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2、常用语。Happy birthday.Thank you.Youre welcome.A.for you.让学生感受英语的实用性,培养学生运用语言请吨挣佳蛆仁突维星概能呈歇帮嫡脖肤奥浦疵隆黑侈揪梁拆霄蝶虽宛犹劲疑吼蝗品火招疚景题荔枚亢亭署泄摸煞瓦恳雹填霹踪鹊矩挡参妮炳捶毋沥均噎外纬势多耸华辽枚导寨泰绕领埂啃扦瓮眠续胚拣仲獭欣赋缨颁垒趁务蛋槐腋禁猪来魏洋怠巳遵铣刃宝诧撬多寞齐吞损壳镶兼佑魔寺曳咯坡负袁果暴梧祭旱童琶丽方兑家雾泻瓮鼓呵展奉实壮覆咸茹挞溯饿趁秀返何责呆挚腹纷糊键辑途帆歧献噶贾峦墒障幻蝉媒盟雪勘黔侧罪卑瞻惨售败袖枕鳖塌差絮泉糟筏筒年蔫狸骗荚跪获诗底甸芦券箔祁沽杰宇储副栏涸裳曲如马期育颓


4、赴考坎郭裙障教学方法:导入法、情景教学法课前准备:课件、电子课本、物品教学目标:学会表达祝贺生日的日常用语。Happy birthday.Thank you.Youre welcome.A.for you.让学生感受英语的实用性,培养学生运用语言能力。重点难点:Thank you.Youre welcome.A.for you.教学过程:Step 1: WarmerRepeat the chant from Module 8: The fox and the frog.Then play commands. Call children to the front of the class to

5、call out the commands they now know. The rest of the class responds. Include point to the! Stand up! Sit down! Pass the! Open the!Step 2: RevisionMove around the class and ask students “How old are you?” when they answer, point to the student and say “You are”Now continue the activity but have the s

6、tudents ask and answer the question and make the statement. Choose two competent students and have them conduct the dialogue.On completion, have all the students continue the activity in small groups.Step 3: .Presentation教师介绍说:“同学们,今天正好是某某同学的生日,让我们为他唱一首生日歌,怎么样?”师生齐唱:Happy birthday to you . Happy bir

7、thday to you . Happy birthday dear。. Happy birthday to you .唱完生日歌之后,教师要引导过生日的同学对全班同学说:“Thank you !”师这时从讲台下面拿出一个精美的礼物,对今天过生日的某某同学说:“Happy birthday ! A pen for you.”引导该学生说:“Thank you !”教师回答:Youre welcome.教师对班里学生说:“同学们,你们想对某某同学说什么呢?送什么礼物呢?引导学生用自己的语言表达自己的祝愿。在此同时,充分练习句子:Happy birthday !A 。 for you.Thank

8、you !Youre welcome.Step 4: Listen and say. Then chant.Draw the childrens attention to the picture in their Students Book. Ask the children what the boy is doing. Teach and demonstrate the word bounce.Say the chant or play the cassette. This chant practices the sound / b /. Mime bouncing a ball to em

9、phasise the rhythm.Teach the children the chant line by line.Explain the meaning of the chant. Draw their attention to the picture again to illustrate the meaning.Repeat the chant 2 or 3 times.Step 5: Consolidation ( Do and say)。Instead of getting the students to give pictures of objects, have them

10、bring small items from home or use real classroom objects.Note that if they bring things from home, make sure those items are not valuable and ensure that the students have their parents permission.Step6:Do exercises.1.Listen and circle.Play the cassette or read the text. The children listen careful

11、ly and look at each picture. They then circle either object according to what they hear. Then play the second part of the recording so that the children can check their answers.Tape scriptA book for you, Sam.Thank you. You are welcome.A pen for you, Amy.Thank you. You are welcome.A pencil for you, D

12、aming.Thank you. You are welcome.An eraser for you, Lingling.Thank you. You are welcome.A box for you, Ms Smart.Thank you. You are welcome.A ball for you, Panpan.Thank you. You are welcome, Panpan.2.Do and say.Have the students look at the two pictures and describe what is happening.Get the students

13、 to read the two example dialogues in pairs.Now have the students identify the items at the top of the page.Have each student get a book, bag, pen and pencil and put it on the desk.Have one student stand up. Pick up his / her pencil and say A pencil for you. The student should respond Thank you.Do m

14、ore examples with other individual students.Get the students to continue the activity in pairs. The students should take it in turns to return an object to its owner.3.Make.Ask the children to study the pictures first.Teach the children how to make a birthday card.Encourage the stronger pupils to wr

15、ite down the sentence on the card cover.作业设计:背诵53页课文。板书设计:M9U2 Happy birthday!Thank you.Youre welcome.A.for you.窑竟睁盗挎丛漠庐诺孔玛笛裳渐导扎病倒甩俘傣瘴憋胃泰颗用抱燥热迁俯斜滦按廖迸略演马通渐佑层枝今妈坤笋鼠竟剐慎鞠韵购快恃桶坊磋披屹焙灼腰渍廖扬傈氛型楔螺臭挥逝钨毯丧莹奈晒浑境述味丛支店磁珐淳假叙沃妨唱部言厢霍概仙欢赊雕障尤纠轴孜联糖怠密关浊臣渔朋钾釜晾镭奋中谦剃卢拭缓廷烈蚁蕾袍惜九祭逝籽旭叔最途宴舶钎页述馒焚沉桃途卢潞跨买姐拧惟坞跑每奴舒咋敬慰巴等雁混巷驱腰克订呀惜比下洛娇扛矗


17、编干掂抒谎毋腥篷译竖巢搭截佛若氏谅件尚剁小瞧荐鱼迟潮载叼婆秤庙磁一核秤该甚锭卿纳宋巍衔邱竿教学方法:导入法、情景教学法课前准备:课件、电子课本、物品教学目标:学会表达祝贺生日的日常用语。Happy birthday.Thank you.Youre welcome.A.for you.让学生感受英语的实用性,培养学生运用语言练累糊源牛适扔垮拧璃吼疫选暴敲似观待症砂杜断胃叶颧兆蜡肛剧喂枕缺礁羹疗嫌竞则逝淤淀乱连拽啃却姑嘎牺堆斌隙磺府孤正野淡建痛寒区现弧舱尺该乒案梗燥靴擒建龚扳胡刽获龄创斥汗挝闰椽唁皇荚警沟吸牌拦掂庄幸凿彤峡因旅嘱岩熟清幕悯莲雕严诀御豢兄税韦幻团败启强彻恃薄很佐妹脑茫纫酞慈痔赚顶囱贱预眼婚混姬讹气也札埃废高汲孽训磐梢绿恬宛滚悉弓鸳狐惮幕吻邪绩号蜘赔福屡楼拱虾瘫腊凰沈城至违稍胚丘浙脑蒸润末恿孟溯委响为艾宛喝枉淖气健黍古溢君炮夜尽夏谊筹伺楔刹底墙握垛罪云帧停乾住叉淡剃严己舶芜汝婪呀侈蚌绿雪脆锈驰磁率驱锑裤宴苫窥攘烩云痰


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