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1、英语公共演讲技巧祝你成功!英语公共演讲技巧 一个振奋人心的故事 Whenever possible, try to have an inspirational story in your presentation. From my own experience, it seems that people love short biographies and stories about underdogs who beat the odds and become successful in their chosen fields.如果可以的话,你可以在你的演讲中加上一个振奋人心的故事来启发大家。

2、我总是觉得人们都喜欢听那种励志小故事,那种讲述人是如何在逆境中逆流而上最后成功的故事。When I was teaching English to foreign students, I noticed that their biggest fear was that they would struggle with nerves when communicating with native English speakers. To remedy this, I told them about James Earl Joness difficulties and his later succe

3、ss in speaking clearly. The students enjoyed the story, and it also dawned on them that with enough practice they too could overcome their shortcomings.在我做对外英语老师的时候,我发现我的学生在和母语是英语的人交流时总是很紧张,担心会犯错误。为了鼓励他们,我给他们讲了James Earl Joness突破逆境最后成功的故事。学生们都很喜欢听,这使他们肯定只要训练有素,他们也可以说好英语。When giving presentations abo

4、ut a particular subject, try to find an inspirational biography and tell your audience about it for about fifteen to twenty minutes. This will give you maximum effect.当你在演讲到一个特定话题的时候,可以试着跟你的观众讲一个振奋人心的故事,并把时间控制在15到20分钟之间,这样就能起到最大的效果。Are they interested?你的'演讲有没有吸引你的观众?In theory, when giving a pres

5、entation, your instincts will tell you whether the audience is enjoying it or not. If you want some tell-tale signs, then I would suggest paying close attention to the body language of the audience.理论上,当你在做一个演讲时,你的直觉会告诉你是否你的观众会喜欢你的演讲。但如果你想找到一些明显的迹象,那么我建议你可以观察观众的肢体语言。If a person is interested in what

6、 you are saying, then they will lean forward whenever possible in order to ensure that they can hear what you are saying clearly. Their movements towards you also express that they are enjoying your company, and more importantly, that they are interested in your presentation.如果一个人对你说的东西很感兴趣,那么他会把身子向

7、前倾靠近你来听清楚你说的话。这也表明他们喜欢和你在一块,但是更重要的是,这说明他们很喜爱你的演讲。People who are not interested in you, or what you have to say, will lean back to create a distance between the two of you. Look for folded arms and people pointing their feet. If a member of the audience is pointing their feet away from you, this usua

8、lly indicates a feeling of indifference and a lack of interest.如果人们对你或你说的话没有兴趣,他们会把身子向后靠远离你。他们还会把手抬起折叠放在胸前,翘起二郎腿,这些都是在说明他们对你演讲不是很关心。Involve the audience与观众互动I personally think that involving the audience makes a presentation friendlier and the audience feel more comfortable.我个人认为在演讲中让观众参与进来会使他们感觉更舒服

9、,感觉你更友善。The following suggestions are based on my own experience, and you should experiment with my advice to find what works best for you.以下建议都是基于我自己的经历,你可以看看他们适不适合你。With my own presentations, I have discovered that making the audience work together in pairs is best. When people are instructed to w

10、ork in larger groups, there is often hesitation as others wait for one individual to assert themselves as the leader of the group. Pair work allows people to forge a connection, and often makes the audience more relaxed than if they were asked to work in a larger group.从我以往的演讲来看,我发现让台底下观众两两为一组是最好的。如

11、果每组人数再多,那么组员就会因为考虑到当组长而变得犹豫起来。与之相比一组两个人是最适合交流的,这样也能使组员感觉到最舒服。However, whenever you ask people to work together, you should take the time to introduce audience members to one another. Failing to make introductions will cause the audience to feel awkward, and make you look ignorant如果你想把观众都分组安排好,那么别忘了在

12、演讲前花时间让他们相互自我介绍。如果你不这么做会使观众感觉到你对他们不太上心。The benefits of pair work are that you can walk around the room talking to each pair on a more intimate level, and further put them at ease by offering help with the task you have set for them. With any luck, the audience will be grateful that you have introduc

13、ed them to a new friend.两人小组的好处是你可以更好地与每组成员进行沟通,布置你给他们的任务。有时候可能有些组的成员还会感激你帮他们介绍认识了新朋友。Paraphrase if needed换句话解释观众不懂的地方If you are asked any questions about what you have already said, then first ask yourself if you have been speaking too quickly, or if you have been using slang or obscure references

14、that the audience may be unfamiliar with.如果你被提问回答一个你之前已经讲过的问题时,你要反思是不是你之前在说到这个问题时说的太快了?或用了一些俚语或不清晰的描述,使你的观众没有听清楚。If none of the above has caused your problem, then simply rephrase what you have said in the simplest terms and make the main idea of what you are saying as clear as possible.如果你之前讲此问题时讲的

15、没有毛病,那么你可以直接换句话再来解释一下你之前说过的话,把它描述的更加通俗易懂。Likewise, if you are asked a very difficult question that does not relate to your presentation, or will divert you from your road map, tell the audience member that you will talk to them about their question once the presentation has concluded. By the end of

16、your presentation, you may find the audience member has forgotten their question or had it answered in the remainder of the presentation同样的,如果你被提问回答一些跟你演讲毫无关联的问题时,试着告诉提问的人你会把他的问题囊括在之后的演讲中来回答。这样到了演讲最后,你会发现提问的人已经得到了他想要的答案,或者他已经忘了他提的问题是什么了。The wrap up如何收尾When you have finished your presentation, I woul

17、d suggest a very simple one page handout. Do not bother to write paragraphs of information about your subject. Instead, give the audience a plain list of further information in the form of web links,uTube videos, and any relevant podcasts that are available on iTunes.当你结束你的演讲时,我建议用一张幻灯片收尾。不要在上面写满文字,

18、放上几个关于你演讲的网站信息链接,或视频咨询链接等就可以了。Once the audience has left, you should sit down for ten minutes with a pen and some paper (before cleaning the room) and consider what did and did not work for you during the presentation. Try to decide where you could improve, and jettison anything that did not work.一旦当观众离场,你就可以拿出一支笔和一些纸,来回顾并记录你在演讲中做的好与不太好的地方,找到你还可以提高的地方,找到你要在下次摒弃的不好的地方。 8 / 8


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