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1、人教课标高一 必修 3Unit 2,Unit 2 Healthy eating,Listening,Listening on Page 48,A girl called Emma has got a problem because she feels tired all the time and she is going to the doctor for advice. The listening is about the girl talking to her doctor.,The following are the illnesses caused by not eating prop

2、erly:,rickets obesity anorexia(厌食症)indigestion(消化不良),rickets obesity anorexia indigestion,Listen to the whole text and find which illness Emma has.,Listen to Part 1 again and answer the questions.,1. What does Emma usually have for breakfast, lunch and supper?,2. What is wrong with Emmas diet?,She h

3、as an orange and a banana for breakfast, a roll for lunch, and half a bowl of rice and a dish for supper.,She is not eating enough food and particularly energy-giving food.,3. Why is the doctor concerned about how much Emma eats?,4. How does Emma feel after the doctor tells her about the result of n

4、ot eating properly?,He thinks she is too thin.,She is happy to get the advice on how to eat a more balanced diet.,Listen to Part 2 and fill in the chart.,butter, cheese, cream, nuts, cakes, food fried in fat,bread, noodles, spaghetti, rice, meat, fish, eggs, tofu,All vegetables (for example: potatoe

5、s, cabbages, carrots, tomatoes) All fruits (for example: watermelons, apples, oranges, pineapples),Think about your own diet and see what changes you need to make to become healthier. Talk about it with your partner.,Discussion,Listening task on page 51,McDonalds is a large fast food chain of restau

6、rants that can be found all over the world. One day you hear that your quiet hometown is to have a large new McDonalds restaurant. It will replace a Chinese restaurant that serves the traditional food of your area.,Listen to the tape and see what two other people in your hometown think of this plan.

7、,Think about whether you would like to have such a restaurant or not, and give your real opinion and a reason to support your idea.,For.,Against.,1 An old part of town will be improved.2 They will have more jobs.,1 He hates all that expensive tasteless food.2 He loves local dishes.3 McDonalds serves

8、 a terrible diet for young children.,Design a poster to encourage people to come to a meeting that evening to discuss this new restaurant. Give two reasons on your poster why it should be built and two reasons why it should not. Remember:,to make a big main heading for the poster to write your two r

9、easons for and against to give the date and time of the meeting (You can use todays date and start the meeting in the evening.),Sample poster,Do you want a McDonalds in our town? Come to a meeting tonight in the town hall to discuss if1. we need another restaurant in our town,2. we need other community buildings,3. McDonalds would be good for our town. Time: 7:30 pm Date: Thursday 12/12/13,Thank you!,


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