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1、Unit 5 What does she do?,A Lets talkLets try长龙小学 席运平,What do you do?,I am a teacher.,He is a postman.,What does he do?,What does he do?,He is a police officer.,What does he do?,He is a businessman.,Is your father/mother a businessman?,Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isnt.,What does your father do?,He i

2、s a factory worker.,Is your father a factory worker?,Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.,What does he/she do?,She is a cleaner.,He is a football player.,She is a dancer.,He is a taxi driver.,He is a singer.,He is a writer.,What does she do?,She is a head teacher.,校长,Who is she?,taxi driver,writer,dancer,sing

3、er,cleaner,football player,taxi driver,writer,dancer,singer,cleaner,football player,police officer,postman,businessman,factory worker,Can you guess?,1. She likes English. She teaches students English. What does She do?,2. He goes to work on foot. He works on a farm. What does he do?,3.He helps sick(

4、有病的) people. He works in a hospital. What does he do ?,She is an English teacher.,Hes a doctor.,He is a farmer.,A: What does your father/mother do?,a postman a factory worker a businessman a police officera taxi driver a cleanera writer a singera dancer a football playera head teacher ,B: He/ She is

5、 a /an.,A: What do you want to be?,B: I want to be a .,想成为,Today is Parents Day(家长日). The students parents will come to school to meet the teachers. Who will come?,1. Sarahs mother can / cant come today.,2. Her father is a doctor / teacher / taxi driver.,Listen and circle.,Hes Olivers father.,Hes a

6、businessman.,He often goes to other countries.,其它的,country 国家,1.Read and answer the questions,1. What does Olivers mother do?_2. What does Olivers father do?_3.Does Oliver want to be a businessman?_4. Is Olivers father here today?_,Shes a head teacher.,Hes a businessman.,Yes, he does.,No, he isnt. H

7、es in Australia.,Listen and repeat,S: Is your father here today?,O: No. Hes in _.,S: What does he do?,O: Hes a _. He often _ to _ _.,S: And _?,O: Shes a head teacher.,S: Thats nice.,O: Yeah. Shell be here today!,S: Do you want to be a head teacher,too?,O: No, I _.,Australia,businessman,goes,other,countries,what does your mother do,want to be a businessman,Exercise:1.Read Lets talk2.长江学案P58,No matter what you really want to be, please remember try your best for your dreaming career. You will be successful!,See you!,


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