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1、【北大绿卡】七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday(第3课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版Unit 8 When is your birthday 一、教学目标: 知识与技能: 1、掌握以下知识(1)单词:test,trip,art,festival,dear,thing,term,month,busy,time (2)词组:English test,birthday party,school trip,basketball game,have a good time (3)句型:When is Sallys birthday party,Its on Octo

2、ber 5th. When is Johns English test,Its on. 2、阅读短文并获得有用信息。 过程与方法: 1、通过对本课的学习,培养学生用英语表达的习惯,提高英语口语表达的能力。 2、通过听录音获取有用信息。 情感态度价值观: 增进同学之间的了解和友情,学会在交流中关注他人的情感。 二、教学重点与难点: 1、(1)词汇:test,trip,art,festival,dear,thing,term,month,busy,time (2)句型:When is Sallys birthday party,Its on October 5th. When is Johns E

3、nglish test,Its on. 2、让学生熟练运用下列句型正确交流和表达信息: When is Sallys birthday party,Its on October 5th. When is Johns English test,Its on. 三、教学准备: 1、多媒体课件。 2、录音机。 教学过程 学生活动 设计意图 Step 1:Present 1a 1. 在多媒体课件中,展示几幅图片,其中包括1a中的四幅图片,问学生图片看图片,学 中是什么活动,让学生将图片与活动配对。然后老师就图片内容和学生做自习这些活动通过图片引由谈论。 的英语表达入本节课的1 教学过程 学生活动 设计

4、意图 Ss: Its a basketball game/a school trip. 方式。 单词。 T: Class Can you match the pictures with the events? After matching, check the students answers. T:ClassDo you like having these activities, For example, do you like having a school trip? S1:Yes,I do. I like trip very much. T: Do you like having En

5、glish tests? S2:No,I dont like it. T: Why dont you like having English tests? S2:Because Im not good at English. Step 2:Practice 1.教师先让学生大声读几遍1a中的词组,然后找几名不同层次的学生来读,朗读这些短快速记忆看看读得怎么样。若读得不好,教师可领读一到两遍。 语。 这些新短For example: 语。 T:ClassPlease read the phrases loudly. Then Ill call some of you to read. S1:En

6、glish test,birthday party,basketball game. S2:English test,birthday party,basketball game. Then the teacher has a leading reading. 完成1a的练重复短语,2. 教师问学生是否能正确读出1a中的词组,找几名不同层次的学生读一读,习。 让学生能在教师纠正其发音上的错误。然后让学生开展朗读比赛。 短时间内记For example: 住他们。 T:ClassCan you read the phrases correctly? S1:English test,birthda

7、y party,basketball game. S2:English test,birthday party,basketball game. 听录音, Then call each group to act out. 完成1b的练提高听的能Step 3:Task 1b 习。 力。 教师问学生是否能熟练说出1a中的词组,告诉学生将做个听力测试,检验学 2 教学过程 学生活动 设计意图 生掌握的怎么样。然后播放录音,让学生听录音并圈出所听到的词组。 For example: T:ClassCan you read and say the phrases in 1a fluently, Now,

8、 lets have a test.Please listen to the dialogue and circle the events you hear in 1a. Play the tape and let the students listen. Then check the answers. See how well they listened. 完成1c的练 Step 4:Task 1c 习。 注意听清楚教师引导学生回顾1a中的词组,并问学生这些活动的日程表,然后过渡到 日期和活动1c,向学生介绍Sally也有自己的日程表,问学生是否知道她的日程表。 的名称,复For examp

9、le: 习旧的知T:Class Just now we talked about the activities in school, 识,同时也right, What activities do you know? 练习了新知Ss: English test, birthday party, basketball game, school 识。 trip. T: When is your birthday party? S1:My birthday party is on. T: When is your English test? S2:Its on. T: These are your c

10、alendars. Sally also has her own calendar, do you know when her birthday is, When her other activities are, Now, lets listen and find out the answers. Step 5:Consolidation 练习本节课教师让学生看一遍听力材料,再放一遍录音让学生听,问学生是否能完全听看着John的的主要短懂。然后对听力材料中较难理解的句子做简单讲解。 日程表,两语。 Step 6:Practice 人一组进行 让学生看着约翰的日程表,老师提问,学生回答。然后让

11、学生仿照例子,两对话练习。 人一组作问答练习。 3 教学过程 学生活动 设计意图 For example: T:Class Please look at Johns calendar and answer my questions. When is Sallys birthday party? Ss: Its on October 5th. T: When is the school trip? Ss: Its on September 26th. Then let the students role?play the conversation in pairs. Call some pair

12、s to act out. 小组讨论, Step 7:Practice 2a 完成2a。 讨论学校活1.让学生在学校经常组织的活动后打勾,问学生能否熟练说出这些活动。让 动,为下面学生自己练习朗读,然后找几名学生朗读一遍。教师纠正其发音错误并领读 的阅读做好两遍。 准备。 For example: T: Class What activities do you often have in our school, Please check them. Call several individuals to act out. T: Class Can you read these phrases

13、correctly, Please read them loudly by yourselves. Then I will call some of you to read out. S1:Soccer game, school trip, School Day, book sale. S2:English Day, art festival, Sports Day. The teacher corrects the students wrong pronunciation. Then has a leading reading. 讨论学校活 Step 8:Task 动,互相问为下面的阅1.教

14、师问学生喜欢什么活动,找几名学生回答,然后问学生还喜欢其他什么答。 读做准备。 活动。可以增加一些提问内容,例如可以问学生为什么喜欢这个活动。然后 让学生两人一组,做问答练习。 For example: 4 教学过程 学生活动 设计意图 T: Class Just now we talked about the activities you have in the school. Well, what activities do you like? S1:I like school trip. T: Why do you like school trip? S1:Because I can s

15、ee a lot of things and people. T: What other activities do you like? S1:I also like Sports Day. T: Why do you like Sports Day? 讨论自己喜 S1:Because I like sports. On that day, I can play sports. 欢的学校活 Then let the students work in pairs like this. Call some pairs to 动。 act out. 2.教师问一名学生喜欢什么活动以及为什么喜欢。然后

16、让学生在小组内做一 个调查,调查组内同学分别喜欢什么活动以及喜欢的原因。然后找几组学生 表演。 For example: T: Class Are there many activities in the school? Ss: Yes, there are. T:Well, what activities do you like, Why do you like them? 学生们相互充分的读前Call one student to practice with the teacher. Then let the students 做问答练练习,为下work in groups. 习,讨论自面

17、的阅读做S1:HelloWhat activities do you like? 己喜欢的学好准备。 S2:I like art festival. 校活动。 S1:Why do you like art festival? S2:Because I like singing, drawing and dancing. S1:What activities do you like? S3:I like book sale. S1:Why do you like book sale? 阅读短语, S3:Because I can make money by myself. 弄懂大意。 5 教学过

18、程 学生活动 设计意图 Call some groups to act out. Step 9:Lead?in 1.教师问学生喜欢哪些学校活动,让学生列举。然后问学生是否能给这些活 动安排恰当的时间,制作一份活动日程表。然后过渡到2b部分。 For example: T: Class What activities do you like in school? S1:I like school trips. S2:I like basketball games. 根据短文的 S3:I like art festival. 内容完成相 . 应的练习。 T: Class Can you set p

19、roper time for these activities, Then make a calendar for these activities. Then let the students work in pairs or groups to make the calendar. 2.教师找一份学校的本学期年历,问学生年历上的活动什么时候举行。然后 问学生是否也能为学校制作一份相似的年历,由此过渡到2b部分。 For example: T: Class This is our school calendar of this term. Look at the activities on

20、the calendar and answer my question. When is the sports Day? 两人一组进 Ss: Its on. 行对话练读后的练T: When is the art festival? 习。然后让习,小组内Ss: Its on. 几组学生在共同讨论。 Step 10:Task 班上进行展 1.教师让学生结合自己学校的实际情况,两人一组就学校的活动内容做对话示。 练习。找几组作示范表演。 For example: T: Class Can you talk about your school calendar, For example, When i

21、s somebodys birthday party, When is your school speech 6 教学过程 学生活动 设计意图 contest,. S1:Hi! S2.When is your birthday party? S2:Its on. 在小组内进 S1:When is your school speech contest? 行一个调查 S2:Its on. 活动,看一 S1:When is your class basketball game? 看同组同学 S2:Its on. 们的生日,组织小组活Step 11:Task 学校活动的动,巩固这T: Class No

22、w, make a survey in your group. Please ask your 日期等。然节课的内classmates birthdays, the dates of your class activities or your 后让一组学容。并且练schools activities, and so on. Then Ill call one student of each group 生在课堂上习上节课的to give a report. 进行展示。 句型和单S1:HelloWhen is your birthday? 词,进行对S2:My birthday is on. 话

23、练习。 S1:When is your class school trip? 总结这节课S3:Its on. 的主要内S1:When is your class basketball game? 容。 S4:Its on. S1:When is your class English test? S5:Its on. Step 12:Summary 教师让学生自己总结本节课所学的内容,包括单词、词组和句型。 For example: T: Class Lets sum up what we have learned in this class, including words, phrases

24、and drills. Can you sum up by yourselves? Then call some individuals to do it. The words are: test, trip,art, festival, thing, term, 7 教学过程 学生活动 设计意图 month, busy, time The phrases are:English test, school trip, School Day, book sale,birthday party, basketball game, art festival,sports Day The senten

25、ces are: When is Sallys birthday, Its on October 5th. When is the school trip, Its on September 26th. When is the speech contest, Its on September 29th. When is the basketball game, Its on October 2nd. Step 13: Homework 1. 熟记本节课的单词。 2. 介绍一下自己学校的活动。 板书设计 Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section B 1a?2c

26、Words and phrases Sentences When is Sallys birthday party,Its 锐角A的正弦、余弦和正切都是A的三角函数当锐角A变化时,相应的正弦、余弦和正切之也随之变化。on October 5th. test,trip 1. 仰角:当从低处观测高处的目标时,视线与水平线所成的锐角称为仰角When is the school trip,Its on 如果圆的半径为r,点到圆心的距离为d,则English test (4)面积公式:(hc为C边上的高);September 26th. school trip (2)顶点式:When is the sp

27、eech contest,Its on 1、开展一帮一活动,让优秀学生带动后进生,促使他们的转化。birthday party 圆心;垂直于弦;平分弦;平分弦所对的优弧;平分弦所对的劣弧。September 29th. 1、熟练计算20以内的退位减法。basketball game 0 抛物线与x轴有2个交点;When is the basketball game,Its on October 2nd. 面对新的社会要求,教师与学生应首先走了社会的前边,因此我们应该以新课标要求为指挥棒,采用所有可行的措施,尽量体现以人为本,培养学生创新,开放的思维方式。另一方面注意处理好内容与思想的衔接,内容要在学生上学期的水平之上发展并为以后学习打下基础,思想上注意新思维与我国传统的教学思想结合8


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