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1、人教新目标八年级英语下册单词专项检测试题:Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents(答案不全)Word Test for Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? 考试时间: 20分钟 命题: 试卷难易度: ? 一、根据汉语意思写出下列单词。(每空一词,每空2分,共20分) 1. I studied for a test until _(午夜). 2. The water is clean and _(清澈的).You can see the fish in it. 3. _(交流)is very importa

2、nt between friends. 4. The singers were _(紧张的)before _(竞争)with others in the show. 5. Its _(疯狂的)to play computer games all day and all evening. 6. Sam is one of the _(成员)in the music club. 7. Speaking loudly in the hospital is not _(恰当的). 8. We _(推)the door open and went into the restaurant. 9. Last

3、 month, Jenny finally _(归还)the book to Linda. 二、写出下列词组或短语。(每空2分,共20分) 1. 浏览 2. 重要的事 3. 和睦相处 4. 删去;删除 5. 和比较 6. 依看 7. 和交流 8. 课外班 9. 和吵架 10. 快速地吃晚饭 三、完成下列句子。(每空一词,每空1分, 共50分) 1. 为什么不把这件事忘了呢,这样你们又还是朋友了。 _ _ forget about it _ _ you can _ _ again? 2. 当他们吵架时,就像有一大团乌云悬浮在我们家的上空。 When they _, its like a big,

4、 black _ _ _ our home. 3. 我哥哥对我不好。他总是不让我看我最喜欢的电视节目,而他却看他喜欢的任何节目。 My _ _ is not very _ _ me. He always _ _ let me _ my favorite TV show. _ he watches _ he wants. 4. 你应该解释你并不介意他整天看电视。 You should _ that you dont _ _ _ TV all the time. 5. 抄别人的作业是不对的。你应该自己解决问题。 _ _ homework is _.You should _ _ the proble

5、ms by yourself. 6. 泰勒一家是一个典型的美国家庭。每天凯西带她儿子去练篮球,带女儿去训练橄榄球。 The Taylors _ a _ American family. Every day Cathy _ her son to basketball _ and her daughter to _ _. 7. 在有些家庭里,竞争从很小就开始了,一直持续到孩子长大。 In some families, _ _ very young and _until the kids _ _. 8. 太大的压力对孩子的发展没有好处。 _ _ _ is not good for a childs

6、_. 9. 尽管想要成功的孩子很正常,但更重要的是要孩子快乐。 _ its normal _ _ _children, its _ more important _ _ happy children. 四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(每词2分,共10分) 1. My parents dont allow me _ (stay) out late. 2. Its not right to borrow ones things without _ (ask). 3. Alice, hurry up! Dont be the last one _ (finish) the work. 4. We sh

7、ould spend our time _ (do) something meaningful. 5. Its not usual for him _ (get) up at 5:00 am. Whats the matter? Word Test for Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? 考试时间: 20分钟 命题: 试卷难易度: ? 一、根据汉语意思写出下列单词。(每空一词,每空2分,共20分) 1. I studied for a test until _(午夜). 知识点关键词: 名词 解析: 午夜 midnight 答案: midni

8、ght 难度系数:? 2. The water is clean and _(清澈的).You can see the fish in it. 知识点关键词: 形容词 解析: 清澈的 clear 答案: clear 难度系数:? 3. _(交流)is very important between friends. 知识点关键词: 名词 解析: 交流 communication 答案: communication 难度系数:? 4. The singers were _(紧张的)before _(竞争)with others in the show. 知识点关键词: 形容词; 介词 解析: 紧张

9、的 nervous; 第二空前before是介词,后面应该用名词或者动名词, 所以compete应该改为动名词形式 答案: nervous; competing 难度系数:? 5. Its _(疯狂的)to play computer games all day and all evening. 知识点关键词: 形容词 解析: 形容词 crazy 答案: crazy 难度系数:? 6. Sam is one of the _(成员)in the music club. 知识点关键词: 名词 解析: 成员 member; one of +可数名词复数形式,所以member应该为members 答

10、案: members 难度系数:? 7. Speaking loudly in the hospital is not _(恰当的). 知识点关键词: 形容词 解析: 恰当的 proper 答案: proper 难度系数:? 8. We _(推)the door open and went into the restaurant. 知识点关键词: 动词 解析: 推 push; 又根据后文went可知该空应该用一般过去时。 答案: pushed 难度系数:? 9. Last month, Jenny finally _(归还)the book to Linda. 知识点关键词: 动词 解析: 归

11、还 return;根据时间壮语last month可知该空动词应该改为一般过去式 答案: returned 难度系数:? 二、写出下列词组或短语。(每空2分,共20分) 1. 浏览 2. 重要的事 3. 和睦相处 4. 删去;删除 5. 和比较 6. 依看 7. 和交流 8. 课外班 9. 和吵架 10. 快速地吃晚饭 答案: 1. look through 2. big deal 3. get on (well) with 4. cut out 5. compare with 6. in ones opinion 7. communicate with 8. after-school cla

12、sses 9. argue with 10. have a quick dinner 难度系数:? 三、完成下列句子。(每空一词,每空1分, 共50分) 1. 为什么不把这件事忘了呢,这样你们又还是朋友了。 _ _ forget about it _ _ you can _ _ again? 2. 当他们吵架时,就像有一大团乌云悬浮在我们家的上空。 When they _, its like a big, black _ _ _ our home. 3. 我哥哥对我不好。他总是不让我看我最喜欢的电视节目,而他却看他喜欢的任何节目。 My _ _ is not very _ _ me. He a

13、lways _ _ let me _ my favorite TV show. _ he watches _ he wants. 4. 你应该解释你并不介意他整天看电视。 You should _ that you dont _ _ _ TV all the time. 5. 抄别人的作业是不对的。你应该自己解决问题。 _ _ homework is _.You should _ _ the problems by yourself. 6. 泰勒一家是一个典型的美国家庭。每天凯西带她儿子去练篮球,带女儿去训练橄榄球。 The Taylors _ a _ American family. Eve

14、ry day Cathy _ her son to basketball _ and her daughter to _ _. 7. 在有些家庭里,竞争从很小就开始了,一直持续到孩子长大。 In some families, _ _ very young and _until the kids _ _. 8. 太大的压力对孩子的发展没有好处。 _ _ _ is not good for a childs _. 9. 尽管想要成功的孩子很正常,但更重要的是要孩子快乐。 _ its normal _ _ _children, its _ more important _ _ happy child

15、ren. 答案: 1. Why not; so that; be friends 2. argue; cloud hanging over 1.圆的定义:3. elder brother; nice to; refuses to; watch; instead; whatever 4. explain; mind him watching 5. copying others; wrong; work out 6. are; typical; takes; practice; football training 7. competition starts; continues; get olde

16、r 8. Too much pressure; development 9. Although; to want successful; even; to have 难度系数:? 四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(每词2分,共10分) 5.方位角:从某点的指北方向按顺时针转到目标方向的水平角,叫做方位角。如图3,OA、OB、OC的方位角分别为45、135、225。1. My parents dont allow me _ (stay) out late. 知识点关键词: allow sb. to do sth. 五、教学目标:解析: 根据allow sb. to do sth.可知应填动词不定式t

17、o stay 当a0时,抛物线开口向上,并且向上方无限伸展。当a0时,抛物线开口向下,并且向下方无限伸展。答案: to stay (4)二次函数的图象:是以直线为对称轴,顶点坐标为(,)的抛物线。(开口方向和大小由a来决定)难度系数:? 2. Its not right to borrow ones things without _ (ask). 知识点关键词: 介词 解析: without是介词,后面应该用名词或者动名词, 所以动词ask应该改为动名词形式 答案: asking 圆心角:顶点在圆心的角叫做圆心角.难度系数:? (1) 弧长公式: 弧长 (R表示圆的半径, n表示弧所对的圆心角

18、的度数)3. Alice, hurry up! Dont be the last one _ (finish) the work. 知识点关键词: 动词不定式做后置定语 弦和直径: 弦:连接圆上任意两点的线段叫做弦。 直径:经过圆心的弦叫做直径。解析: 该句中应该用动词不定式做后置定语垃圾修饰前面的词 the last one 答案: to finish 115.75.13加与减(二)2 P61-63 数学好玩2 P64-67难度系数:? 4. We should spend our time _ (do) something meaningful. 知识点关键词: spend time/money doing sth. 解析: 根据spend time/money doing sth.可知应填动词的-ing形式doing 答案: doing 难度系数:? 5. Its not usual for him _ (get) up at 5:00 am. Whats the matter? its +adj. + for sb. + to do sth. 知识点关键词: 8、加强作业指导、抓质量。解析: 根据its +adj. + for sb. + to do sth.可知应填动词不定式to get 答案: to get 难度系数:?


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