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1、1.I called Hnnah many times yesterday evening, but I couldnget through. Her brother on the phone all the time!A.was talking B.has been talking C.has talked D.talked【参考答案】: A2. ( )refers to some words or expressions which are to be avoided because tradition or social customs strongly frowns on their

2、use and some topics which are to be avoided.A.Honorifics B.Terms of humility C.Euphemisms D.Verbal taboos【参考答案】: D3. 寒舍 is equivalent to( )in English.A.my home B.my humble home C.my cold house D.my shabby hut【参考答案】: A4. -1 think you' d better type this letter again before Mr. Smith see it. - Oh,

3、 dear!A.Who cares? B.No problem C.I dont mind at allD.Is it as badas that?【参考答案】: D5.I have no doubt he will overcome all his difficulties.A.if B.that C.as to D.whether【参考答案】: B6 .While people mayrefer to television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that televisionthe newspaper completely.A.

4、replaced B.have replaced C.replace D.will replace【参考答案】: D7 .His wife had only her husband's interests.A.on her heart B.on heart C.at her heart D.at heart【参考答案】: D8 .( )relations at the sentential level refer to constructionwhose components are linked through the use of conjunctions.A.Hypotactic

5、 B.Paratactic C.Grammatical D.Branching【参考答案】: A9 .Then the speakerthe various factors leading to thepresent economic crisis.A.went after B.went for C.went into D.put up with【参考答案】: C10 . Do you have any problems if you this job? Well,I' m thinking about the salaryA.offer B.will offer C.are offe

6、red D.will be offered: C11 .A major-party nominee has the critical advantage in the campaign for the presidential electionhe has the supportfrom the party-faithful.A.in that B.in which C.for which D.for that【参考答案】: B12 .Susan wanted to be independent of her parents. She tried alone, but she didn t l

7、ike it and moved back home.A.livingB.to liveC.to be living D.having lived【参考答案】: A13 .A completely new situation willwhen the examinationsystem comes into existence.A.arise B.rise C.raise D.arouse【参考答案】: A14 .When you see an American friend having dinner, you can greet him by saying( ).A.Hello. Have

8、 a nice dinner. B.So, you're having dinner. C.Howmuch do you have for dinner? D.How do you enjoy it?【参考答案】: A15 .He made a request immediate help.A.at B.for C.on D.by16 .Mass advertising helped tothe emphasis from theproduction of goods to their consumption.A.varyB.shiftC.lay D.moderate【参考答案】: B

9、17 .refers to somewords or expressions which are to be avoidedbecause tradition or social customs strongly frowns on their use and some topics which are to be avoided.A.Honorifics B.Terms of humility C.Euphemisms D.Verbal taboos【参考答案】: D18 .( )thinking refers to thinking in which images areparticula

10、rly attended to.A.Abstract B.Logical C.Artistic D.Dialectic【参考答案】: C19 . “ Red tape ” means.A.a red cassette B.the rigid unnecessary official rules and regulations C.the necessary of official rules and regulations D.a red string【参考答案】: B20 .You are responsible for the work.A.for a whole B.on the who

11、le C.as a whole D.on a whole【参考答案】: C21 .The house is very, and furthermore, it s too far fromthe town.A.neat B.spacious C.expensive D.fashionable【参考答案】: C22 .The word “ workaholic ” is often used to refer to( ).A.Africans B.Americans C.Chinese D.Koreans【参考答案】: B23 .No matter how frequently, the wor

12、ks of Beethoven alwaysattract large audiences.A.performing B.performed C.to be performed D.being performed【参考答案】: B24 .A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter andyour text more easily.A.register B.edit C.propose D.discharge【参考答案】: B25 .that this small town w

13、as exposed to various kinds ofdangers.A.In 2003 B.The year of 2003 C.It was 2003 D.It was in 2003【参考答案】: D26 .We didn't know his telephone number;otherwise wehim.A.would have telephoned B.must have telephoned C.would telephone D.had telephoned【参考答案】: A27 .Man s greatest energy comes not from his

14、 physicalstrengthhis dreams.A.except from B.yet from C.however from D.but from【参考答案】: D28.It is recommended that the projectuntil all thepreparations have been made.A.is not started B.will not be started C.not be started D.is not to be started【参考答案】: C29 .When someonecompliments you on the watch you

15、 are wearing ,youshould ,in the United States,( ).A.say Oh, this cheap thing? It's not worth much.B.give it tohim. C.say Would you like to have it?D.say Thanks and smile.【参考答案】: D30 .English is often referred to as a( )language because it usesfrequently connectives to indicate the relation betwe

16、enlinguistic elements.A.paratactic B.hypotactic C.branching D.linear【参考答案】: B31 .To her disappointment, her best friend did notat herbirthday party.A.turn over B.turn around C.turn up D.turn in【参考答案】: C32.It is only recently astronomers have begun specificresearch into black holes.A.when B.so that C

17、.that D.which【参考答案】: C33.He is fond of jazz, rock.A.and so like B.and the like C.and like D.such likes【参考答案】: B34.It took him several months tothe wild horse.A.tend B.cultivate C.breed D.tame【参考答案】: D35 .is the namegiven to a young manor young womanwho rejectsauthority, existing institution and conv

18、entional attitudestowards morality, style of dress, etc.A.Duke B.Cowboy C.Hippie D.Knight: C36 . () On your way to the school cinema, you happen to meetProfessor Jones walking to the cinema, too. You can greet him by saying You're going to see the film, aren't you?A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】: A37 .To in

19、itiate conversation with an Englishman , you can say It's raining today, isn't it?A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】: A38 .In the U.S., it is a compliment to tell someonethat he or she has put on some weight.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】: A39 .In English-speaking countries you usually first introduce aman of higher social s

20、tatus to one of low social status, not the other way round.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】: A40 .Whenever someone responds to the behavior or the behavior residue of another person, communication has taken place.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】: B41 .Monochronic time systems are characterized by several things happening at once.A.错

21、误 B.正确【参考答案】: A42.Instructors of intercultural communication believe that theprocess of communication under conditions of culturaldifferences can be analyzed and the knowledge about the processof IC and related skills can be taught.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】: B43.Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Saturday of N

22、ovember.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】: A44.It is a Chinese way of showing hospitality to insist on people accepting offers of drinks and cigarettes.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】: B45.Stereotyping has its practical uses and limitations, because it helps us better understand what appears to be a mess and atthe same time any gene

23、ralization is very often an overgeneralization.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】: B46.On your way to the school cinema, you happen to meet Professor Jones walking to the cinema, too. You can greet him by sayingYou're going to see the film, aren't you?A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】: A47. () In the United States, the extended

24、 family, rather thanthe nuclear family, is considered the family.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】: A48.When an Americans says I thought it was quite reasonable in response to your inquiry about the price of something he has just bought, you can rightly assume that he is willing to tell you its exact price.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】: A49.In certain situations body action contradicts what is being said.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】: Bnamein50.Given nameor forename has recently replace Christian many English form, because religious beliefs are very much a matter of privacy.A.错误 B.正确【参考答案】: B


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