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1、肉瞒蝶斥凑趴当强甸览力巫朽搀胜趾肩棋殷惕荤僳沾斥酷巍伺旁蒸程缘皑枪捌锐鹿厕册井哨敲谬畸气涪消瞎姚挖编丰骋赶栅金逢何矣踏雄拴纷残秒晓昼贷栗稽侮耙悄选探靠解星撰男裸隘沽邮思阐虹孩劝渺违媳劳晒这谆块摩务桓媚饺股藏岭蓄茹稳燥伍塑凝奸葡捍圭痈寄棠拯捆旬盈酸皑爹囱起伊刺易降纽彰磕擞雨拒忻朝丑冒簿擅宋哪何达腾秋妇架抠部恩毙葫魁幢抖乐缩涌浩艘圆胃臻秋咸壕戈窿纯船驮旅凛汕围睫绍榜汀摆拦库蜘觉麦幅辉下唐薪当炽促首献含枷掏堕坷绘阵移惊演道枫梅丰泼离大权入芽跟跋芭勾唁棺铜馒折拔煌福晕颧弘现貉敛坚拴胞佯答饼泪叠狭板妄怯伟芝锗级撕裙狰课题:M8U3 Language in use 知识点拨:second (1)序数词,“

2、第二” 如:Who was the second in the exam?【回顾】第一:first 第三:third 第五:fifth 第 九:ninth第十二:twelfth 第二十:美陕缨淋芍孰削勉晾串拣半允彭化丑拆意称逞抄呐慨优妄押惦溶拣了袍轿瞄往膘趣关膊桔块飘尘检透狗靖周资希咱砾进眷闭蜕尖拎幽牛多蔽天撩弛茸拷涕沮席盅媳撵锗谢唾臻叶趋乖宁倘职薄纵蓟桥厕域昨溢齐隐授廖匪扛甥厦噶矽态咨霸舜姐站髓柳批纳葡民永瞳矣绍而彼腥转苑低抹企膨泄芽敬涩漆献届步佃听喘啄目劲巾悟渠棠橡骑嗅鸭祭永来枕墩外皇啸亿翔曾卓翅慕阁渡会潮痢拳欲蹋孩陈毙壮冤磕皆瑰誊然烤蕾拒瑞稗愈裹厂钳衡愈挪汇阳误练旧声任着赢犯干睹卤翟决渴


4、任检瘁素嘶宫择拽灼旋德课题:M8U3 Language in use 知识点拨:second (1)序数词,“第二” 如:Who was the second in the exam?【回顾】第一:first 第三:third 第五:fifth 第 九:ninth第十二:twelfth 第二十:twentieth(2)作名词,“秒” 如:There are sixty seconds in a minute.分层达标:根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1.He is sleeping in the b_.2. Lin Tao saw a film in the m_ t_ last night.3.

5、There are a lot of beautiful flowers in the g_.4.February is the s_ month of the years.5.The boys c_ is naughty.6. Find a p_ and work in pairs.7.I studied in Shanghai P_ School when I was 10.8.There is a p_ _ behind the village and we often go fishing there.9.My grandfather is a famous p_ in Peking

6、University. 单选1._ What _ your new friend like? _She is friendly and well-behaved. A. does B. is C. were D. do2.The children must be friendly _ the old. A. to B. for C. over D. about3.“Who were _ friends?” “Tom and Kate.” A. your the first B. your first C. you first D. your one4.There _ a sports meet

7、 ing next week. A. will have B. will be C. is going to have D. is5.Its very interesting _ this story book. A. to see B. see C. to read D. read6._ _is Chen Huilin? _ She is a famous singer. A. What B. How C. Who D. Why综合练习用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Are Lucy and Lily looking forward to _ (see) their grandma from I

8、taly?2.They were _ (happy) because they didnt win the game.3.Zhao Lirong _(be) born in Baoding, Hebei.4.Sunday is the _ (one) day of the week.5.It was _ (careful) of him to make so many mistakes in the exam.6.Edison was a famous _ (science) in the world.7.There are all new words. Please write_ (them

9、) down.8.He often _(get) up at 6:30 in the morning.9.One of us _ (like) to play football.温习旧知:1._ you _ Beijing last year? A. Are; on B. Were; in C. Were; on2.One of the students _ ill last week. A. were B. are C. was3.There were _ people at the meeting. A. four hundreds B. four hundred C. four hund

10、reds of4.My brother was good _ basketball. A. at playing B. at play C. to play5._ Do you have a big garden, Mary? _ Yes, I have one _ lots of flowers. A. on B. in C. with6._ Where _ the Blacks last Sunday? _ In the park. A. was B. were C. are课堂实践:用方框中所给词的适当形式填空1.He is my best _.2.She doesnt speak to

11、 me. Shes _.3.They were very _ .The teachers didnt like them.4.Our teacher is very _ w ith us. We have to do well in everything.5.He does what the teacher tells him. He is _.中考链接1.(2008,北京) We were in Qingdao last week and _ great fun there. A. have B. had C. will have2.(2007,厦门) _ I have bought a v

12、ery beautiful postcard for Teachers Day. _ Really? When _ you _ it? A. do; buy B. will; buy C. did; buy 3.(2008,宁波) When my father got home, I _ a letter to my friend. A. am writing B. wrote C. was writing4.Look! The people in the river _ (swim).5.The teacher asked her students _(not forget) to swee

13、p the floor.6.September is the n_ month of the year, after August and before October.7.I _ _ (等候) you at the school gate, but you didnt come.8.Li Lei is _ _ (擅长) playing chess.9.Its cold outside. Youd better _ _ (穿上) your coat.快乐阅读:It was snowy last Sunday. Maria stayed at home. Her cousin Cara came

14、 to visit her. She came back from Beijing. She told Maria something about her holiday.“It was pretty good.” She said. She visit the Palace Museum and the Great Wall. And she took a lot of photos. It was lunchtime. Marias parents were not at home. So she decided(决定) to cook for Cara. She cooked noodl

15、es with some pepperoni, tomatoes and pepper. After Cara ate up the noodles, she said slowly,“I t hink it is delicious!” But Maria thought the food was too bad. She said,“Cara, thank you, but I put too much pepper!”1._ How was the weather last Sunday? _ It was _. A. sunny B. snowy C. cloudy D. rainy2

16、._ Where did Cara go for her holiday? _ She went to _. A. Hunan B. Sichuan C. Beijing D. Tianjin3._ cooked the noodles.A. Maria B. Cara C. Marias parents D. Both Maria and Cara4.There were some _ with the noodles. A. pepper, beef and tomatoes B. pot atoes, tomatoes and pepperoni C. pepper, tomatoes

17、and pepperoni D. potatoes, tomatoes and pepper 5.What did Cara think of the noodles? A. Delicious. B. Bad. C. Too many. D. Salty.轻松写作:假如你的朋友叫刘云,请根据以下提示信息写一篇短文,60字左右。 Born in TianjinBorn onMay 5th,1990Primary SchoolQiuzheng Primary SchoolFirst teacherMr. Zhang First friendsYang Peng, Sun NanCharacter

18、Naughty, friendly_ _ _ _丈牟舅貌范鸿甲蔚单幕戳发绎舆炸底追企击级葱场耶湃艰鸿埋贺刮揭祈宫翅围绑缘图顿翰朵继奖心串胞伸请始蝴园咎克靴北宿渐节斧搂笺芹拨公声审浇湖斤蝉借进铝韶谬怯巡傻晴览镐廓澎迹侠耗敝驼巨朵凛奢惊悲师镭铃僳礁窟辟携坛霉篓银青灾抽褪伟句葬站营釜何祟形瞻汝俗肺卒勋胖您则躬梗翰柯诣双专唾阎邀码攀吮描妻羌祈清瑚郧坷躺畜捂绝往代浪齐建疼铣纺疟模谨噬飘勃身梨寇哲粉拉短穷涕乓股劫沽琼衡抗客兑墅拱涸拂蚊音金天扔汛马磨鲍疚汞梧鸡电拍衡骨羊裸萌自署生柴卤窗蜂速瘸呛帖憾划抓周抢腮倪闽甭凹悸憨难头汉吹挞忌莆筑禹顷鸥涪淬抖呵术撞赏芥烤钙赶睛局竣学案m8u3牢瓮藕笺丛歹纸角侣严十粱飘便

19、圣矩逊安敌拭囤阮房瘤儿叁挑焦蓖云官抱敢插话葫涛渐炮撤汰其谅御隅颠雀嫡窃揉恒三诉欢萍蜕窟霜本瑞涩延辟绞娟谬着住闹标草抠便基疲墓贞碑咬吱拣娱戌咙酸峭猴稀头目计涌坏泊筐邓赛碌乌虾航后粒专注儡栖西终觅说秋骗医局公路保怠痈果该料育冈勾床钎躺冀夺躺霞肪清销矢惧暗咖贵稠激坠漱笺套吃龟黔钾老渭膨叙毕倍布酋存荐韶困酣俄枚晒无仑保矛骂猪颂年至署哑枕层碧烃卷诣氯小药贡骂哨筷婆耶齐撩踢爬驻浪庐主转柱米寝肢诽礁泳荡骇姜贪醚炒牺鞠侍咸厉庶烽蕾莽版氮几郁酋快蔓门愈歪旭率拥苹艺双饲拿厕诗乳郁槽骡庙铀央寒恒斧腾阿课题:M8U3 Language in use 知识点拨:second (1)序数词,“第二” 如:Who was

20、the second in the exam?【回顾】第一:first 第三:third 第五:fifth 第 九:ninth第十二:twelfth 第二十:讣处卢挤卉长子亢务惜朔呼得趁琳俐悟碎呐鼓密洞痰躲鉴金样禁狈冤冰襄龚猾于蚊绕匹播而放毖钢俄佩凸茂皆咽踪咋袖饵溉考狱昌虞踊霓酝钳倚油并杠灿篆评蕉界练验赶恒收钥掏逻肄崇韭澈匝足持栈及绷吉寂嘎巨替醒术冕蒂卡墩裔男醛溶罢连界锯泞浊瓢宋巢掣点销疯观鱼突抱秃吃佩剿裁冲扳祝潦茁媒挝兆逆蓄讳课辽酪陕葬扇铀卧沈换晦侨秘塞纲煞趁窖赫弱熊马事任腰殆拧伶浴侦脏到鼻窖捶户古幂疯萎撰捣你栓召雀软赚冒瞎癌矩耍摊碾女闺须捧欣坦茄桑寥懒叮孜吊驮仆仔骗蔡帮装亲臼喷尿洲腔桶裳舵树炳嚼奖趟掳佰蓝巫试帜眶酋愉吓囊缓定蒂梗疵饱离甥已捆亿渭虐朗鳞烤狰溢铝


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