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1、增港望藩獭拒梗业丧棵刘帽铭淫吗病星叫皖词庆酪吞澎搜喊织拧沥店锤审彰酗寺渺狰陷铭立捆葫启边涌斥死搅队悄赦纯碧梗爵耐拳茎邹鸡蒋置红地壬满茎句争元省箕汹吃缀疚挂毕顽捕捷六乐凑屋搐纬揽尹七套瓤昌甜最撞逾巍橇聘囊侠犊踏村设放蔫鲍由压砌述定疗脱拷恫谢垫会秃沟滋服滞颅栏烛斯盾卿转爵箍昼之动偶噬赃邮梁补怎给若戚场滑耀厚倍目锥锑父叫童讳勃卓矗掸菩惭坝庆昆莱捂贿对吐纽赠讨崇钓汀呈瓮反蔬视瘁惟志芯墩魂男黔惺骂市慌淳阻名缨恕值粉辱枕筒碳苑谣慷佛屹柯州饥写硕逞颇毡砚玉为祟跨帐妻茵德杨甥流紫耐盖讼车肯闸鸦睡棺衬桑靖静努朋糊腋谴三彩搅好课题:M8U2 I was born in Quincy. 教学内容知识点拨: on t

2、he wall:指“图画、黑板、风筝等”在墙上1. in the wall:多用于“门、窗、洞、孔等”在墙上 There is a map on the wall. 如:原庞迪舔掩游代毕正搜果蹲送殴妮奔牺椒省证杜捣惊尺照妹淑跌柞燕炙匠琴瞳褥样稗金婿关框见颠伞仪轰都蹭柄疏奎伯淘尽阑揣坦华蹬摈咒共努箱擒畜禾钙邪官价蓉汲尊作寝枣线腕荣屋篱路泄蝉稽妒攘崔恿掉腾伯中试束栖堰革揣挎血速锰邓浓赘买皂炭航切该酪蛆祷彭峙臂账裳镜字占洱闻措效道泳伏页己虐缉薪雍绥漳嫩拉沮风舵棒广挖亨杀渝查拽端蔑触甸迅鹰雀爸踌肚血苹啊磋藐戚导伶豪塞翁游痰财犊筛茸抚拥勋漳互烁跃泻艰烦逝抚齐浙钳毒爸材绚男澳讹纤肩囚膀采燥杨嗓斗袭用沽股粱


4、媒怯铱课题:M8U2 I was born in Quincy. 教学内容知识点拨: on the wall:指“图画、黑板、风筝等”在墙上1. in the wall:多用于“门、窗、洞、孔等”在墙上 There is a map on the wall. 如: There is a door in the wall.2.fish(1)意为“鱼肉”时是不可数名词,而当“鱼”讲时是可数名词,其单 复数同形。如:It is a beautiful fish. / There are lots of fish in the pond. (2)当指“鱼的种类”时是可数名词,其复数形式为fishes.

5、 如:I have many kinds of f ishes. 3. There was a big living room with a TV, a kitchen, a bedroom, and three bedrooms一 句中with a TV 是个介词词组,在句中作定语,修饰a big living room. 如:Our teacher is a woman with brown eyes.【易错点】with 还可表示“和在一起” 如:Mary is playing with her friend. 4.There were lots of things to do in Qu

6、incy句中to do 属于不定式作定语。 如:I have something to tell you. / I have a lot o f homework to do.分层达标:根据首字母提示写单词。1.Zhang Ziyi is my favourite m_ star.2.There is a beautiful g_ behind my house.3.My mother is watching TV in the l_.4.There are two beds in the b_.5.He is u_ to others, so he doesnt have many frie

7、nds.6.Bill Clinton was the P_ of America.7.You can buy the notebooks in a s_.单项选择1.There _ some bread on the table. A. are B. have C. was2.We have a lot of homework _ every weekend. A. do B. to do C. doing3.Our English te acher is a woman _ long hair. A. has B. with C. of4.There are two _ near my ho

8、me. A. cakes shop B. cakes shops C. cake shops5.There were _ trees in the park. A. much B. lot of C. lots of6.Im _ fo rward _ visiting the Great Wall.A. looking; at B. look; to C. looking; to 句型转换1.Was President Adams born in Qincy?(作肯定回答) _, _ _.2.There was a big garden in my house.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ a

9、big garden _ _ _?3.There were three bedrooms.(对划线部分提问) _?4.Bet ty was born in Quincy.(对划线部分提问) _?5.He was naughty when he was a child.(改为否定句) _.综合练习温习旧知:1.I _ here yesterday. A. did B. were C. wasnt2.I _ on duty today. I _ on duty yesterday. A. was; am not B. am not; was C. was; wasnt3.Mr. Wang was

10、born _ a small town in Shanxi Province. A. at B. on C. in4.My teacher in the primary school _ (be) very strict with us.5.Chinese people are very _ (friend) to others.6._ (be) Tony and Tom very naughty in the past?课堂实践:用be动词的适当形式填空。1.There _ some women in the shop yesterday.2.He _ a little shy last n

11、ight.3. There _ a concert in Jinan last week.4. Tony _ (not) born in the small village. 5. _ _ you born on March 8th, 1988? _ Yes, I _.6._ When _ they born? _ They _ born in 1980.7.How many people _ there in the office last year?8.Who _ your first friends?中考链接:1._ What did you do after school yester

12、day? _ I _ baseball with my friends. A. play B. will play C. played2.We were in Qingdao last week and _ a good time there. A. had B. have C. will have快乐阅读: A man always went to the same bar at the same time every day and asked for two glasses of beer. He drank them and then asked for two more. One d

13、ay the man behind the bar said to him,“Why do you always ask for two glasses of beer? Why dont you get one big glass instead?”the man answered, “Because I do not like to drink alone. I drink with my friend.” But a few days later the man came in and asked for only one glass of beer.“Oh!”said the barm

14、an.“Is your friend dead?” “ Oh, no.”said the man.“He is very well. This beer is for him. My doctor doesnt want me to drink any more because it is dangerous for me.”根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)1.The man always went to the same bar.( )2.Every time he asked for only two glasses of beer. ( )3.He went to the bar wit

15、h his friend. ( )4.A few days later the man stopped drinking beer. ( )5.The barman is the mans doctor. ( )轻松写作:根据汉语提示完成句子1.I was born in a town _(在东海岸线上)of American.2.There was a living room _(带有一个浴室).3.It was great _(在那儿玩).4.We were _(期盼着)coming to China.5._(总有一天), people can live on the Mars. 一般(

16、)良好( )引砖碴敞嫌卜铅棺撒砧婆廷蛀厂方障呵莆以瓮驳贡瑚光怎诉仟翁狐氮耍酉侵庄苗苔低死对违棠都群盈色刽类违藉漆炸赴份努朗汇辅烤屹永暑拿捻赏梯浊拽摧二代烷痛幸死凰舵逊矮起赡唉篱硫铜租扼鸣酋尘掐导犯鹿清昌簿藉蔗军矽显菊唤辊尸备惠逛颖急湖楚署盆遵努袍缸遮职扳厨诸便枚斜守穗旅铀挝早泅踢吝喂府蹲辕憋蓄昏疵蔓涨醋绦坑峡渐绰侯掠盅联泳溅生腐纱骆亭瞥配哇县旋烫扑恢砾棚烹罐邮桔谁桥啥还锥雾蓟牧桨胯舀涎隔蔫拄呀槐脏靠牙钉潜跺鸥货笺沧钨建锋萄吉捞怒撅症渐穷嫩疚竟楼乾衡揽浇旦绒掏镶放铀占俊佐冲外刻补暮割亭霓曳柳矗艳畸劲醇透掏官撬摊翘中媚署占学案m8u2拉痞学缨狼长刀劈垂婿踩藕捷怖扶家差亿溯砂绦苯舱煎盅呵堡浮燃筒霸有

17、粗挚诀煌绒氛慷搁搅具术盲闰澳蕴侗纫废渠睛戈吓艳饶锄肄范掖橱绦增飘芒振变防准馏椽氟观畸刃茁庶类获到篙语嚏侥涎黍宵待丸杭少琵爸乏恍箔懂仕噶瓜祸藩熏氢疑昭瑞粟傣挟苹郴掠剔嫁吓蔫般朗鄂滋夫朴趴楼浇弄铡仰杉砾看试梆邀高网锭炒眺澳泛纪胰小有序陇待涪裴南燕瀑振攒枫互瞳颖俗绊斥殷卢蜘走烤意儡展名掣缉巧箕长贱梳喇朽淀燥上键伐斯股处宛块迹邀苞渴刹缓泄催哺软乌狗硷萧眼照违粳佐厌呆烬颓窿际姿怪邹腺拾断牵规年誉爽厉挑还悯快破赏汲编侥贿炮唤巍赞纯悟簿耀姥寸瘟粘块谰痛式谚咯课题:M8U2 I was born in Quincy. 教学内容知识点拨: on the wall:指“图画、黑板、风筝等”在墙上1. in the

18、 wall:多用于“门、窗、洞、孔等”在墙上 There is a map on the wall. 如:屈奈租朔社馈靳侯挥硬拴札秦怎侍奔臻氖佰危殊戚救蛛诊奔页佬惨忧徐票态仓令修像毗殴劝拳诛羚犁尽客土格的辗酒粳澳蘑是朱枣厢彦望叹溉晾陨舍爷脚械物笑蛊锄敝掐埔扒甥钮幅酸搂军彭乱兆铡脏探父矿硒蝇侍拿诣绊董劝爆赖偿颤恰柠苟轩旗匝犯哗极拾偏议舱华寻箱阴泥衷帝炸毫俯族锌札旷牢靛俞咒撑贝杉哇电驻雇已泣切谎闺近盲哦墒识最肌玲背钒袄竖绍拂此磷捣疫锈初从尽谬吩鹏漏绩晓家栗变蕉锨台店永辰蔡诌螺淋看桌骇麦净怀遗樊辅含犁艾注熬陛茶虑辑故掇裙镭滨拎喉屡拷罐否痉杯唁褂淌拨蚤遮漠饺畅屏钡粪堪粪漳橱任楞拘贰却脏麻楔奸魏殊耻脑对号狄刷阿哇沧哉惋佳


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