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1、贵州省凯里市第一中学2018届高三英语下学期第四套模拟考试试题第卷 选择题第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AFour Most Beautiful Art Museums in ChinaYu Qingcheng Gallery, TianjinYu Qingcheng is a sculpture artist from North Chinas Tianjin, famous for his clay figures depicting lives of people in

2、 rural China. The Yu Qingcheng Gallery stands in mountains of Jinxian county, spanning an area of 1,800 square meters. Designed by the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tianjin University, the gallery features a distinguishing “manifold” structure with different shapes of the buildings,

3、 which form a continuous flowing and changing physical space.M Woods Museum, BeijingM Woods is an independent, not-for-profit art museum founded in 2014 by collectors Lin Han and Lei Wanying,and co-founded by Huang Xufii. Its built in a former munitions (军需品) factory, with renovations using transluc

4、ent materials. M Woods opens to the public with a permanent collection based on the founders private collection of international art.Gongwang Art Museum, HangzhouThe Gongwang Art Museum is one of the most recent designs of famed Chinese architect Wang Shu, who became the first Chinese to win the Pri

5、tzker Architecture Prize in 2012. The museum stands along rivers in the Fuchun Mountains in East Chinas Fuyang, Hangzhou city, where legendary painter Huang Gongwang (1269 -1354), of the Yuan Dynasty, lived and finished his masterpiece scroll painting Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains.Sifang Art Muse

6、um, NanjingThe Sifang Art Museum has been praised by many as one of the best private art museums in China, nestled in mountains in suburban Nanjing, East Chinas Jiangsu province. The museum also features a lake zone which is open for public visits.1. Which is the characteristic of Yu Qingcheng?A. Th

7、e clay sculpture.B. The unique structure.C. The images of rural life.D. The wide area.2. How is M Woods Museum different from the other museums?A. It is an unprofitable museum.B. It displays private collection.C. It is named after a famous architect.D. It opens to the public.3. At which museum can y

8、ou enjoy beautiful lake scenery?A. Gongwang Art Museum.B. Sifang Art Museum.C. M Woods Museum.D. Yu Qingcheng Gallery.BMy mom loved wearing the necklace with five figurines (雕像) given by my grandma. She said it was a way to keep the grandkids close to her heart. The thing was that you never knew how

9、 many grandkids were close to her heart. Some days all five might be on the chain; other days there might be only three or four.If one of the grandkids behaved badly, she would fling his/her figurine around to the back of the chain. She told them that they could come back to the front of the necklac

10、e and join the others when they improved bad behaviors. She was a matriarch who knew how to hold a crowd.Her behaviors reminded me of the Great Pillow Caper. Once, Mom and Dad, completely out of mind, rented a huge van to take 11 of us a fair distance to a family reunion. It was a tight fit, full of

11、 crying babies and bad-tempered kids. Quarrels mounted on the long drive home,A conflict happened between a couple of the kids over a pillow.Grandma demanded the pillow be passed up front to her and announced she would “dispose” of the matter. Someone yelled, “Do it, Grandma! Show them what you,re m

12、ade of!” The fighting stopped immediately and those children, now all adults, are exceptionally well-behaved on long car-trips.The grandmas baton (指挥棒) has been passed to the next generation. With grandmas necklace,it seems that I, too, have a means of holding a crowd. Now, there are nine little fig

13、urines on the chain. Occasionally, chaos erupts when we are all together and one of the grandkids will run over, check the necklace to make sure he or she is still in place, and then take off yelling, “Im still on the necklace!” “For now you are! Dont mish it!”4. What does the each figurine stand fo

14、r?A. Grandkid.B. Love.C. Wealth.D. Happiness.5. Why did my mother move her figurine around to the back of the chain?A. Because she wanted to correct grandkids bad behaviors.B. Because the grandkids made her annoyed.C. Because she knew how to hold a crowd.D. Because she wanted to keep her grandma clo

15、se to her heart.6. How did grandma dispose the pillow caper?A. Violently.B. Indifferently.C. Unfairly.D. Wisely.7. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Children are what the mothers areB. My grandma: a powerful personC. Love is where the figurines areD. The necklace: a special batonCDo you h

16、ave an adventurous spirit and some serious money to bum? A company called Orion Span wants to organize your next vacationto outer space.For just $9.5 million, Orion Span will take you on a 12-day journey 200 miles above the Earths surface to Aurora Station, and it is called “the first luxury hotel i

17、n space.” The company expects to open the hotel in late 2021 and host its first guests in 2022. When operational, the hotel will host six people at a time, including two crew members.Before embarking on your journey to space, youll go through a three-month certification program. The first phase will

18、 be completed online,and then youll head to the companys Houston facility for in-person training.During their stay.travelers will enjoy the exhilaration of zero gravity and fly freely throughout Aurora Station, gaze at the northern and southern aurora through the many windows, soar over their hometo

19、wns, take part in research experiments such as growing food while in orbit (which they can take home with them as the ultimate souvenir), revel in a virtual reality experience on the holodeck, and stay in touch or live stream with their loved ones back home via high-speed wireless Internet access.Or

20、ion Spans ambitions dont end with operating a luxury hotel in space. “We will later sell dedicated modules as the worlds first condominiums (私人公寓) in space,” CEO and Founder Frank Bunger said in a statement. “Future Aurora owners can live in, visit, or sublease (转租) their space condominiums.”8. What

21、 can we know from the passage?A. The Aurora Station can hold eight guests at a time.B. The space travel is just open to the rich.C. The outer program needs three-month online training.D. The travelers can conduct real-time conversations with their family.9. What does the underlined word “embarking o

22、n” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Keep on.B. Start off.C. Prepare for.D. End up.10. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. The owner of the space hotel has the right to sell it.B. The hotel in space will be more luxurious.C. Anybody can afford to go to the outer space in the future.D. The Ori

23、on Span will expand its business further.11. What is the Frank Bungers attitude to the future of the space journey?A. Doubtful.B. Optimistic.C. Objective.D. Conservative.D“What we define as pain usually has to do with a nervous system,” Anke Stepphun, an ecologist at the Free University of Berlin, s

24、ays. When you put your hand too close to a hot stove, nerve cells send an alert to your brain. Your brain decodes that signal as burning pain, which causes you to pull your hand away before any serious damage is done. Plants dont have nerves or brains, so they cant feel pain like we do. “But plants

25、definitely do recognize when something is hurting them,” Steppuhn says. And since they cant escape a potentially dangerous situation, they need other ways of fighting back.The biggest threat to a plants life is getting eaten. Some plants stop herbivores from chewing on them by growing thorns or shar

26、p little hairs,like a rose or a cactus does. Other plants produce bad-tasting or even poisonous chemicals, which force a would-be attacker to abandon its meal.But a plant called bittersweet nightshade does something even more ingenious, Steppuhn discovered. When a slug chews holes in a nightshades l

27、eaf, liquid begins dripping out of the edges of the wound, almost as if the plant were bleeding. The liquid is sugary nectar, and it happens to be a favorite food of ants. In order to collect the nectar, the ants swarm all over the injured nightshade plant and attack anything that stands in their wa

28、y.Plants also release certain chemicals into the air when they are being eaten. People usually cant detect these subtle smells. But wasps can. When a wasp senses a cry for help, it races to the scene of the crime. If it finds the right kind of insects chowing down on the plant, the wasp interrupts t

29、he bug meal by laying its eggs inside the bugs body. Although plants may look like passive victims, they have armies of cold-blooded killers at their beck and call.12. Why does author give us the example about touching a hot stove in Para. 1?A. To explain pain is a nervous sensation.B. To prove the

30、nervous system is part of the body.C. To advise people to keep away from a hot stove.D. To state how the nervous system carries messages.13. According to the passage, which statement is NOT correct?A. The central nervous system is responsible for human pain.B. Plants don5t feel pain the same way peo

31、ple do.C. A cactus protects itself by producing bad chemicals.D. Some plants can rely on animals to protect themselves.14. Which animal attack slugs to get to a plants sweet liquid?A. Wasps.B. Ants.C. Bees.D. Snails.15. What is the passage mainly about?A. How plants act when they sense danger.B. How

32、 the humans nervous system works.C. How the plants call wasps to kill their enemies.D. Why plants cant feel pain like people do.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Using a child safety seat is the best way to protect kids when traveling by car. Every state in the United Sta

33、tes requires that a baby or small child be limited. And with good reasonunintentional injury is the leading cause of death in children. _16_Child safety seats can greatly reduce the risk of a potentially deadly injury,especially for babies. _17_ When choosing a safety seat, pay attention to the foll

34、owing advice. Choose a seat with a label (标签) which states that it meets Federal Motor Vehicle Safety standard. _18_ Never use a seat thats more than 6 years old or one that was in a crash. Avoid seats that are missing parts, are not labeled with the production date and model number, or do not come

35、with an instruction book. Also, check the seat for the recommended expiration date (截止日期). If you have any doubts about a seats history, or if it shows signs of wear and tear, dont use it. If you accept a used seat, contact the maker for recommendations on how long the seat can safely be used and to

36、 find out if its ever been recalled (召回). _19_ And the maker might be able to provide you with a replacement part or new model. Be sure to fill out the product registration card so you will be informed of recalls right away.All in all, the best car seat is not always the most expensive one. _20_ Onc

37、e you select a seat, be sure to try it out, keeping in mind that store displays and posters might not show the correct usage.A. Accept a used seat with caution.B. Read the entire recommendations.C. But many safety seats are used incorrectly.D. And most such injuries are from car crashes.E. The requi

38、rement for recalling is quite common.F. Its the one that best fits a childs weight, size,and your vehicle.G. Before using the safety seat, read the instruction book thoroughly.第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。During a visit to South Chinas Guangdon

39、g province earlier this month to _21_ on the relevance (相关事宜) of the 19th century opium wars in modem China, I spent part of a morning in Shamian.The area was built as a Western concession (租借地) in the 1860s after the ruling Qing Dynasty (1644 1911) _22_ for a second time in wars with Britain, which

40、 Chinese historians say _23_ fought for colonial expansion in Asia.British, French and some other Western businesses had set up their factories on the _24_ of the Pearl River in Guangzhou during the Qing times. The _25_ was burned down during the conflict, a plaque (匾) tells visitors, which is _26_,

41、 in 1859, Britain and France _27_ the governor of Canton (present-day Guangdong) to rent Shamian to them. It wasnt until 1946 that the Chinese government _28_ the area back.A Cantonese-speaking _29_ and I approached some elderly men _30_ in a tea house among themselves to ask what they thought of th

42、e architecture. Beautiful and it has a long history, said one, _31_ he added that the buildings with large rooms and spaces between houses are _32_ facing Chinas large population. “I think it is a waste of space.” Shamian is a culture site thats been under government _33_ since 1996. Its early Chine

43、se residents were civil _34_ whose children have moved out to other parts of Guangzhou. The buildings_35_consulates (领事馆) from more than 10 countries and dozens of foreign banks in recent decades. There are at least two primary schools and the resident offices of three _36_ governments in Shamian no

44、w. But _37_ activity seems to be limited to a handful of cafes and hotels. However,British merchants “dumped” opium on the Chinese market to _38_ the trade loss Britain faced during the Qing rule, according to museum exhibits about the wars and foreign trade in Guangdong._39_, the poppy flowers from

45、 which opium is made have been the _40_ of paintings by European masters such as Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh.21. A. reportB. expressC. organizeD. rescue22. A. attackB. lostC. burstD. survive23. A. wasB. to beC. beingD. were24. A. valleysB. canalsC. banksD. sources25. A. countyB. settlementC. d

46、ynastyD. reserve26. A. whyB. whenC. whereD. how27. A. confirmedB. fooledC. soughtD. got28. A. harvestB. surroundedC. wonD. spotted29. A. audienceB. translatorC. fanD. performer30. A. observingB. yawningC. enjoyingD. chatting31. A. butB. thereforeC. thoughD. so32. A. considerateB. worthwhileC. imprac

47、ticalD. disturbing33. A. constructionB. departmentC. sectionD. protection34. A. victimsB. paintersC. servantsD. guides35. A. housedB. swallowedC. concludedD. united36. A. unusualB. provincialC. enjoyableD. cautious37. A. casualB. endlessC. commercialD. random38. A. make up forB. result inC. put up withD. come about39. A. VividlyB. DifferentlyC. FirmlyD. Ambitiously40. A. agentB. giantC. tutorD. subject第卷第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白出填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。UmbrellasFrom the moment that umbrellas were created in Ancient Egypt, Assyria, India and China over 3000 years ago, it st


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