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1、人教课标版高二 选修6Unit 3,英语课件,Listening and writing,Listening,1. Discussion:Are there any discos, karaoke bars or nightclubs in your district for young people to go to?,Pre-listening:,Have you ever been to places like these?Do you ever go to parties with your friends?Do you think it is OK for alcohol to be

2、 available at places where young people meet?,2. Read Exercise 1, which explains the context of the dialogue. Give suggestions about the kind of things Sara might be nervous about.,Listening,Tick the things Sara is worried about.( ) AIDS ( ) drugs ( ) abortion ( ) smoking ( ) alcohol ( ) strangers (

3、 ) money ( ) dancing ( ) orange juice ( ) cigar,Listen again and complete,1. Just say “no”. You _ _.2. Its OK to _ _.,dont have to do anything you dont want to,to drink orange juice or something instead,Complete Tinas sentences:,3. It would be a good idea to _ _.4. If someone offers you a cigarette,

4、 _.5. Well, youll _. Lets _ _.,dont take it,teach you,get my CD player and start practising now,have something to eat before you go out, like rice or noodles,Writing,Read the letter on the book and imagine you are the adviser who deals with students problems. Write a letter to give Xiaolei some help

5、ful advice.,Sample Letter,Dear Li Xiaolei, I am sorry you have found yourself in such a difficult situation. First, there is no need for you to feel embarrassed and awkward. She may think that she is behaving in a grownup way but you are the one with sense on your side. Here is some advice that I th

6、ink you might give her:,1 Smoking cigarettes is addictive and expensive.2 It can make you ill later in life. Even breathing in other peoples smoke can make you ill.3 It is a dirty habit.4 It is more difficult to stop than it is to start.,Second, talk to your friend gently and explain that you are still good friends and dont want to break this friendship. However, youll not begin smoking to suit her. Given her the information above and then explain that whatever she chooses to,do you will remain her friend.Dont be disappointed, Xiaolei.Good luck and best wishes,Sun Gao,


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