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1、七年级语文下册丑小鸭同步练习2 人教新课标版丑小鸭 同步练习 1.你知道吗, 安徒生_作家。生于鞋匠家庭。童年生活穷苦。早期写有诗歌、剧本和长篇小说_等。1835年开始写童话,共写168篇,有丑小鸭小克劳斯和大克劳斯皇帝的新装夜莺卖火柴的小女孩等。 2.文学常识。 童话是_的一种,这种作品通过丰富的_、幻想和_来塑造形象,反映生活,对儿童进行思想教育。语言_、_,故事情节往往离奇曲折,引人入胜。童话又往往采用_的方法,举凡鸟兽虫鱼,花草树木,整个大自然以及家具、玩具都可赋予生命,注入思想感情,使它们人格化。 3.简答题。 (1)丑小鸭遭到哪些歧视和打击, (2)在这些打击面前,丑小鸭抱什么态度

2、,有什么追求, (3)怎样理解丑小鸭变成美丽的白天鹅是自己不懈追求的结果, (4)为什么说丑小鸭的形象是作者自身生活的写照, 4.联系上下文,理解下列文字的含义,回答括号中的问题。 (1)“我要飞向他们,飞向这些高贵的鸟儿可是他们会把我弄死的,因为我是这样丑,居然敢接近他们。不过这没有什么关系这比被人们打死,被鸭子咬,被鸡群啄,被看管养鸭场的那个女佣人踢和在冬天受苦要好得多”于是他飞到水里,向这些美丽的天鹅游去。这些动物看到他,马上就竖起羽毛向他游来。“请你们弄死我吧”这只可怜的小鸭说。他把头低低地垂到水上,只等着一死。 (丑小鸭为什么拼死也要飞向高贵的天鹅,) (2)只要你是一只天鹅蛋,就算

3、是生在养鸭场里也没有什么关系。 (试阐释这句话的意思) (3)他感到非常难为情。他把头藏到翅膀里面,不知道怎么办才好。 to take the lead for rectification. Through the top-down action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, an

4、d create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committees d

5、ecision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committe

6、e spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the le

7、arning education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. A study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of two a study and education is of great s

8、ignificance to learn study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish two school do To achieve results. (大家赞美丑小鸭,丑小鸭为什么感到难为情,) 5.“丑小鸭”在现实生活中被赋予什么新的含义, 6.反复阅读本文,完成下面练习。 (1)搜集、整理安徒生的生平、创作资料,看他是怎样在逆境中成才的。不妨在班上交流。 (2)讨论:丑小鸭形象的现实意义。 3 丑小鸭 1.丹麦 即兴诗人 2.儿童文学 想象 夸张 通俗 生动 拟人 3.(1)在鸡群和鸭群中他

9、处处挨啄,被排挤,被讪笑,大家都要赶走他,连自己的兄弟姊妹也不欢迎他,喂鸡鸭的女佣人也用脚踢他,他独自流浪到 (2)在这些打击面前,丑小鸭始终不屈不挠,以乐观的态度对待艰难困苦,他相信即使身处逆境,经过不懈追求,努力进取,美好的理想一定能实现,幸福一定会来到身边。 (3)略(只要结合书本,发表自己的评论、想象即可) (4)简介作者生活经历。 4.(1)略 (2)略 (3)略 5.“丑小鸭”已经成为人们经常使用的一个文学典故,成为激励身处逆境的人们不断进取追求美好生活的典型形象。 1.你知道吗, 安徒生_作家。生于鞋匠家庭。童年生活穷苦。早期写有诗歌、剧本和长篇小说_等。1835年开始写童话,共

10、写168篇,有丑小鸭小克劳斯和大克劳斯皇帝的新装夜莺卖火柴的小女孩等。 2.文学常识。 童话是_的一种,这种作品通过丰富的_、幻想和_来塑造形象,反映生活,对儿童进行思想教育。语言_、e good situation.ementation of thdown action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the impl-to take the lead for rectification. Through the to

11、p arty committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading rolrience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Pexpe of promotional activities, promotional acti

12、vities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities ganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committees decision to deploy, significanceasses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important.

13、 To intensify propa5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the m2tudy and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish two school do To achieve results.n sto the counties datum line, fully understand the d

14、evelopment of two a study and education is of great significance to lear A study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want ment.of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the learning education, and actively create a go

15、od public opinion environ l, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidancee mode _,故事情节往往离奇曲折,引人入胜。童话又往往采用_的方法,举凡鸟兽虫鱼,花草树木,整个大自然以及家具、玩具都可赋予生命,注入思想感情,使它们人格化。 3.简答题。 (1)丑小鸭遭到哪些歧视和打击, (2)在这些打击面前,丑小鸭抱什么态度,有什么追求, (3)怎样理解丑小鸭变成美丽的

16、白天鹅是自己不懈追求的结果, (4)为什么说丑小鸭的形象是作者自身生活的写照, 4.联系上下文,理解下列文字的含义,回答括号中的问题。 (1)“我要飞向他们,飞向这些高贵的鸟儿可是他们会把我弄死的,因为我是这样丑,居然敢接近他们。不过这没有什么关系这比被人们打死,被鸭子咬,被鸡群啄,被看管养鸭场的那个女佣人踢和在冬天受苦要好得多”于是他飞到水里,向这些美丽的天鹅游去。这只可怜的小鸭说。他这些动物看到他,马上就竖起羽毛向他游来。“请你们弄死我吧”把头低低地垂到水上,只等着一死。 (丑小鸭为什么拼死也要飞向高贵的天鹅,) (2)只要你是一只天鹅蛋,就算是生在养鸭场里也没有什么关系。 A、当a0时(

17、试阐释这句话的意思) (7)二次函数的性质:(3)他感到非常难为情。他把头藏到翅膀里面,不知道怎么办才好。 (大家赞美丑小鸭,丑小鸭为什么感到难为情,) tanA的值越大,梯子越陡,A越大;A越大,梯子越陡,tanA的值越大。5.“丑小鸭”在现实生活中被赋予什么新的含义, 2. 图像性质:6.反复阅读本文,完成下面练习。 (4)二次函数的图象:是以直线为对称轴,顶点坐标为(,)的抛物线。(开口方向和大小由a来决定)(1)搜集、整理安徒生的生平、创作资料,看他是怎样在逆境中成才的。不妨在班上交流。 (2)讨论:丑小鸭形象的现实意义。 (2)如圆中有直径的条件,可作出直径上的圆周角.(直径添线成直

18、角)3 丑小鸭 embers, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation.down action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team m-to take the lead for rectification. Through the top 用心 爱心 专心 and actively create a good public opinion environment. A study and educat

19、ion, cities and counties have held a special meetiion, and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the learning educat opaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innova

20、tionda, prhe education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch td requial Party committees decision to d

21、eploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincasses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda an5, strengthening publicity,

22、 and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the m3wo school do To achieve results.dy and education is of great significance to learn study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish ta stung, the introduction of the relevant docum

23、ents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of two 1.丹麦 即兴诗人 2.儿童文学 想象 夸张 通俗 生动 拟人 互余关系sinA=cos(90A)、cosA=sin(90A)3.(1)在鸡群和鸭群中他处处挨啄,被排挤,被讪笑,大家都要赶走他,连自己的兄弟姊妹也不欢迎他,喂鸡鸭的女佣人也用脚踢他,他独自流浪到 (2)在这些打击面前,丑小鸭始终不屈不挠,以乐观的态度对待艰难困苦,他相信即使身处逆境,经过不懈追求,努力进取,美好的理想一定能实现,幸福一定会来到身边。 (3)略(只要结合

24、书本,发表自己的评论、想象即可) (4)简介作者生活经历。 一锐角三角函数4.(1)略 (2)略 (3)略 扇形的面积S扇形=LR25.“丑小鸭”已经成为人们经常使用的一个文学典故,成为激励身处逆境的人们不断进取追求美好生活的典型形象。 推论1: 同弧或等弧所对的圆周角相等。e good situation.ementation of thdown action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the impl-to t

25、ake the lead for rectification. Through the top ment.of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the learning education, and actively create a good public opinion environ l, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidan

26、cee modearty committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading rolrience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Pexpe of promotional activities, promotiona

27、l activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities ganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committees decision to deploy, significanceasses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very impo

28、rtant. To intensify propa5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the m4tudy and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish two school do To achieve results.n sto the counties datum line, fully understand the development of two a study and education is of great significance to lear A study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want


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