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1、Unit9 I like music that I can dance to.The First Period (Section A 1a-2d)姓名:日期:教师寄语:Where have music, where enjoy to melt!哪里有音乐,哪里乐融融!【预习导学】1、学习目标1) 复习并学习与音乐相关的词汇。2) 能够使用定语从 句表达对音乐的喜好,熟悉that 引导的定语从句。2、自学任务Task 1 根据音标自学本课时的新单词,特别注意单词的词性、词义以及读音。单词词性词义单词词性词义preferlyricsAustralianelectronicsupposesmooth

2、sparedirectorcasein that/warcaseTask 2 阅读P65-P66 并 在书中查找这些短语和句子并标记。1.along with和一起,伴随5.smooth music悦耳的音乐2.dance to随着的节拍跳舞6.have spare time有空闲时间3.great lyrics优美歌词7. in that case既然那样的话4.electronic music电子音乐Task 3一起来了解一下音乐的种类吧!看看如何形容音乐。1. 音乐种类:pop music (流行音乐) , dance music(舞曲) , country music(乡村音乐) ,

3、jazz (爵士乐) ,rap (说唱) , classical music(古典乐) , symphony(交响乐) , rock (摇滚乐) , R&B( 节奏与布鲁斯 )2. 可以描述音 乐的形容词smooth music舒缓的音乐;轻柔的音乐slow music慢节奏的音乐;缓慢的音gentle music柔婉的音乐乐quiet music柔和的音乐soothing 'su?e? music舒缓的音乐light music轻音乐relaxing music轻松的音乐sweet music甜美的音乐3. 下列形容词也常与 music 搭配,用来描述音乐:用来描述音乐悦耳、

4、好听:beautiful, good, great, wonderful,用以描述音乐经典、令人难以忘怀:classic, haunting, unforgettable描述音乐奔放、有气势:fast, loud, energetic1 / 4描述音乐无聊、令人心烦、糟糕:boring, noisy, awful, terrible描述自己所喜欢、偏好的音乐:beloved, favorite, favorableTask 4 观察例句以及课本P65 1a 里的句子,根据表格中的问题说说自己喜欢的音乐类型以及理由,试着用一个定语从句来表达自己对音乐的喜好,注意关系代词that 的使用。What

5、 kind of musicdo youWhy?Attributive Clauseslike/love/prefer?I like light music.ItmakesmeI like musicthatmakes me relaxed.relaxed.I love sweet music.It sounds sweet.I love music thatsounds sweet.I prefer this pieceIt ismade byourI preferthe music that is made byof music.music teacher.our teacher.Task

6、 5阅读课本P66 2d ,试着回答下面问题。1) What is Scott going to do this weekend? Why?2) What kind of movies do Scott and Jill like? Why?3) What kind of movies do you like? Why?【课堂活动】Step 1 Free TalkDiscuss in your groups. What kind of music do you like best? Why do you like it?Step 2 Listening and speaking practic

7、e.Activity 1b1) Listen to the recording and finish 1b.2) Listen for the second time and fill in the blanks.Section A, 1bBetty : Oh, look! There s the new Cool Kids CD.Tony: The Cool Kids? Do you like them?2 / 4Betty : Oh, yeah. They are myband. I like music that I can dance to.Tony:Youare.Ithinkthey

8、are.IprefermusicthatBetty : I like songs that I can sing along with, too. So what s your favoriteband?Tony: The Lions. They always have interesting lyrics.Activity 2a, 2b1) Please read the sentences in 2a and underline Attributive Clauses.2) Listen to the recording and finish 2a.3)Listen to the reco

9、rding for the second time and finish 2b.4) Listen to the recording for the third time and fill in the blanks. Section A, 2a, 2bXu Fei:Look, Carmen. These T-shirts are great! Look at this one.Carmen: What a great T-shirt, Xu Fei! I really love thesinger DanDervish.I likewho play different kinds of mu

10、sic.Xu Fei : Hmm I guess hes OK Carmen: He s only OK? You must be.Xu Fei :Well, Ilikemusicianswritetheirown songs. DanDervishdoesn t write his own music.Carmen: Hmm. Well, I think he s great.Xu Fei:The Moderns T-shirt is interesting.Carmen: The Modern are really great. I lovemusic that s loud.XuFei:

11、Iknowyoudo butIprefergroupsthat.Step 3 Role-play the conversation1) Read the conversation in 2d together.2) Role-play the conversation.【训练反馈】.选择填空() 1. Jane s mother prefers_ TV at home to _ to theconcert.A. to watch; goB. watching; goingC. watching; goD. to watch; going()2. I preferredrather than.A

12、. to die; give upB. die; give upC. to die; giving upD.dy ing; giving up()3. Students areto speak loudly in the reading room.A. toldB. supposedC. not supposedD. allowed()4.- I m busy on Tuesday.-Oh, well,we ll have to meet another day.A. In that caseB. In no caseC. In any caseD. In case3 / 4()5.- Are there anyrooms for tonight?- Sorry, they are all booked.A. emptyB. freeC. spareD. smooth4 / 4


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