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1、Compa ny Profile企业概况Compa ny Name企业名称Xxx Co., Ltd.Compa ny Address企业地址Room 506-507, Huangxing Bldg., Middle Section, Fen gze St., Fen gze Dist., Quan zhou, Fujia n Pr(福建省泉州市丰泽区丰泽街中段煌星大厦506-507室Tel.电话Fax传真邮编E-mailDate of Establishme nt企业成立年份Busin ess Type企业性质Si no-foreig n joi nt ven ture中外合资Higher A

2、uthority上级主管部门Quan zhou Adm ini strati on forIn dustry and Commerce 工商行政管理局Legal Pers on企业法人Positi on职务Title职称Tech ni cal Supervisor企业技术负责人Positi on职务Title职称Numbers of Regular Staff 企业编制人数Regular Staff在册人数268Senior Professi onal Title高级职称16Medium Professi onal Title中级职称23Junior Professi onal Title初级

3、职称48Qualificati on Grade and Certificate No.企业资质等级及证号Qualificati on Certificate of Con struct ionEn terprises建筑业企业资质证书No.证号Qualification Certificate of SpecialEngin eeri ng Desig n专项工程设计资质证书No.证号Qualificati on Certificate of Safety of Con struct ion En terprises 建筑业企业安全资质证书No.证号Busin ess Lice nse an

4、d Scope of Busin ess工商营业执照及营业范围Decorati on materials, in terior and exterior decorati on bus in ess and support ing desig n service 装饰装璜材料、承接室内外装饰装修业务及配套设计服务。Registered Capital注册资金RMB 30,000,0003000万人民币Bank of Deposit & Account No.开户银行及账号Bank of China Dalia n Zhon gsha n Square Subbra nch,大连市中国银

5、行中山广场支行Con tact Person & Tel. 联系人姓名及电话号码Performa nee Profile企业业绩简介xxxCo., Ltd., founded in Oct. 1994 with the registered capital of RMB 30,000,000 Yuan, has passed qualificati on on con struct ion decoratio n & build ing curta in wall Level I and qualificati on on special desig n of con stru

6、cti on decorati on, Grade A issued by Mini stry of Con struct ion, Safety Qualificati on Certificate Level I issued by Fujia n Con structi on Bureau, as well as Fire-fighti ng Desig n & Construction Qualification Certificate Grade A issued by Fujian Public Security Bureau Fire Fight ing Brigade.

7、Xxx有限公司创立于1994年10月,注册资金3000万元,现公司已具备建设部颁发的 建 筑装饰、建筑幕墙施工一级资质”及 建筑装饰专项设计甲级资质 ”福建省建设厅颁发的 一 级安全资质证书”福建省公安消防总队颁发的 甲级消防设计、施工资质证书”Curren tly, our compa ny has a total of 300 employees, in clud ing 69 man agerial staffs and 52 of which have professional titles, and 11 project managers. Since our establishme

8、nt, the company performanee is updating year after year under the joint efforts of our staffs, the design and con struct ion performa nee that we have completed have bee n well accepted by the owner and people from all walks of life. Our mai nly performa nee is as follows:目前公司拥有员工总人数约 300人,包括管理人员69人

9、,具有专业职称管理人员52人, 项目经理总数11人。公司自创办以来,在全体员工的不断努力下,公司业绩年年翻新,所完 成的设计和施工业绩均得到业主乃至社会各界的普遍赞誉。现将公司主要的业绩简介如下:I. Honors and Award企业荣誉情况:No.序号Descripti on内容Issue Authority发文(证)单位Issue Date签发日期1Second Nati onal In terior Desig n Show- Bronze Award全国第二届室内设计大展铜奖China Natio nal Light In dustry Bureau国家轻工业局2Fujian Fi

10、rst Interior Design Show- Third Prize 福建省首届室内设计大展三等奖Fujian Interior Decoration Association 福建省室内装饰装修协会3Fujia n Second In terior Desig n Show- Third Prize福建省第二届室内装饰设计三等奖Fujian Interior Decoration Association 福建省室内装饰装修协会4Third Nati onal In terior Desig n Show- Merit Award全国第三届室内设计大展优秀奖China Natio nal

11、Light In dustry Bureau国家轻工业局5Followi ng Con tract & Observi ng Credit En terprise 1999-2(1999-2000年度重合同守信用单位0Quanzhou Municipal People' s Govern泉州市人民政府iment6Followi ng Con tract & Observi ng Credit En terprise 2001-202001-2002年度守合同重信用单位0Quanzhou Municipal Peopl e' s Governmen泉州市人民政府t

12、7Advaneed Enterprise of Fujian Provincial Construction Decoratio n In dustry 2000福建省建筑装饰行业2000年度先进企业Fujia n Con struct ion In dustry Associati on Decorati on Engin eeri ng Committee 福建省建筑业协会装饰工程委员会8Fujia n Trustworthy Con structi on Decorati onEn terprise 2001福建省2001年度建筑装饰待业信得过企业Fujia n Con struct i

13、on In dustry Associati on Decorati on Engin eeri ng Committee 福建省建筑业协会装饰工程委员会9Fujia n Trustworthy Con structi on Decorati onEn terprise 2002福建省2002年度建筑装饰待业信得过企业Fujia n Con struct ion In dustry Associati on Decorati on Engin eeri ng Committee 福建省建筑业协会装饰工程委员会10ISO9001: 2000 Quality Man ageme nt System

14、Certificatio nISO9001: 2000版质量管理体系认证Beijing Zhenyexing Management System Certification Co., Ltd.北京振业兴管理体系认证有限公司11Fujia n Second In terior Desig n Con test - PublicBuilding, Decoration Design Third Prize 福建省第二届室内设计大奖赛公建类装饰设计三等奖Fujia n Con struct ion In dustry Associati on Decorati on Engin eeri ng Co

15、mmittee 福建省建筑业协会装饰工程委员会12Top 20 En terprise of Fujia n Con struct ion Decorati onIn dustry 20032003年度福建省建筑装饰行业二十强企业Fujia n Con struct ion In dustry Associati on Decorati on Engin eeri ng Committee 福建省建筑业协会装饰工程委员会13Fujia n Trustworthy Con structi on Decorati onEn terprise 2003福建省2003年度建筑装饰信得过企业Fujia

16、n Con struct ion In dustry Associati on Decorati on Engin eeri ng Committee 福建省建筑业协会装饰工程委员会Main Project Performa nee企业主要工程业绩No.序号Project Name工程名称Project Type工程类别Project Cost (te n thousa nd yua n) 工程造价(万元)Date of Comme nceme nt& Completio n开、竣工日期QualityEvaluati on质量评疋Remarks备注1Harmfu In ess of M

17、ulti-fu ncti onalBooks of Bohai Uni versityCurta in WallDecorati on幕墙装饰800优良Awarded Chi naCon struct ion Engin eeri ng Luban Prize 2005 荣获2005年度中国建筑工 程鲁班奖渤海大学多功能图书危害性2Com mun ity Cultural Cen ter of Comprehe nsive Office Buildi ng, Chongqing Renhe Town Government 重庆人和镇政府综合办公楼社 区文化中心Curta in WallDeco

18、rati on幕墙装饰536合格3Dry Suspending Stone Material Con struct ion Project of ComplexBuildi ng, Lia oning Uni versity of Tech no logy辽宁工学院综合楼干挂石材施 工工程Curta in WallDecorati on 幕墙装饰530优良Awarded Chi naCon struct ion Engin eeri ngLuban Prize 2005荣获2005年度中国建筑工 程鲁班奖4Dry Suspending Stone Material Con structi on

19、 Project of Exterior Decorati on of Library, Jin zhou Medical Uni versity 锦州医学院图书馆外装饰石材 干挂施工工程Curta in WallDecorati on幕墙装饰370优良Awarded Chi naCon struct ion Engin eeri ng Luban Prize 2006 荣获2006年度中国建筑工 程鲁班奖5Shenyang New Dalu Group沈阳新大陆集团Curta in WallDecorati on幕墙装饰1500合格6Complex Teach ing Ward Buildin of the First Affiliated Hospital of Lia oning Medical Uni versity 辽宁医学院附属第一医院综合 教学病房楼gCurta in WallDecorati on幕墙装饰1317Excelle nt省优


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