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1、交大附中人教版七年级地理下册期末试题及答案securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fi

2、re equipment; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic perso

3、ns, shall participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams . Eight, pr

4、ovided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written pro

5、cedures for acceptance and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing pr

6、ocedures, develop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities,

7、equipment safety protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mec

8、hanical operations, special operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by hanging ten rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electrical and mechanical equip

9、ment is strictly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipme

10、nt are not allowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the ten does not burn provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the co

11、nsent of General fire交大附中七年级地理下册期末质量检测试卷 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 分数 一、选择题(每小题只有一个选项符合题意。每题2分,共40分) 1.亚洲在世界中的位置,描述正确的是: ( ) A、全部位于东半球、北半球 B、全部位于西半球、南半球 C、主要位于东半球、北半球 D、主要位于西半球、南半球 2( 亚洲气候复杂多样的根本原因是 ( ) A(亚洲面积广大 B. 亚洲三面环海 C. 亚洲南北跨度大 D. 亚洲纬度范围广,海陆跨度大 3(关于亚洲地形地势的描述,正确的是: ( ) A、中部地势高,四周地势较低 B、以高原地形为主,山地、平原、盆地 C、

12、东西部高,中部低 D、以平原地形为主,山地、高原、盆地极少 4. 有关日本地理特征的叙述,正确的是 ( ) A(日本是太平洋东部的群岛国家 B(日本境内多平原,平原面积占国土总面积的四分之三 C(气候冬暖夏凉,为典型的温带海洋性气候 D(日本的铁矿、石油、煤炭等矿产资源贫乏,绝大部分依赖进口 5(能给印度带来大量降水的是 ( ) A(东南季风 B. 西南季风 C. 东北季风 D. 西北季风 6(中日文化交流源远流长,日本文化深受中国影响,突出表现在( ) A(语言和文字方面 B. 建筑和文字方面C. 语言和建筑方面 D. 文字和农业技术方面 7(世界上惟独占有一块大陆的国家是 ( ) A(新西

13、兰 B. 英国 C. 日本 D. 澳大利亚 8(日本占绝对优势的民族是 ( ) A(蒙古族 B. 朝鲜族 C. 高山族 D. 大和族 9(美国“硅谷”最重要的工业部门是 ( ) A(电子工业 B. 汽车工业 C. 钢铁工业 D. 宇航工业 10(世界最寒冷的地区是 ( ) A(北极地区 B. 西伯利亚 C. 南极地区 D.青藏高原 11.登艾菲尔铁塔,在罗浮宫欣赏名画蒙娜丽莎应该去 ( ) A德国 B、英国 C、法国 D、奥地利 12. 被伊斯兰教、基督教、犹太教看作圣地的是 ( ) A、麦加 B、贝鲁特 C、耶路撒冷 D、大马士革 13. 不使用欧元的国家是 ( ) A、法国 B、德国 C、

14、英国 D、俄罗斯 securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment

15、; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall pa

16、rticipate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams . Eight, provided by th

17、e General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for

18、acceptance and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing procedures, de

19、velop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment sa

20、fety protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical oper

21、ations, special operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by hanging ten rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electrical and mechanical equipment is stri

22、ctly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipment are not a

23、llowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the ten does not burn provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of Gen

24、eral firesecurely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then sent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment

25、; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile, had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall pa

26、rticipate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams . Eight, provided by th

27、e General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units work in accordance with the regulations, and prepare written procedures for

28、acceptance and delivery, is strictly prohibited in the case of unqualified acceptance or acceptance into use. Nine, all subcontractors and General units such as the mutual borrowing or rental equipment and tools you need, there should be both relevant personnel of borrowing or leasing procedures, de

29、velop safe use and management systems. Lending unit should ensure the loaned equipment and tools in good condition and in accordance with the requirements, borrowing unit must be checked and written handover records. Ten, the sub-contractor for scaffolding, construction site facilities, equipment sa

30、fety protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs may be supplemented, removed, changed. If needed change, must be approved by the head of construction and safety managers agreed, and to take the necessary and reliable security measures can only be removed. Plenary and small mechanical oper

31、ations, special operations and personnel, required training, after passing the examination by the relevant departments, with valid ID posts. Hoisting personnel must abide by hanging ten rule, strictly illegal, unlicensed operation; staff know nothing about electrical and mechanical equipment is stri

32、ctly prohibited and unauthorized operations use electric appliances, machinery and equipment. 12, the subcontractor must strictly implement the system of fire prevention and explosion protection, flammable and explosive places non-smoking and the use of open flames, fire-fighting equipment are not a

33、llowed to divert it. Welding and gas cutting operation shall follow the provisions of fire approval procedures, strict compliance with the ten does not burn provisions, prohibited the use of furnaces. Construction such as open flame heating measures must be used, you should obtain the consent of Gen

34、eral fire14. 在欧洲西部被称为“绿色金子”的是指 ( ) A、水稻 B、牧草 C、葡萄 D、柠檬 15(世界上面积最大的淡水湖是 ( ) A.贝加尔湖 B.里海 C.密歇根湖 D.苏必利尔湖 16. 下列欧洲气候类型中,亚洲缺少的是 ( ) A(地中海气候 B(温带海洋性气候 C(温带大陆性气候 D(亚寒带针叶林气候 17. 世界上最大的椰子生产国是 ( ) A(马来西亚 B. 菲律宾 C. 越南 D. 印度尼西亚 18. 下列有关孟买的叙述正确的是 ( ) A(印度最大的麻纺织工业中心 B. 印度最大的棉纺织中心 C. 濒临孟加拉湾的港口城市 D. 附近有丰富的煤炭资源 19.

35、南极洲特有的动物是: ( ) A海豹 B企鹅 C海象 D海狮 20(下列属于五大湖工业中心的是 ( ) A(纽约 波士顿 B.费城 芝加哥C. 芝加哥 底特律 D.洛杉矶 新奥尔良 二(填空题(每空1分,共20分) 21(从海陆位置来看,亚洲主要位于 大陆,东临 洋,南临 洋。 22(印度绝大部分地区处热带、 带,以 气候为主。 23(欧盟15国中的12国使用共同的货币 ,欧盟已成为与 、日本三足鼎立的世界三大经济中心之一。 24(南极圈穿过 洲、 洲和 洲。 25(整个南极地区是一个巨大的资源宝库。那里不仅有 _、_等矿产资源,还有_ 等丰富的生物资源。 26(印度的主要粮食作物是_和_。

36、27(目前,已有_个国家在南极建立了_多个科学考察实验站。我国于1985年和1989年,分别在乔治王岛和南极大陆上建立了_站和_站。 28. 南极洲冰层的平均厚度达2000多米,素有“_”之称。 三(连线题(共12分) 29(6分)把下列地理知识用直线连接起来。 ?千岛之国 A.澳大利亚 ?黄袍佛国 B.巴西 ?骑在羊背上的国家 C.泰国 ?咖啡王国 D.埃及 ?金子塔之国 E.印度尼西亚 ?无流国 F.沙特阿拉伯 30(6分)把下列地理事物用直线串连起来。 construction organization design of temporary power supply on-plant

37、protection system serial number check acceptance requirements results 1 ?e acceptance form project name supply planning capacity (KW) rated current a wire cross section tan three copies of the form, team and keep a, filed a report, the security sector. Temporary electricity in construction sidown on

38、 construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Jap-low s theasures, should be hung at the switch box action to suppress the closing sign, and with special care; Targeted security givemonitor at the safe distance; When debugging and maintenance of electri

39、c power transmission, in addition to reliable power me e must, and should be inspected regularly, check; Line no load on or off, and prohibit the charged operation; Dangerous job, someonity in construction site safety; All insulation, testing tools, and should be properly kept, it is strictly prohib

40、ited to uselevel electrician; Electricians must be familiar with the technical specifications of the temporary electric-completed by the lowerectrical work must meet the electrician required. On the more difficult and more complex electrical engineering shall not be ; The ease with which engaged in

41、eldown the content must be approved by the technical training hold special operations after passing the examination certificate-1 content security technology to give the low-4-n construction organization name project name 5down (reference tables) construction constructio-cceptance form . Site tempor

42、ary power electrician safety technology gives the lowise scaffolding) 10, scaffolding removed (including the main component) application form 11, Derrick and crane installation ar-ighof scaffold (pick, try hung, attached lifting scaffolding) tables 9, scaffold erection acceptance acceptance form (Ge

43、neral, h it support records in table 6, formwork supporting system acceptance table 7, template removal request form 8, a special typeion pacceptance table (1), and pit adjacent buildings settlement observation records table (1 ), Deformation monitoring of Foundat rical equipment check records table

44、 (7), and distribution box each ten special check records table 5, and pit support nursingelectregularly insulation resistance test records (5), and electrical daily visits maintenance records (6), and construction site emporary electricity acceptance table (3), and grounding resistance test records

45、 (4), and mobile and the handheld mobile tooldown (2), and construction site t-tricity archives (1), and site temporary electricity electrical operation security technology lowry certificate, and products detection report or its He proved material attached Hou) 4, and construction site temporary ele

46、ciness license, and production license, and factoform (3), and accident hidden processing standard (4), and site security log 3, and security supplies acceptance records (bus 2 securely, no throwing tools and waste; The deployment of material should be tuned on the ground after the first, and then s

47、ent to the area, materials to be sealed after the remaining material; Material piled up must be kept away from fire, toxic substances must be sealed, and fire equipment; When transporting material, watch out for falling hurts, is strictly prohibited in the construction close to Fireworks, meanwhile,

48、 had to carry fire-fighting equipment; When the operator, such as headache, nausea, and should cease operations. With materials stimulate the allergic persons, shall participate in the work; Side facing the House working at height, 1.2m and high fences, and hang buckles seat belt; Targeted security

49、gives the low-down on construction site; Others. Disclosure signatures to accept cards deliver the signature time Japan form in duplicate, teams . Eight, provided by the General machinery and equipment, scaffolding and other facilities, erection, installation is completed before delivery, the total package in conjunction with the acceptance of relevant subcontracted the construction units w


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