轮齿表面质量产生较大的差异。手动变速器与同步器手动变速器是最常见的变速器,简称MT 它的基本构造用一句话概括,就是

7、两轴一中轴,即指输入轴、轴出轴和中间轴,它们构成了变速器的主体,当然还有一根倒档轴。手动变速器又称手动齿轮式变速器,含有可以在轴向滑动的齿轮,通过不同齿轮的啮合达到变速变扭目的。典型的手动变速器结构及原理如下。输入轴也称第一轴,它的前端花键直接与离合器从动盘的花键套配合,从而传递由发动机过来的扭矩。第一轴上的齿轮与中间轴齿轮常啮合,只要轴入轴一转,中间轴及其上的齿轮也随之转动。中间轴也称副轴,轴上固连多个大小不等的齿轮。输出轴又称第二轴,轴上套有各前进档齿轮,可随时在操纵装置的作用下与中间轴的对应齿轮啮合,从而改变本身的转速及扭矩。输出轴的尾端有花键 与传动轴相联,通过传动轴将扭矩传送到驱动桥

8、减速器。由此可知,变速器前进档位的驱动路径是:输入轴常啮齿轮中间轴常啮齿轮- 中间轴对应齿轮 - 第二轴对应齿轮。倒车轴上的齿轮也可以由操纵装置拨动,在轴上移动,与中间轴齿轮和输出轴齿轮啮合,以相反的旋转方向输出。多数汽车都有 5 个前进档和一个倒档,每个档位有一定的传动比,多数档位传动比大于 1,第 4 档传动比为 1,称为直接档,而传动比小于1 的第 5 档称为加速档。空档时输出轴的齿轮处于非啮合位置,无法接受动力传输。由于变速器输入轴与输出轴以各自的速度旋转,变换档位时合存在一个 "同步 "问题。两个旋转速度不一样齿轮强行啮合必然会发生冲击碰撞, 损坏齿轮。因此 ,

9、旧式变速器的换档要采用 "两脚离合 "的方式,升档在空档位置停留片刻,减档要3/11在空档位置加油门,以减少齿轮的转速差。但这个操作比较复杂,难以掌握精确。因此设计师创造出 "同步器 ",通过同步器使将要啮合的齿轮达到一致的转速而顺利啮合。目前全同步式变速器上采用的是惯性同步器,它主要由接合套、同步锁环等组成,它的特点是依靠摩擦作用实现同步。接合套、同步锁环和待接合齿轮的齿圈上均有倒角(锁止角),同步锁环的内锥面与待接合齿轮齿圈外锥面接触产生摩擦。锁止角与锥面在设计时已作了适当选择,锥面摩擦使得待啮合的齿套与齿圈迅速同步,同时又会产生一种锁止作用,防止齿

10、轮在同步前进行啮合。当同步锁环内锥面与待接合齿轮齿圈外锥面接触后,在摩擦力矩的作用下齿轮转速迅速降低(或升高)到与同步锁环转速相等,两者同步旋转,齿轮相对于同步锁环的转速为零,因而惯性力矩也同时消失,这时在作用力的推动下,接合套不受阻碍地与同步锁环齿圈接合,并进一步与待接合齿轮的齿圈接合而完成换档过程自动变速器自动变速器的选挡杆相当于手动变速器的变速杆,一般有以下几个挡位: P(停车) 、R(倒挡 )、N(空挡 )、D(前进 )、S(or2 ,即为 2 速挡 ) 、L(or1 ,即为1 速挡 )。 这几个挡位的正确使用对于驾驶自动变速器汽车的人来说尤其重要,下面就让我们一起来熟悉一下自动变速器

11、各挡位的使用要领。? P(停车挡)的使用发动机运转时只要选挡杆在行驶位置上,自动变速器汽车就很容易地行走。而停放时,选挡杆必须扳入P 位,从而通过变速器内部的停车制动装置将输出轴锁住,并拉紧手制动,防止汽车移动。? R(倒挡)的使用R 位为倒挡,使用中要切记,自动变速器汽车不像手动变速器汽车那样能够使用半联动,故在倒车时要特别注意加速踏板的控制。4/11? N(空挡 )的使用N 位相当于空挡,可在起动时或拖车时使用。在等待信号或堵车时常常将选挡杆保持在 D 位,同时踩下制动。若时间很短,这样做是允许的,但若停止时间长时最好换入 N 位,并拉紧手制动。因为选挡杆在行驶位置上,自动变速器汽车一般都

12、有微弱的行驶趋势,长时间踩住制动等于强行制止这种趋势,使得变速器油温升高,油液容易变质。尤其在空调器工作、发动机怠速较高的情况下更为不利。有些驾驶员为了节油,在高速行驶或下坡时将选挡杆扳到N 位滑行,这很容易烧坏变速器,因为这时变速器输出轴转速很高,而发动机却在怠速运转,油泵供油不足,润滑状况恶化,易烧坏变速器。? D(前进挡)的使用正常行驶时将选挡杆放在D 位,汽车可在 1? 4 挡(或 3 挡)之间自动换挡。 D 位是最常用的行驶位置。需要掌握的是:由于自动变速器是根据油门大小与车速高低来确定挡位的,所以加速踏板操作方法不同,换挡时的车速也不相同。如果起步时迅速将加速踏板踩下,升挡晚,加速

13、能力强,到一定车速后,再将加速踏板很快松开,汽车就能立即升挡,这样发动机噪声小,舒适性好。D 位的另一个特点是强制低挡,便于高速时超车,在D 位行驶中迅速将加速踏板踩到底,接通强制低挡开关就能自动减挡,汽车很快加速,超车之后松开加速踏板又可自动升挡。? S、L 位低挡的使用自动变速器在 S 位或 L 位上处于低挡范围,可以在坡道等情况下使用。下坡时换入 S 位或 L 位能充分利用发动机制动,避免车轮制动器过热,导致制动效能下降。但是从 D 位换入 S 位或 L 位时,车速不能高于相应的升挡车速,否则发动机会强烈振动,使变速器油温急剧上升,甚至会损坏变速器。另外在雨雾天气时,若路面附着条件差,可

14、以换入S 位或 L 位,固定在某一低挡行驶,不要使用能自动换挡的位置,以免汽车打滑。同时必须牢记,打滑时可将选挡杆推入N 位,切断发动机的动力,以保证行车安全5/11原文 :Transmission designAs we all kno w,automobile engine to a certa in speed can be achieved un der the best conditions, when compared issued by the power, fuel economy is relatively good. Therefore, we hope that the

15、engine is always in the best of con diti ons to work un der. However, the use of motor vehicles n eed to have differe nt speeds, thus creati ng a con flict. Tran smissi on through this con flict to resolve.Automotive Tran smissi on role sum up in one senten ce, called variable speed twisti ng, twist

16、i ng or slow dow n the growth rate by in creas ing tors ion al. Why can slow dow n by twisti ng, and the growth rate but also by twisti ng? For the same engine power output, power can be expressed as N = wT, where w is the an gular velocity of rotati on, and T Niuju. Whe n N fixed, w and T is inv er

17、sely proporti onal to the. Therefore, the growth rate will reduce twist ing, twist ing slowdow n will in crease. Automotive Transmission speed gear based on the principle of variable twisted into various stalls of differe nt tran smissi on ratio corresp onding to adapt to differe nt operati onal con

18、 diti ons.Gen eral to set up a manual gearbox in put shaft, in termediate shaft and output shaft, also known as the three-axis, as well as Daodang axis. Three-axis is the main tran smissi on structure, in put shaft speed is the speed of the engine, the output shaft speed is the in termediate shaft a

19、nd output shaft gear mesh ing betwee n differe nt from the speed. Differe nt gears are differe nt tran smissi on ratio, and will have a differe nt speed. For example Zhen gzhouricha n ZN6481W2G manual tran smissi on car-SU V its transmission ratio are: 1 ; stalls 2.202:1; stalls 1.414:1; stalls 1:1

20、5 stalls (speeding file) 0.802: 1.When drivers choose a launch vehicle stalls, Plectrum will be 1 / 2 en gageme nt with a back stall gear and output shaft lock it, the power in put shaft, in termediate shaft and output shaft gear of a stall, a stall the output shaft gear drive n, and the output shaf

21、t power will be transmitted to the drive shaft (red arrow). A typical stall Bia nsuchil un tran smissi on ratio is 3:1, that is to say three laps to the in put shaft and output shaft to a circle.When the growth rate of car drivers choose two stalls, Plectrum will be 1 / 2- and file a joint separatio

22、n after 2 stall and lock the output shaft gear, power transmission line similar, the difference is that the output shaft gear of a stall 2 stall replaced by the output shaft gear driven. 2 stall Biansuchilun typical transmission ratio is 2.2:1, 2.2 laps6/11to the input shaft and output shaft to a ci

23、rcle than a stall speed increase, lower torque. When refueling vehicle drivers growth stalls option 3, Plectrum to 1 / 2 back to thefree position, and also allows the 3 / 4 Mobile stall until 3 in the output shaft gear lock, power can be into the shaft axis - intermediate shaft - the output shaft of

24、 the three stalls Biansuchilun, led through three stalls Biansuchilun output shaft. 3 stalls typical transmission ratio is 1.7:1, 1.7 laps to the input shaft and output shaft to a circle is further growth.When car drivers Option 4 refueling growth stalls, Plectrum will be 3 / 4 from the 3- stall gea

25、r directly with the input shaft gear joint initiative, and power transmission directly from the input shaft to the output shaft, the transmission ratio at 1:1, that the input shaft and output shaft speed the same. The driving force without intermediate shaft, also known as direct file, the than the

26、maximum transmission efficiency. Most cars run-time files are used directly to achieve the best fuel economy.Shift into the first interval when, in a free transmission when Biansuchilun output shaft is not locked in, they can not rotate the output shaft driven, not power output.General automotive ma

27、nual transmission than the main 1-4 stalls, usually the first designers to determine the minimum (one stall) and maximum (4 files) transmission ratio, the middle stall drive by geometric progression than the general distribution. In addition, there are stalls Daodang and speeding, speedingalso known

28、 as the five stalls.When the car to accelerate to more than car drivers with the choice of five stalls, and a typical five-transmission ratio is 0.87:1, which is driven by a pinion gear, the gear when the initiative to 0.87 zone, passive gear have been transferred to a circle of the End.Dao Dang, th

29、e opposite direction to the output shaft rotation. If one pair of meshing gears when we reverse rotation, with a middle gear, it will become the same to the rotation. Use of this principle, we should add a gear Daodang the "media" will be rotational direction reversed, it will have a Daoda

30、ng axis. Daodang installed in the transmission shaft independent crust, and the intermediate shaft parallel axis gear with the intermediate shaft and output shaft gear meshing gears, will be contrary to the output shaft.Daodang usually used for the synchronization control also joins five stalls, sta

31、lls and Daodang 5 position in the same side. As a middle gear, the general transmission Daodang transmission ratio greater than 1 ratio, by twisting, steep slope with some vehicles encountered on the progress stalls falters with a Daodang boost.7/11Ride from the driver of the considerations, better

32、transmission stall, stall adjacent stall more than the transmission changes the ratio of small, and easy to shift smoothly. However, the shortcomings of the stalls is more transmission structure is complicated, bulky, light vehicle transmission is generally 4-5 stalls. At the same time, transmission

33、 ratio is not integral, but with all of the decimal point, it is because of the gear teeth meshing is not caused by the whole multiples of two gear teeth can lead to the whole multiples of two meshing gears of uneven wear, making the tooth surface quality have a greater difference.Manual transmissio

34、n andsynchronizerManual transmission is the most common transmission, or MT. Its basic structure sum up in one sentence, is a two-axle shaft, where input shaft, the shaft axis and intermediate shaft, which constitute the main body of the transmission and, of course, a Daodang axis. Manual transmissi

35、on known as manual gear transmission, which can be in the axial sliding gears, the gears meshing different variable speed reached twisting purpose. Typical manual transmission structure and principles are as follows.Input shaft also said that the first axis, and its front-end Spline driven directly

36、with the clutch disc sets with the Spline, by the transfer of torque from the engine. The first axis of the intermediate shaft and gears meshing gears often, as long as the shaft axis to a turn, the intermediate shaft and gear also will be rotating. Vice also said intermediate shaft axis, the axis-e

37、ven more than the size gear. Also known as the second output shaft axis, the axis of various sets of gear stall progress can be manipulated at any time in the role of the device and the corresponding intermediate shaft gear meshing, thus changing its speed and torque. With the end of the output shaf

38、t spline associated with the drive shaft through the drive shaft torque transmitted to the drive axle reducer.Thus, progress stalls drive transmission path is: input shaft gear often rodents - often rodents intermediate shaft gear - corresponding intermediate shaft gear - the second axis correspondi

39、ng gear. Reversing the gear shaft can be manipulated by the device pick in the axis movement, and the intermediate shaft and output shaft gear meshing gears, to the contrary to the direction of rotation output.Most cars have five stalls and a Daodang forward, a certain degree of each stall transmiss

40、ion ratio, the majority of stalls transmission ratio greater than 1, 4 ratio of 1, known as direct stalls, and transmission ratio is less than 1 No. 5 stall called accelerated stall. Free at the output shaft gear in a position of non-engagement, unacceptable power transmission.8/11The transmission i

41、nput shaft and output shaft rotational speed to their own, transform a stall when there is a "synchronous". Two different rotational speed gear meshing force will impact the collision occurred, damage gear. Therefore, the old transmission shift to a "feet-off" approach, or stall

42、on the location of the free stay for a while by stalls in the free position refueling doors, in order to reduce the speed differential gear. However, this operation is relatively more complicated and difficult to grasp accurate. So designers create a "synchronized," and allows synchronizat

43、ion through the meshing of gears to be consistent speed and smooth meshing.At present Synchronous Transmission is based on the synchronization of inertia, mainly from joint sets, synchronous lock ring, and so on, it is characterized by friction on the role of synchronization. Splice sets Genlock eng

44、agement ring gear and the ring gear when it had Chamfer (Lock angle), Genlock within the cone ring gear engagement with the question of cone ring gear contact friction. Lock and cone angle has been made in the design of an appropriate choice to be made friction cone of the teeth meshing with the ring gear quickly sets pace at the same time will have a Lock role and to prevent the gears meshing in sync before. When synchronization lock cone ring gear engagement with the question of cone ring gear after contact in the effects of friction torque gear speed quick


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