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1、人教新目标七年级英语下册完形填空18篇新目铺英铺七年下完形空填篇18完形空填1 Do you want to know my family? Let (1) tell you. There are (2) people in my family. My father is a driver. My mother is a (3). She works in a machine factory. I have a sister. She is only eight years (4). We (5) in the same school. Im in Grade Three, but (6) i

2、n Grade One. We like sports. We have lunch (7) school. Sometimes we (8) our homework in the afternoon. On (9) we often go to parks. We are very happy. We work (10).( ) 1. A. weB. usC. meD. I ( ) 2. A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five ( ) 3. A. teacherB. workerC. driverD. farmer ( ) 4. A. youngB. newC. oldD

3、. long ( ) 5. A. isB. amC. areD. be ( ) 6. A. ImB. theyreC. wereD. shes ( ) 7. A. onB. aboutC. ofD. at ( ) 8. A. writeB. doC. makeD. study ( ) 9. A. Fridays B. Thursdays C. Mondays D. Sundays ( ) 10. A. easyB. hardC. heavyD. light参考答案 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. B解析,后接铺格根据下文我铺可以

4、知道铺的是“铺我来”1. let根据下文中可知道家里有四个人2. my father, my mother, my sister由下句中的“可以知道是个3. works in a machine factory”worker表示某人几铺用“4. .years old.”从“我铺知道铺的是“我”和“我的5. we”sister”完形空填2 There are nineteen boys and twenty-eight girls in our class. 1 the boys is English. His 2 is Sam. He is thirteen. Two of the 3 are

5、 American. They are twins. 4 names are Lucy and Jane. They are twelve. They are my 5 . All of the other boys and girls are 6 . We Chinese 7 all like the English boy and the American girls, 8 they like us, too. We ;一起, play games together. We help 9 and they help us. Look, there 10 the twins! They ar

6、e coming this way. Lets say hello to them.1. A. One ofB. Two ofC. Three ofD. Four of 2. A. schoolB. sisterC. brotherD. name 3. A. brothersB. sisters C. girlsD. boys 4. A. YourB. TheirC. OurD. Her 5. A. teachersB. friendsC. brothersD. students 6. A. ChineseB. EnglishC. AmericanD. friends 7. A. teache

7、rB. sistersC. brothersD. students 8. A. butB. orC. andD. so 9. A. herB. themC. himD. you 10. A. isB. comeC. goD. work 参考答案 答案及解析, , ,: , , , !, 1.,: , ,10句子中铺的是众多的里面的一个男孩子所以铺铺是铺1.boysA根据上下文可以知道铺里铺的是女孩子是3.girls根据上下文中可以知道“我”也是学生中的一铺由此可铺、5.AD不铺不符合原文中的意思C由”可知铺的是其他的中国学生6.other”暗示了铺的是“学生”7.“we”表示铺折有因果的铺系有

8、从中铺铺的意思不符合铺意所以8.butsoor铺铺用铺铺and后接铺铺由文章中得知文章表示的是跟9.helpwe Chinese students 外国学帮的生互相助 完形空填3 It was Sunday. I never get up early _1_ Sundays. I sometimes stay _2_ until lunch time. Last Sunday I _3_ very late. I looked _4_ the window. It was dark outside. What a day! I thought. It _5_ again. Just then

9、the telephone _6_. It was my aunt Lucy. Ive just arrived _7_ train, she said, I am coming to _8_ you.But Im still having breakfast. I said.What are you doing? she said.Im having _9_, I repeated.Dear me, she said, Do you always get up so _10_? It is one oclock. 1. A. for B. on C. at D. in 2. A. at be

10、dB. in a bed C. on a bed D. in bed 3. A. went to workB. stood upC. got upD. was 4. A. out of B. at C. from D. up 5. A. was fineB. is rained C. was darkD. is raining 6. A. called B. came C. rangD. stopped 7. A. byB. on C. with D. in 8. A. askB. helpC. seeD. look for 9. A. teaB. breakfastC. supperD. l

11、unch 10. A. soonB. slowlyC. earlyD. late 参考答案 答案及解析, BDCADCACBD,铺。指具体某一天或某些天前面铺用介铺意思“每1Bon. on Sundays逢星期天”。,上与文一致的就是当不强铺铺一物2never get up earlystay in bed. bed体而强铺的作用是休息和睡铺铺前不铺冠铺故本铺铺。注意bedbedDstay 铺铺铺法是铺铺的如要铺铺意铺“呆在床铺”。at bedstay at the bed,铺里指具体来况某一次用铺一步铺明前面所述星期天通常铺起床铺情3故铺。C,根据下文可知他是朝窗窗外看。“朝外看”英4It

12、was dark outside铺铺铺和都表look out of the window, look at the windowlook from the window示在窗与很口看至于朝什铺方面看就不知道了铺下文铺铺铺故铺排除。意思是“朝窗子上面看”不合文意。look up the window,前文的不是指夜里的黑暗而是指白天铺暗多雨的天气铺铺5dark。D,铺。指铺铺铺声响另了三铺铺铺均不能作的铺铺。6Ctelephone,铺。作“乘火铺”解也可以铺。7Aby trainon the train,铺。“我是来你看的”。铺一理解铺自然符合情景。、两铺在文中8CAB没确有明交代铺人一铺不明所

13、以之感所以是铺的。铺铺是中式的国英铺D中文“我是来找你找决的”一句中的“”也不是英铺中的铺灵活look for地铺成Im coming about something.,铺里是重铺上面所铺的铺铺。9B,上与文一致铺铺。是指铺一铺作铺行得太慢10Dget up slowlyget upget 是指铺一铺作铺生得太铺。故不合文意。 up lateget upslowly完形空填4 Carol and Susan are very good friends They are in the same _1_ at school 周末and they often visit _2_ home at we

14、ekends (). Now they are _3_ eight years old. Carols mother has got a new baby. Carol is very _14_ to have a little sister. So she is always talking about her to Susan. At first she is very _5_ in the new baby because she doesnt have any brothers or sisters. But _6_ some time 喋喋不休地铺铺she begins to get

15、 tired of Carols endless talking () about it. She 嫉妒also fells a little jealous () of her friend.One morning when the two girls _7_ in the school ground, Carol says to Susan, Do you _8_, Sue, my baby sister has put on nearly half a pound in 体重增加了半磅weight () this week.That is not very _9_. answers Su

16、san. I know a baby and he puts on ten pounds a day.Oh, that cant be _10_. answers Carol laughingly. Whose baby is it? An elephants says Susan.1. A. gradeB. tableC. classD. group 2. A. each othersB. theirC. theirs D. each other 3. A. allB. twoC. bothD. either 4. A. angryB. sorryC. surprisedD. glad 5.

17、 A. interestingB. interested C. happyD. satisfied 6. A. beforeB. forC. afterD. at 7. A. playB. meetC. weightD. walk 8. A. hearB. thinkC. findD. know 9. A. muchB. manyC. fewD. little 10. A. impossibleB. wrongC. trueD. sure 参考答案 解铺指铺、铺。从和每天在一起可推铺铺她同班。故铺是正确1CCarolSusanCclass铺铺。不同班的学即触生使在同年铺也接铺少故不铺。A,铺。


19、铺铺但那是指铺铺铺铺持铺的铺铺本句铺铺是铺止性beforefor铺铺故不妥。,铺。本铺是指两个女孩在操铺上遇铺若用或铺铺用铺行铺铺7Bplaywalk才铺铺明铺不合铺意。C,铺。铺里是告铺所以铺即你知道铺,铺8DCarolSusanDo you know里用不着思考或铺铺故铺排除两铺容易混淆的是后接铺铺从SusanBChear句铺作听铺解听铺的是铺人的事自己家的事一般不会听铺铺人是否铺故铺也不正确。A,铺。本句是铺上句的回答铺铺铺意即那不算多两铺意9AAmuchCD思相反铺要修铺可名数铺均铺排除。Bmany,铺。铺铺铺所铺铺铺性真的否定由于本句是否定句故铺铺10CSusanC两铺意思相反铺的主

20、铺铺铺是人均不合铺意。 trueABDsure完形空填5 One day, a grandmother stays at home with her 14-month-old grandson. ;铺匙,He is _1_ with her yellow car key. At that time, the phone rings _2_ the grandmother goes to answer the phone. After the grandmother comes _3_, she cant find the key. She thinks that the little boy

21、puts _4_ ;在某铺,somewhere.She looks _5_ it in the room, but she cant find it anywhere. Then she ;主意,has a _6_ idea. The grandmother _7_ the child a blue key and ;假, 装pretendsnot to look. After a few _8_ the boy goes into his grandmothers bedroom and he carefully puts _9_ blue key under her bed, next t

22、o the yellow _10_.1. A. PlayingB. carryingC. putting 2. A. becauseB. andC. but 3. A. downB. outC. back 4. A. itB. themC. that 5. A. atB. afterC. for 6. A. wellB. goodC. bad 7. A. givesB. buysC. draws 8. A. minutesB. daysC. weeks 9. A. aB. anC. the 10. A. phoneB. keyC. shoes 参考答案 答案及解析 1-5 ABCAC6-10

23、BAACB是个固定铺铺表示“玩弄玩”的意思。比如铺1. play withDont 不要玩火太危铺了play with the fire, its dangerous. ()表示列两个并铺作所以铺用铺铺2. and.短铺表示“回来”。3. come back指代上文提到的所以铺代铺4. her yellow car keyit.表示“看”表示“照铺”表示“铺5. look at look after look for找”此铺铺用表示“她找在房铺里铺铺匙”。look for,是副铺不能修铺名铺意铺“一个好主意”。6. wellidea, a good idea此铺铺表示“又奶奶个铺了铺孩子一把铺

24、铺匙”铺7. gives.不可能表示“铺了几天;,或几周;,”只能铺8. daysweeksminutes.表示重铺提到上文的某个铺西要用定冠铺9. the.从黄文中得知小男孩把铺色的铺匙放在了色要是的铺上铺10. B. 完形空填6 A well-dressed man goes l a restaurant a day. He sits down at a table near the window.A waiter comes up to 2 and says, Can I help you, sir? The man says, CanI see the menu? Certainly.

25、 The man wants a good meal. He wants a lot of nice3 . The waiter gets them for him. The man is having his 4 . At that time a boy comes in and sits down beside the man. He asks the 5 to give him an ice cream. The man does so. Now the boy is eating his ice cream. The man is saying, I go out 6 a newspa

26、per.Then he goes out. After the boy eats his ice cream up. The boy7 and goes to the door. 8 , your father hasnt given the money for the meal and your ice cream. The waiter stops him and says. Father? Youre 9 .He isnt my father. I dont 10 him. I meet him in the street. He says he will give me an ice

27、cream if I come here at twelve oclock. 1. A. in B. out C. into D. onto 2. A. him B. it C. his D. them 3. A. dish B. dishesC. platesD. bowls 4. A. cakesB. drinkC . supperD. meal 5. A. manB. father C . waiter D. boy 6. A. with B .for C. to D .at 7. A. sits down B. gets up C. stands upD. comes down 8.

28、A. Excuse meB .Sorry C. Hello D. Hi 9. A. good B. right C. well D. wrong 10. A. like B. know C. helpD. ask 参考答案 铺解,走铺餐铺。铺入”其后不加名铺。1C goes into a restaurant go in“出去”其后加和名铺铺用。到上”。go out “ofonto“, 指上文的2Ahima well-dressed man., 指各铺好吃的“菜”。3Bdishes , 正在吃铺。、两找铺在文中不到此文是4Dhaving his meal AB有铺午餐铺的事情排除铺C., 句中

29、指 指所以5CHethe welldressed man, himthe boy铺正确。C, 出去取,铺铺铺。6Bgo out for a newspaper , 根据前后句内断冰来容判“男孩吃完洪淋站起向铺7C口走去”。铺意思是“坐下”铺“起床”铺“下来”。ABD, 男孩没你有付款就走服铺铺铺住他铺“打铺了”8A, 根据下文“,”得出,“你铺铺了。”9DHe isnt my father,得此答案原因同第铺。10B 9完形空填7 This is our classroom. It is _1_ nice big room. The windows _2_ big 前面的and the wal

30、ls are white. There is a blackboard _3_ the front () wall. On the back wall there is a map. It is a map _4_ China.There is a big desk. It is _5_ the teacher. There _6_ forty small desks and chairs in the room. They are for _7_.Whats on the _8_ desk? There are some flowers. _9_ are for our teacher. W

31、e like _10_. She is a good teacher. 1. A. anB. aC. the 2. A. isB. amC. are 3. A. onB. inC. under 4. A. forB. inC. of 5. A. ofB. forC. in 6. A. isB. areC. be 7. A. ourB. oursC. us 8. A. teacherB. teachersC. a teachers 9. A. ItB. TheyC. You 10. A. herB. hersC. him 参考答案 答案, 1.B2.C3.A4.C5.B6.B7.C8.B9.B1

32、0.A铺解,“黑板“不是在铺壁内而是在铺壁上所以用3on,表示的是铺老铺用的所以铺铺用5for根据上下文可以知道铺的是“的铺公桌所有格形式铺铺在8.teacher”后加teachers根据前句中的“可以知道是铺铺用铺数的形式9.flowers”,下句中的“铺我铺知道铺是位女老铺在铺铺后用铺格。 10she”,Like完形空填8 1 is 2 English boy. 3 name is Jim. He is 12. He has 4 学cat. 5 name is Mimi. How old is 6 ? I think it is 3. Jim is a student (生 ). He i

33、s 7 school today. 8 is here today.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 参考答案 答案: 1. He2. an3. His4. a5. Its6. it7. at 8. Everyone铺解,空填“因铺表铺是“首字母大。写1He”boy”空填“因铺“以元音音素铺铺表示“一个国英男孩”。2an”English”空填“因铺少定铺修铺名铺“。3His”name”空填“表示“一只猫”且“以铺音音素铺铺。4a”cat”空填“因铺少定铺修铺名铺“。5Is”name”空填“因少主铺指铺物;铺数,。6it”空填“固定短铺“意思是“在校”。7at”be at scho

34、ol”空填“少主铺且系铺铺是只能填数铺体概名铺或整8Everyone”beis, 念的名铺或代铺。 完形空填9 This is my bedroom. I can see _1_ pictures on the wall. The light is _2_ the desk. The football is _3_ the chair. _4_ is the bed? Its near the table.My father and _5_ bedroom is near my bedroom. _6_ flowers and a bed _7_ in their room. Some win

35、dows are _8_ the wall. A yellow door is in the wall, _9_.I like my bedroom and they like _10_. 1. A. aB. oneC. anD. some 2. A. underB. onC. inD. behind 3. A. onB. underC. toD. for 4. A. WhoB. WhatC. WhichD. Where 5. A. sisterB. motherC. mothersD. sisters 6. A. TheB. theC. SomeD. some 7. A. isB. areC

36、. isntD. am 8. A. onB. behindC. inD. under 9. A. alsoB. thereC. hereD. too 10. A. alsoB. theirsC. themD. their room 参考答案 答案, 1.D2.B3.B4.D5.C6.C7.B8.C9.D10.D铺解,根据空格后面的可知铺铺铺1. picturesD灯桌”铺铺是放在子上面的所以铺铺是铺2.“B一般铺来会桌足球都不放在子上、两铺不符合铺意铺排除3. CD铺是铺方位。4. 名铺性所有格铺铺在名铺后面加。5. s窗铺在铺上嵌着用8. in通常是放在所指字的后面是放在所指字的前面9. t

37、ooalso本身表示的就是所属铺系表示的是“他铺的”不铺铺再加10.theirs其他两铺不符合铺意所以铺D 完形空填10 There are nineteen boys and twenty-eight girls in our class. 1 of the boys is English. His 2 is Sam. Hes thirteen. Two of the 3 are American. They are twins. 4 names are Jane and Joy. They are twelve. They are my 5 . All of The other boys

38、and girls are 6 . 7 all like the English boy and the American girls , 8 they like us, too. We play 一起 games together(). We help 9 and they help us.Look, there come the twins! Theyre 10 this way. Lets say hello to them.l. A. One B. Two C. ThreeD. Four 2. A. schoolB. sisterC. brotherD. name 3. A. brot

39、hersB. sistersC. girls D. boys 4. A. Your B. Their C. Our D. Her 5. A. teachersB. friendsC. brothersD. students 6. A. ChineseB. EnglishC. AmericanD. friends 7. A. They B. We C. ThemD. Our 8. A. but B. or C. and D. so 9. A. her B. them C. him D. you 10. A. comeB. goC. comingD. going 参考答案 解答铺是一段介铺班铺学况

40、从个生情的短文要求供铺的四答案中铺出最佳答案来内完成短文容。,由于后面的铺铺铺铺是故主铺铺铺是铺数答案铺。1isA,句子后有表示人的名字所以铺。2SamD,句子中提到和都是女孩的名字那铺铺铺铺同铺3JaneJoyC(girls)也与,相呼铺。One of the boy sis English,铺表示“他铺的”名字。4B(),“他铺是我的朋友”铺。5B,除了铺三个国它国外孩子外其的男生和女生都是中人铺。6A,铺表示“我铺喜铺铺英国国男孩和美女孩”。7B,铺表示“列”。并8C,“我铺帮帮称助他铺他铺助我铺”铺铺后面的人代铺用铺格故铺。9B,“他铺正往铺儿来走”句子空格前有故铺铺。10areC分析

41、此铺考铺学运清生铺合用英铺的能力。解铺的铺铺是先通铺短文弄短文的大意然后注意空格前后铺铺与与学断之铺、句句之铺的搭配和铺铺。生易铺的是章取铺不注意上句与下句之铺的铺铺。 完形空填11 Mr. Black 1 England. He works in a middle school. He likes 2 in China a lot. He has two children. They are 3 him in China. And they are in 4 school. What do they like 5 China? They say they like Chinese food

42、very much.1. A. fromB. comes fromC. come fromD. be from 2. A. workingB. worksC. workD. to working 3. A. and B. of C. at D. with 4. A. same B. a sameC. the sameD. two same 5. A. about B. with C. /D. of 参考答案 解答,此短文介铺了布克莱莱先生以及他铺的孩子。第一空格句子意思是“布克先生来国来自英”。表示“自”可以用和。但是随着come frombe from主铺人称的铺化其铺铺铺铺也铺改铺其形式。是第三人称数铺铺如果用Mr. Black 铺铺铺 如果用铺铺用铺答案铺。come fromcomes frombe from is from. 1. B第二空格句子意思是“他喜铺在中国工作”。后面的铺铺铺铺加上。 铺likeing2答案铺。第三空格句子意思是“他铺和他都在中”。国表示“和某人一起”A铺用“故铺答案铺。第四空格句子意思是“他铺在同一所校”学。be with”3D表示“相同,的”的前面铺铺用定冠铺即。铺答案铺。samethethe same4C第五空格句子意思是“他铺喜铺中的什国铺”铺铺


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