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1、高中英语人教版必修一 Unit 3 Travel Journal Reading,必修一 Unit 3 Travel Journal Reading,Step1 Leading-in,1.What do you always do on holidays?ri2.Do you like travelling? Where have you ever been to?eMy fr,The Great Wall,He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man. 不到长城非好汉。,Have you ever been to these p

2、laces ?,The Mountain Tai,“五岳之首” ranks the first of the five great mountains in China .,Guilin,in southern China, provides one of Chinas most extraordinary views.,人们都说:“桂林山水甲天下”。,The May Fourth Square in Qingdao,It is famous for its beer and the beautiful beaches .,Have you ever visited any rivers ?,

3、We are proud that there are so many beautiful places in our country .In the future,if you have a chance , you should go there to enjoy the beautiful scenery .,Guessing Game,Here are some famous rivers in China. Do you know their names?,This river is called our mother river.,The Yellow River,This riv

4、er is the longest one in China.,The Changjiang River,This is the famous river in Guangdong Province.,The Pearl River,This river begins in Qinghai Province and flows through several countries.,The Lancang River,The Lancang-Mekong River is an important international river in Southeast Asia, which flow

5、s through six countries.,Journey down the Mekong,学习目标,1. To learn something about the Mekong river and get the main idea .2.To learn different reading skills and improve the reading ability by self-directed study and cooperation . 3.To be devoted to English learning and experience the pleasure of le

6、arning through using.,Learning aims,Fast reading:快速阅读,扫描全文,把握文章的主旨和总体框架,不求完全看懂每句或每词的意思。Careful reading:带着问题仔细阅读文章,发现细节,最好把答案勾画出来。,阅读技巧-Fast reading and careful reading,Step2 Fast reading,1.What is the main idea of the text?A. the author and her sisters plan about their winter holidayB. the experienc

7、es during the author and her sisters trip in QinghaiC. anecdotes ( 轶事) that happened to their tripD. the plan and the preparations for their trip,解题思路:主旨大意一般是文章首段或末段的第一句话。但是,有时候由于文章体裁的原因,或是由于短文是节选的,这时就要靠读者自己进行概括或归纳隐含的主题思想了。,2.Match the first column with the right colum.,Para 1,A.Preparing for the tr

8、ip,Para 2,B.Wang weis dream,Para 3,C.Wang Wei is stubborn.,Step2 Fast reading,找出每段的主旨句(key sentence),能够帮助大家更好地理解本段的内容。,3.Which countries does the Mekong River flow?,Step3 Careful reading,要求如下:1.一边大声朗读课文,一边改正出错题目。2.六人一组讨论,核对答案。3.到黑板展示正确答案。4.点评板书内容。,积极参与,做最主动、最好学的人!,Show your answers !,要求:认真书写,答题规范,标注

9、题号,要求:1.黑板展示答案是否正确,若不正确,纠错。2.讲解到位,语言简练清晰,声音洪亮。3.满分10分。根据书写与内容,给出分数。4.非展示同学认真倾听,用红笔做好笔记。,Make some comments(点评),今天我来当老师!,A travel agency (旅行社) A tourist guide ( 导游 )Take the same bus or the plane -There is a limit to the time and places of traveling . This way of traveling is called _ .A. Group tour

10、B. Free tour,Nowadays , some people like free tour(自由行),but others like group tour(跟团游).Suppose your friend Li Hua is going to travel this summer holiday. He doesnt know whether he chooses free tour or group tour .He needs your help,so give him some suggestions on which one is better.,Step4 Group wo

11、rk Discussion,Discussion,积极参与,做最主动、最好学的人!,下列句型供参考:My suggestions are as follows.I think it (is) a good idea/ way to do sth It would be wise of you to do sth.Firstly ,Secondly , Thirdly, Besides.I hope my suggestions will help you a lot.,Presentation and show,Show yourself bravely,Both free tour and

12、group tour have advantages and disadvantages .You can choose what you like . But before traveling , make full preparations and pay attention to your safety .,My sister Wang Wei and I have _ taking a great bike trip after _ from college. We decided to _ along the Mekong River from_ to _. Wang Wei was

13、 so _that she was_ to do something , nothing could _ her mind. At the same time I had a different idea about the trip but I had to_ .,Step5 Retelling,dreamed about,graduating,cycle,where it begins,where it ends,stubborn,determined,change,give in,Fill in the blanks and retell the passage .,Before our

14、 trip , we went to the library and found a large_. From the atlas we knew clearly about Mekong River. It begins in a _on a _. Then, it _quickly. It becomes_ as it passes through deep_. At last, the river _ enters the South China Sea.,Step5 Retelling,atlas,glacier,mountain,begins to move,rapids,valle

15、ys,delta,My sister Wang Wei and I - dream about- graduating - cycle - where it begins- where it ends- stubborn- determined - change - give in Before our trip- atlas - glacier- mountain- begins to move - rapids- valleys - delta-,Retell the passage according to the key words.(根据关键词复述课文),Challenge yourself,1.Success belongs to the persevering.胜利属于有毅力者。2.Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind .生活是由一系列下定决心的努力所构成的。,教师寄语:,Step6 Summary,Write your travel journal by using the new words and phrases that you have just learned in this class.,Step7 Homework,Homework:,Thank you,


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