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1、SBS1B Lesson 13,Some hardworking people do differentkinds of jobs:David cooks every day.He is a chef.Jennifer types every day.She is a secretary.,Now everyone read the sentences on the handout, please.Then write the jobs in the “Cross Word”.,Cross Word,Down:David cooks every day. He cooked Chinese f

2、ood all day yesterday. 2. Jennifer types every day. She typed letters yesterday. 3. Carlos and Maria dance every day. They danced all day yesterday.,dancer,chef,secretary,Cross Word,Down:5. Brian bakes every day. He baked pies and ate many pies yesterday. 8. Linda sings every day. She sang many song

3、s on TV yesterday. 9. Gary drives every day. He drove a truck all day yesterday.,baker,singer,truck driver,Cross Word,Across:4. Charlie fixes cars every day. He fixed many used cars yesterday. 6. Tim jogs in the park every morning. He jogged for forty minutes in the rain yesterday morning.,mechanic,

4、P.E. teacher,Cross Word,Across:7. Peter studies every day. He studied in the library yesterday. 10. Mrs. Clark acts every day. She acted as a mother and cried all day yesterday.,student,actress,Today is Saturday.Yesterday was Friday.What does David do every day?He cooks every day.What did he do yest

5、erday?He cooked Chinese food yesterday.,Divide the underlined words.,fixed,acted,danced,baked,cried,drove,ate,Page 143,cooked,washed,fixed,brushed,watched,typed,danced,baked,t,cleaned,played,yawned,listened,shaved,smiled,cried,studied,d,shouted,rested,planted,waited,Id,What does/do . do every day? H

6、e/She/They . every day. What did . do yesterday? He/She/They . yesterday.,Pair Work,I worked all day yesterday.,What did you do yesterday?,I feel great!,How do you feel today?,I feel fine.,I feel okay.,Im glad to hear that.,So-so.,How do you feel today?,Not so good.,I feel terrible.,Im sorry to hear

7、 that.,A: How do you feel today?B: Not so good. A: Whats the matter with you?B: I have a headache.A: Im sorry to hear that.,(P142),A: How . today?B: Not . A: Whats .?B: I have .A: Im .,headache,backachestomachachetoothacheearachecoldfevercoughsore throat,headache,toothache,cough,backache,stomachache

8、,sore throat,earache,cold,fever,A: How does David feel?B: Not so good. A: Whats the matter?B: He has a backache.A: A backache? How did he get it?B: He played basketball all day.,(P144),the Wilson family=the Wilsons,Yesterday evening the Wilson family had a dinner party with their friends and neighbo

9、rs at home.,Yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon they prepared for the party.,Yesterday morning, they worked outside.,Look Picture 1 and guess what they did outside the house.,cleanedpaintedplantedfixed,P146,Yesterday afternoon, they worked inside the house.,Look at Picture 2 and guess what the

10、y did inside the house.,washedvacuumeddustedcleanedcookedbaked,P146,Yesterday evening the Wilsons guests arrived at 7:30, and they sat in the living room before dinner.,Look at Picture 3 and guess what they did in the living room.,atedranktalked,Picture 3,At 9:00, the guests had dinner in the dining

11、 room.,Look at Picture 4 and guess what they did in the dining room.,enjoyedasked for,Picture 4,After dinner, the guests sat in the living room again.,Look at Picture 5 and guess what they did in the living room.,playedsangdancedturned on,Picture 5,Now lets read the story.,When you hear the word “di

12、d”, stand up and repeat it.,fixed their broken front steps,planted flowers in the garden,cleaned the yard,painted the fence,In the morning:,They worked outside.,cooked spaghetti for dinner,baked apple pies for dessert,washed the floors andvacuumed the living room carpet,dusted the furniture andclean

13、ed the basement,In the afternoon:,They worked inside.,cook spaghetti for dinner,bake apple pies for dessert,The Wilsons finished all their work at _.The Wilsons guests arrived at about _.,6:00,7:30,Before dinner:,They sat in the _.They ate _.They drank _.They talked about _, _, _.,living room,cheese

14、 and crackers,lemonade,the children,the weather,how beautiful the Wilsons house looked inside and out,crackerslemonade,At dinner:,The Wilsons served dinner in the _ at _.Everybody enjoyed the meal very much.They liked Mr. Wilsons _.They loved Mrs. Wilsons _. Everybody asked for seconds.,dining room,9:00,spaghetti,apple pie,After dinner:,Everybody sat in the _.First, Bob played _. Margaret sang.Then, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson showed a video of their trip to Hawaii. After that, they _ the music and everybody _.,living room,the piano,turned on,danced,Homework,


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