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1、Unit2 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit基础巩固练一、单项选择题( 共 5 题, 共 25 分)1. What do we do onSunday? Whatabout _?A. go walkingB. going walkingC. go to walkingD. go to walk2. Do you know _girl with long curly hair? Yes, she is Mary. Sheplays _ tennis very well.A. a;B. the;C. the; theD. a; the3. (2016齐齐哈尔

2、)What _ do youlike? I like playing tennis andrunning. A.subjectsB.music C. sports4. I often go swimming insummer. _? Ioften stay at home. A. What about you B. Who are youC. How areyouD. What are you5. Tom wants_football and he enjoys _football very much.A. play; playB. playing; playingC. playing; pl

3、ay1 / 2D. to play; playing二、根据句意及汉语提示填空(共5题,共25分)1. Thelittle boy _ (享受乐趣,喜欢) swimming in summer.2. They will go toplayground to play _ (排球 ).3. He enjoys _ (散步 ) outside with my cousinin the evening.4. How many _ ( 碗 ) are there on the table? Two.5. I go to seemygrandfather three _ (次) a year.三、用所给

4、词的适当形式填空(共5题,共25分)1. Susan likes _ (shop) and Kate likes dancing.2. Your English is very good. Are you good at _(read)?3. I _ (real) enjoy the stories he tells me.4.Please don t go _ (swim)on your own (独自 ). It stoo dangerous.5.My cousin enjoys _ (run) with his father everymorning.四、补全句子 ( 共 5 题, 共 25 分)1. 现在他不是每天去游泳。Now he _ _ _every day.2. 你每天洗手很多次吗?Do you wash your hands_ _ _ _?3. 你为什么不喜欢晚饭后 散步 ?Why dont you like _ _?4.我最喜爱的运动是散步。My _ _ iswalking.5.西蒙非常喜爱运动。他放学后经常和他的好朋友一起打篮球。Simonlovessportsverymuch.He often_withhisgoodfriends_.2 / 2


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