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1、Unit1单元检测 A 卷一、单项选择题( 共 15 题, 共 15 分)1. Millie has _ e-dog. Its name is Hobo. A.aB.anC.theD. /2. What is your _? My name is Nick. A. timeB. colour C. age D. name3. Can you seethe baby in the picture? This is _! A.usB. we C. me D. I4. We _our school very much. A. lovesB. love C. loving D. am love5. G

2、ood afternoon! _A. Good evening!B. Good morning!C. Good afternoon!D. Goodbye!1/116. Hello, Andy!_ is my good friend, Nick. A.Her nameB. She C. This D. Tom7.Kitty and I _ in Class 3, Grade 7. A.amB. is C.are D. be8. Liu Tao _ English. He reads it every morning. A.likeB.likesC.dont likeD. doesn t like

3、9. Tom and Jim are in_. A.class 3, grade 7B.Class 3, Grade 7 C.grade 7, class 3 D. Grade 7, Class 310. Are youMiss Yang? _.A. No, Im.B.Yes, you are.C.Yes, I am.D. Yes, Im not.11. _ are you from?I m fromGuangdong. A. WhoB.What2/11C.WhichD. Where12. YourEnglish is very nice. _A.It s not good.B.Thankyo

4、u.C. No.D. Your English is very nice too.13. Do youlike your new school? Yes. I like_.A. itB.thisC.your new schoolD. you14. _that man your father? No. He is my uncle.A.AmB. IsC. AreD. Does15. Where is Sandy? Look! She is _.A. hereB. in BeijingC. over thereD. not here二、完形填空 ( 共 10 题, 共 10 分)1.Hello!

5、My name is WangBin. I have an (1) nametoo. It Sunshine Middle School. I go to school froms Daniel. I am a student inMonday(2)Friday.Iloveallmy3/11teachers and(3)at school. They are very nice to me. I have (4)e-cat at home.Its name is Mimi. It(5)white. I look after it very well. When I come home from

6、school(6)the afternoon, I always play(7)itfor some time. Then I do(8)homework.In theevening,I often(9)TV.I always say “good(10)” to myparents when I go to bed.(1)A.EnglishB.EnglishsC.EnglandD.Englands(2)A.onB.toC.andD.after(3)A. parentsB. classmatesC.classroomsD. books(4)A.aB.anC.theD./(5)A.amB.isC.

7、areD.be(6)A.toB.atC.inD.on(7)A.afterB.inC.withD.at(8)A.youB.yourC.meD.my(9)A.watchB.watchesC.lookD.looks(10)A.morningB.afternoonC.eveningD.night三、阅读理解 ( 共 15 题, 共 15 分)1.阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A4/11Class:1Grade:7Family: Father, mother and ISchool:No. 4Middle SchoolHobbies:

8、 Reading EnglishChatting on the InternetPlaying footballClass: 4Grade: 7Family: Father,mother,brother and ISchool:Yuying Middle SchoolHobbies:Listening to the radioWatchingTVPlayingvolleyball(1)Which class is Liu Tao in?A. Class 1.B. Class 3.C. Class 4.D. Class7.(2)How manypeople are there in Su Yan

9、gs family?A. 3.B.4.C. 5.5 /11D. 6.(3)Which of thefollowing statements is true?A.LiuTao andSuYang areinthesame school.B.LiuTaoandSuYang areindifferent schools.C. Liu Tao isin Yuying Middle School.D. Su Yang isin No. 4Middle School.(4)Which of thefollowing is Liu Taos hobby?A. Listening to the radio.B

10、. Watching TV.C. Playing volleyball.D. Reading English.(5)What sport does Su Yang like?A. Basketball.B. Swimming.C. Volleyball.D. Running.2.BItis Monday today. All the boys and girls are here at school. Their teacher ishere too.HernameisZhangHua.MissZhang isveryyoung.Sheis thechildrensChineseteacher

11、. She is very niceto all the students.Look!ThisisClassFour,GradeSeven.Inthe classroom,you cansee a boyanda girl.Theboy isfourteen.Hisname is LiLei.Thegirlis thirteen.She isHanMei. LiLei sbest friend is Mike. He is English and he is studying Chinese in China.But today he is not here. He is sick and s

12、tays at home.(1)Where are all the students?A. At school.B. At home.C. In the park.D. On a bus.(2)What does Miss Zhang teach?A. English.B. Maths.C. Chinese.D. Music.(3)Which class is Li Lei in?A. Class One.B. Class Two.C. Class Three.D. Class Four.(4)How old is Han Mei?A. 12.B. 13.C. 14.D.15.(5)Where

13、 is Mike from?6/11A. China.B. England.C. The USA.D.Japan.3.CMaryis a little girl. She is only five. She doesnt need to go to school now, so shedoesnt know how to read or write. Buther brother, Tom, is a schoolboy. He is ten.Yesterday Tom saw his sister atthe door with a pen in her hand and a large p

14、iece ofpaper in front of her.“What are you doing, Mary?” he asked.“I mwriting a letter to my friend Kitty,”said Mary.“But how can you? ” said her brother.“You dontknow how to write.”“Well, ”said Mary,“it doesnt matter (没关系) becauseKitty does not know how toread either.”(1)How old is Mary?A. 4.B. 5.C

15、. 6.D. 10.(2)Which school does Mary go to?A. No. 5 School.B. Sunshine School.C. She doesnt go toschool.D. A Chinese school.(3)What was in Marys hand yesterday when Tomsaw her?A. A picture.B. A book.C. A cake.D. A pen.(4)Who is Kitty?A. Toms sister.B. Maryssister.C. Toms friend.D.Marys friend.(5)Whic

16、h of thefollowing statements is true?A. Mary can read books.B. Mary is tenyears old.C. Marylikes writing letters.D. Mary is not a schoolgirl.四、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词(共5题,共5分)1.Are youa _ (学生 ) in Sunshine Middle School?2.Amy likes _ (游泳 ) very much.3._ ( 每人 ) gets some new books andnotebooks at the beginning

17、 of this term.4.Do youhave a _ (业余爱好 )?7/115. I am very _ (高兴的 ) tosee you here, Mr Smith.五、提示词填空( 共 5 题, 共 5 分)1. There are 25 _(classroom) in our school.2. Come to my classroom and _ (meet) my new classmates, please.3.Simon loves _(play) football with his friends afterschool.4.Hello! My name_ (be)

18、 Daniel.5.Sandys hair _ (be) long and black.六、句型转换 (共 5题,共 5分)1.MyChinese teachers are all from Shanghai. (改为同义句 )My Chineseteachers all _ _ Shanghai.2.Lucyenjoys playingvolleyball. (改为同义句 )Lucy _ volleyball very much.3.The boy near the window is Tom. (对画线部分提问 )_ the boy near the window?4.Sandy is 1

19、3 years old. (改为同义句 )Sandy is a _ _.5.M y name is Millie. (对画线部分提问 )_ is_ name?七、补全句子 ( 共 5 题, 共 10 分)1. 埃迪是霍波的新主人。Eddie_ Hobo s _ _.2. 安迪来自于美国,他擅长数学。Andy_ _ America. He _ _ _ Maths.3. 放学后,埃米常和她的同班同学一起学英语。_, Amy often learns English _ her _.4. 她并不苗条,但是舞跳得很好。She is not_, but she _ very well.5. 我叫西蒙,是

20、七年级一班的学生。My _ Simon and I _ a student in _ _, Grade Seven.八、任务型阅读( 共 1 题, 共 10 分)8/111.阅读下面的短文,根据文中信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)We want some helpSandy: Please help me. I am 13. I like music. Iam good at English. But I dontdo wellin Chinese.Many people think Chinese is easy. But I donHow can Iget As?t! I often get

21、 Bs and Cs.Jim:Iam 13.ButIam only1.4mtall.Iamgood atrunningandIlikeplayingbasketball. But they all say I cant be a good player. How can shortboys become goodbasketball players?Joan: Look at me.I am 14 years old. I think Imtoo fat. I love singing and dancing. Iam good at singing. But my friends sayfa

22、t girls cant dance well. Iwant to be a slimgirl and what can I do?Danny: I am 13 andI want friends. I like music. I am good at all my lessons. But I amnot good attalking. I am sad because I dont have many friends atschool. And my faceturns (变得 ) red when I stay with many people. But I really want to

23、 have manyfriends.What can I do to change myself?(1)NameSandyJimJoanDanny(1) _13131413Hobby(2) _Basketball9/11Singing and(3) _Music Good at(4) _(5) _(6) _All the(7) _Problem Chinese Being too(8) _Being too(9) _Having few(10) _九、短文填空 ( 共 1 题, 共 10 分)1.短文缺词填空,每空一词(1)Hi,Nick!Iwant to tell you (1) a_ my

24、 family. You know I havea sister and she is 13 (2)y_old. She likes (3) s_ and dancing. She is not fat. She is (4) s_ andlooks (5)c_. My father works(6) h_ every day. Heis a teacher. He enjoys (7)w_TV afterdinnerathome. Sometimeshe likes(8)r_booksortalkingwithhis friends. My mother (9) a_ works hard. She is a worker.She likes cooking. Weare now (10) l_ in China. We loveChina very much.Yours,10/11John十、书面表达 ( 共 1 题, 共 15 分)1. 请根据下面表格中提供的信息,以 Mynew classmates 为题写一篇 60 词左右的英语短文,介绍你的两位新同学 Sam和 Amy,可适当发挥想象。要求行文连贯,书写规范。NameAgeTallShortThin/SlimWear glassesSam12Amy1311/11


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