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1、(飞 intercontinental tTo T E GROUPSTANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 标准操作程序HOW TO CLEAN AN URINAL BOWL便池的清洁Task N umber :任务号PA-0014DEPARTMENT :部门Housekeeping 客房部Date Issued:发出时间January 2005 2005年1月Guest Expectation :客人愿望I expect toilets to be regularly cleaned. 我希望厕所能够得到及时的清理。TIME TO T RAIN :培训时间25 minutes

2、25分Why is this task important for you and our guests?为什么此任务对于你和我们的客人都很重要?Answers:答案1. I understand the importance of having clean sanitary areOs®道厕所清洁的重要性。2. It is important for us to take good care of toilets, as this shows our professionalism. 特别关注厕所卫生是很重要的,这也可以展现我们的专业性。3. We can increase our

3、 GSTS sco我们可以增加顾客满意程度调查的分数。WHAT/ STEPSHOW/ STANDARDSTRAINING QUESTIONS1) Preparation 准备Prepare all the cleaning tools and chemicals th are required.准备好所有的工具及清洁剂。aWhy do I need to prepare all this items for cleaning a toilet?在清洁厕所时我为什么要准备好所有的东西?2) Cleaning 清洁Flush the urinal first. Sprinkle toilet di

4、sinfectant bowl cleaner on the inner bowl and leave for 5 minutes.首先冲水,然后在里面喷洒消毒液并停留5分钟。Wearing rubber gloves, scrub the inner part of urinal with a toilet brush, paying attention to the rim.戴上手套用马桶刷清洁便池内部,注意边 角。Clean urinal thoroughly to prevent the build-up of grime.清洁彻底防止污迹残留。Flush the urinal to

5、rinse and clean the toilet brush as well.用水再清次并清洁马桶刷。Clean the outer part of the urinal and the pipe sing general-purpose cleaner and a scrubbing pad.清洁外部和管道护垫。Rinse the outer part with a sponge and water.Dry with a cleaning cloth.再次用海绵蘸水清洗外部并用干净抹布擦 干。Clean the wall around or under the urinal with g

6、eneral-purpose cleaner and a scrubbing pad. 用刷子蘸普通清洁剂清洁便池周围的墙和卜向。What chemical is this cleaner?用什么清洁剂清洁?Why do I have to wait 5 minutes?为什么要等5分钟?Why do I need to wear gloves?为什么要戴手套?If I don not clean the toilet, what will happen?如果我不清洁厕所会怎么样?Why do I need to flush after cleaning? 在清洁后为什么还要冲洗?Why do

7、 I need to clean as well outside?我为什么还要清洁外部?How do I rinse the outer part?我怎么清洁冲洗外部?Why do I also need to clean the outer part? 我为什么还要清洁外部?3) Report defects上报问题Report immediately defects noted while cleaning.在清洁过程中发现问题立刻上报Why do I have to report immediately? 我为什么要立刻上报?Summary questions 问题总结1. How fr

8、equently should the urinal be cleaned?池的清洁频率是多少?2. Is there a preferred time to clean?没有恰当的时间清洁?3. What do I need to prepare我需要做什么准备?4. Why is it important to disinfect urinal bowls为什么便池消毒那么重要?5. Do I need to report defects to HK or can I report this defect immediately to POMEC? 在我发现问题后应上报给 HK还是POMEC ?Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test competency.现在让被培训者练习全过程并加以指导。


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