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1、七年级英语下册 Unit 2 What time do you go to school(第二课时)Section A听说课教案 (新版)人教新目标版Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Period Two Section A( 听说课) 一(Learning Goals 1. Students learn to use the words and expressions: never , usually, half, past, quarter, get up, get dressed, brush teeth, take a shower, on w

2、eekends. Students should learn to ask about and say times. For example: A: What time do you usually take a shower, Rick? B: I usually take a shower at six forty. A: When does your friend go to school? B: He usually goes to school at eight . 2. Students should also learn to talk about daily routines

3、freely. For example: I usually get up at seven oclock. They always go to school at eight oclock. He is never late for work. 3. At the same time, students should master the use of adverbs of frequency Such as, always, usually, never. 二(Teaching and learning steps:Step? Previewing and testing Let stud

4、ents look at the pictures and say the phrases that the picture relates to. get up get dressed brush teeth take a shower eat breakfast go to school 设计意图:由于新单词上节课已学过,通过这样的方法再次呈现新单词,既增加了学生的兴趣,又达到了复习目的。 Step? Warming up and leading in 1. Lets come to 1a, can you match the words with the things? Do it, p

5、lease. 1a Match the words with the things in the picture. After they finished, share their answers . get dressed _b_ brush teeth _f_ eat breakfast _e_ get up _c_ go to school _d_ take a shower _a_ 2.Give some Proverbs about the time to lead in. Time is money. 一寸光阴,一寸金。 Time is life. 时间就是生命。 Time fli

6、es. 时光如梭 Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待 Then show some pictures and ask students to look at the pictures to say out the time. T: What time is it? / Whats the time? Ss: Its. 4:05 four five 6:10 six ten 7:15 seven fifteen 9:20 nine twenty 6:25 9:30 six twenty-five nine thirty 3.Ask students to lo

7、ok at the pictures , ask and answer about the pictures according to the example. For example: What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six twenty What time does she usually get up? She usually gets up at six twenty What time does he usually ? He usually at 设计意图:以谚语导入时间的学习,强调学生的参与,体验和感知。同

8、时教育学生珍惜时间并合理安排时间,早睡早起,养成良好的生活习惯,适时渗透情感教育 。 Step? Listening practice 1. Listening for the main idea 听取大意 1b.Play the tape for the students and ask them to Listen and match the times with the actions. Draw lines from the clocks to the pictures. And check the answers. 2a. Play the tape for the students

9、 and ask them to listen to the conversation and complete the sentences. Jim has _two_ brothers and _two_ sisters. Jims family has _only one shower. Then check the answers. 2.Listening for details 听取细节 2b Listen again. Complete the shower schedule for Jims family. Then check the answers. Name Bob Mar

10、y Jack Jim Anna Time 5:30 5:50 6:15 6:30 6:45 Step? Post-listening activities 2c Ask students to fill in the blanks. Your time schedule Activities Time get up take a shower get dressed brush teeth eat breakfast go to school Now talk about yourself according to your time schedule. Ask different stude

11、nts to act out their conversations. Make sure that most of them have chances. A: What time do you usually get up? B: I usually get up at five fifty. A: Wow! I never get up so early. 2d Ask students to look at the pictures and learn the new words of 2d. an interesting job funny radio station radio sh

12、ow exercise go to work 1.Ask students to read the conversation in 2d . Fill in the blanks. Then check the answers. Activities Time get up at eight thirty at night eat breakfast at nine exercise at about ten twenty go to work at eleven radio show from twelve oclock at night to six oclock in the morni

13、ng 2. Ask students to Role-play the conversation in pairs. One acts the interviewer, the other acts Scott. Interviewer: Scott has an interesting job. He works at a radio station. Scott, what time is your radio show? Scott: 3. Grammar Focus First read the sentences in Grammar Focus. What time do you

14、usually get up? I usually get up at six thirty. What time do they get dressed? They always get dressed at seven twenty. What time does Rick eat breakfast? He eats breakfast at seven oclock. When does Scott go to work? He always goes to work at eleven oclock. Hes never late. When do your friends exer

15、cise? They usually exercise on weekends. Then ask students to fill in the blanks. 1. 可以看出,询问做某事的时间时,可以用_和_ 两个疑问词来询问。 2. 询问某人做某事的时间可以归纳为以下句型: _ + does + _ 主语 + 动词短语? 或_+ does + _ 主语+动词短语, _ + do + _ 主语 + 动词 短语, 或_ + do + _ 主语+动词短语? 3. 在答语中always, usually, never频率词等放在主语与谓语动词之间。 3a Write answers or que

16、stions. Use always, usually or never. Ask students to do first, then share their answers. 1. What time do you get up on school days? I usually get up at seven oclock. 2. What time does Rick gets up, Rick always gets up at 6:20. 3. What time do you have breakfast? I usually have breakfast at eight oc

17、lock. 4. What time does Anna eat breakfast, Anna never eats breakfast. 5. What time does your best friend go to school? She usually goes to school at six forty. 3b Write about something you always do, something you usually do and something you never do. 1. always _ 2. usually _ 3. never _ Ask studen

18、ts to write their answers in pairs. Then act out. S1: I always I usually I never S2: I always I usually I never S3: I always I usually I never S4: I always I usually I never 3c Interview three of your classmates. Find out what time they do these activities. Jenny S2 S3 get up 7:00 exercise 8:00 eat

19、dinner 6:30 take a shower 9:00 go to school 7:30 Give a report to the class. For example: In our group, Jenny usually gets up late on weekends. She gets up at seven oclock. She always exercises at eight oclock. She usually eats dinner at six thirty. She usually takes a shower at nine oclock. She usu

20、ally goes to school at seven thirty on school days. 设计意图:设计循序渐进的语言实践活动,逐渐培养学生用英语做事情的能力。在做事情的过程中发展语言能力,思维能力和交流与合作的能力,形成语感。 Step? Inquiry into knowledge by translation 1. job与work 辨析 job是可数名词, 主要指有报酬的工作 work是不可数名词, 主要指要付出努力 的劳动 鲍勃想找一份好的工作。 Bob wants to find a good _. 今天我有很多工作要做。 I have much _ to do to

21、day. 她每天六点钟去上班。 She goes to _ at six oclock. 2. Thats a funny time for breakfast! 做的时间”。如: time常常和介词“for”搭配,表示“We dont have too much time for sports. 我们没有太多的时间开展体育活动。 Time for dinner, children. Go and wash your hands, please. 孩子们,饭好了。去洗手吧。 3. exercise 的用法小结 , 作动词,意为“锻炼”。如: 他爷爷每天早晨锻炼。 His grandpa _ i

22、n the morning. , 作不可数名词,意为“锻炼;运动”,如: 每天他都做大约十五分钟的运动。 He does about fifteen minutes _ every day. , 作可数名词,意为“体操;(技能)练习”。 我们每天做早操。 We do morning _ every day. 4. station 意为“电(视)台;车站” 如: TV station 电视台 bus station 公交车站 5. be late for 意为“做迟到” 汤姆经常上学迟到。 Tom is always _ _ school. Step? The end-of-class test

23、 (一)Choose the best words to fill in the blanks. never, weekends, dressed, group, best 1. Who is your _ friend? 2. Jenny and Mary always play tennis on _. 3. Tom can play guitar well in our _. 4. Bob _ eats ice-cream. He thinks its not healthy. 5. His sister usually gets _ at 6:00 in the morning. (二

24、)句型转换 1. Jim eats breakfast at seven oclock. (划线部分提问) _ _ _ Jim eat breakfast? 2. Linda goes to work at seven thirty. (划线部分提问) _ _ Linda go to work? 3. Eric doesnt get up early on weekends. (同义句转换) Eric _ _ _ on weekends. 4. Grace always s exercises at six in the morning. (否定句) Grace _ exercises at

25、six in the morning. (三)翻译下列句子 1. 他上班从未迟到过。 _ 2. 我弟弟总是在七点钟穿好衣服。 _ 3. 我姑姑通常在周末八点钟锻炼。 _ 在上学的日子里,他总是七点吃早饭。 _ 5. 在他小组里,杰克通常在十点钟冲淋浴。 _ (四)用适当的单词,完成对话。 A: Hi, Rick, What _ do you get up? B: I usually get up _ five thirty. A: Wow. I _ get up so early. B: I like sports. I always _ at five fifty. A: What time

26、 do you _ breakfast? B: At seven twenty. Then I _ teeth. A: _ do you go to school? B: At seven forty. Im never _ for school. 设计意图:巩固当堂课所学习的内容,让学生随时查缺补漏。 1. 仰角:当从低处观测高处的目标时,视线与水平线所成的锐角称为仰角当堂检测答案: (一)1.best 2.weekends 3. group 4. never 5.dressed (二)1. What time does 2. When does 3,gets up late 4.never

27、 (三)1. Hes never late for work. 1、熟练计算20以内的退位减法。2. My brother always gets dressed at seven oclock. (6)三角形的内切圆、内心.3. My aunt usually exercises at 8:00 on weekends. 4. He always eats breakfast at 7:00 on school days. 推论1: 同弧或等弧所对的圆周角相等。5. Jack usually takes a shower at ten oclock in his group. 8.解直角三角

28、形:在直角三角形中,除直角外,一共有五个元素,即三条边和二个锐角。由直角三角形中除直角外的已知元素,求出所有未知元素的过程,叫做解直角三角形(须知一条边)。(四)time at never exercise eat/have brush When late 化简后即为: 这就是抛物线与x轴的两交点之间的距离公式。亮点: 13.13.4入学教育1 加与减(一)1 P2-3这是本单元第二课时,既要巩固单词又要学习语言结构。在上课过程中我注重了讲练结合,呈现新内容的同时,又要感知旧内容同时也不能忽视学生自学能力和小组合作能力的培养。此外我还注重了以学生为主体、面向全体学生的原则,通过小组间的竞争与合

29、作,培养了学生的集体荣誉感。创设轻松活跃的课堂气氛是上好一堂课的首要前提。 不足之处: (2)交点式:y=a(x-x1)(x-x2)本课容量较大,处理的有些匆忙,部分环节不能很好的展示与训练。尤其是学生自创对话和展示的环节,应该让更多的学生参与进来。 (1)一般式:使用建议: (1)三角形的外接圆: 经过一个三角形三个顶点的圆叫做这个三角形的外接圆.用多媒体课件效果更好,能够充分的进行练习,直观又省时。更能有效地增加课堂效率。提高学生的学习积极性。增强英语的趣味性。在教学过程中应坚持“充分相信学生,充分依靠学生,解放学生,发展学生”的原则,充分利用“先听后说,先读后写,先学后交再师教”的训练形式。让学生成为信息的加工者。


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