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1、人教版七年级语文下册猫学案学习目标: 1、熟读课文,感知课文内容,体会文章的思想感情及蕴涵的人生哲理。 2、学习文章运用对比及侧面描写的写作方法 基础知识: 1、初读课文,给下列加点字注音。 诅骂( )怅然( )怂恿( )( )蜷伏( )一缕( ) 2、下列词语中解释不正确的一项是( ) A、怂恿:鼓动别人去做。 B、预警:预备警察。 C、蜷伏:弯着身体卧倒。 D、怅然:不愉快的样子。 3、本文选自( ),作者( ),福建长乐人,现代作家、学者、翻译家。 整体感知 4、作者一共养了几只猫?这几只猫的外形、性情各有什么特征,“我”和家人对 这几只猫的态度怎样,完成下列表格: 第一只猫第二只猫第三

2、只猫 来历 外形 性情 地位 结局 理解探究 5、朗读课文,从来历、外形、性情和在家中的地位几个方面,说说第三只猫御前两只猫的区别,为什么“我”对于第三只猫的死比前两猫的亡失“更难过得多”, 合作释疑 6、第二只猫丢失以后,作者写道:“自此我家好久不养猫。”第三只猫死后,作者又写到:“自此我家永不养猫”。试着联系课文中的描写,体会这两句话中包含的思想感情有什么不同。 7、在生活中,你是否也曾误解过别人或被人误解过,把事情的经过说给其他同学听听,并和同学没讨论一下,怎样才能减少彼此的误会, 8、按句式分别对课文中的“我”和第三只猫分别说一句话。 对于作品中的 ,我想对你说: 。 课内精读 这时,

3、妻买了一对黄色的芙蓉鸟,挂在廊前,叫得很好听。妻常常叮咛着张婶换水,加鸟粮,洗刷笼子。那只花白猫对于这只黄白鸟,似乎也特别注意,常常跳在桌上,对着鸟笼凝望。 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote four new technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the c

4、onstruction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be four. 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity

5、to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening mat

6、erials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary . Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling

7、and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the in

8、creased technology, 妻道:“张婶,留心猫,他会吃鸟呢。” 张婶便跑来把猫捉了去。隔了一会,他又跳上鸟笼凝望了。 一天,我下楼时,听见张婶在叫到:“鸟死了一只,一条腿被咬去了,笼板上都是血,是什么东西把他咬死的,” 我匆匆跑下去看,果然一只鸟是死了,羽毛松散着,好像它曾与它的敌人挣扎了许久。 我很愤怒,叫道:“一定是猫,一定是猫”于是立刻便去找它。 妻听见了,也匆匆跑下来,看见了死鸟,很难过,便道:“不是这猫咬死的还有谁,它常常对着鸟笼凝望着,我早就叫张婶要小心了。张婶,你为什么不小心,” 一时怒气冲天,拿起楼门旁倚着的一根木棒,追过去打了一下。他很悲楚的叫了一声“咪呜”便逃

9、到屋瓦上了。 我心里还愤愤的,以为惩罚的还不够快意。 隔了几天,李嫂在楼下叫道:“猫,猫又来吃鸟了。”同时我看见一只黑猫飞快的逃过露台,嘴里含着一只黄鸟。我开始觉得我是错了 我心里十分难过,真的,我的良心受伤了,我没有判断明白,便妄下了断语,冤苦了一直不会说话辨析的动物。想到它的无抵抗的逃避,已使我感到我的暴怒,我的虐待,都是针,刺我的良心的针 我很想补救我的过失,但它是不能说话的,我将怎样的对她表白我的误解呢, 两个月后,我们的猫忽然死造邻家的屋脊上。我对于它的亡失,更难过的多。 我永无改正我的过失的机会 自此我家永不养猫。 9、概括这段文字的主要内容。 10、我根据什么判定芙蓉鸟是这只猫要

10、死的, 11、假如养第二只猫时也养了鸟,鸟也被咬死了,我将怎样想,怎样做, 12、 从这只猫的不幸遭遇看,我们可以从猫的身上汲取什么教训, 拓展迁移 一窠八哥的迷 牛汉 小时候,我不会养鸟,却有探险和猎取神秘事物的野性。有一年的麦收的季节,听说城墙上出现了一窠八哥,于是我在城墙下绕来绕去寻找。果然,听到了一丝儿稚嫩而清脆的声音,似出壳不久的雏鸡的叫声。顺着细微的声音找去,终于望见了在高高城墙上的一孔洞穴里,四五张鲜红的小嘴张着,像一束喇叭花悬挂在崖畔上,好看极了。我当下就想把它们掏下来。但壁立的城墙太高太陡,无法攀登。八哥的窠在城墙的上方,用梯子够不着,从城上用绳子缒下来一定可以掏着,但我不敢

11、。我只能立在城墙跟前,仰起头望着那一窠神秘的八哥。 我记得父亲曾对我说过,县城墙最早是隋朝时筑的土城,明朝时包的青砖。墙面上已经有一些砖朽烂成窟窿。我异想天开,想攀登上去掏这窠八哥。 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote four new technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen con

12、trol in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be four. 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing

13、productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Stre

14、ngthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary . Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of material

15、s, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects appro

16、ved by the increased technology, 全村的孩子中,我最会爬树,我相信自己会手扣着脚蹬着那些孔洞往上攀登,总有一天能把这窠八哥掏到手。 我天天练攀登,苦练了一二十天,一天比一天攀登得高。小八哥的爹妈从天空嗖的一声回到窠里喂食,翅膀又黑又亮,在我眼前一闪而过,随后从窠里伸出头,朝下望着我,吱吱地叫,我知道它们在咒骂我。有几次,头发上落了雨点似的鸟粪,还有脏土。我心里明白,这是大八哥在对我进行反抗。 小八哥抖动着茸茸的羽毛,我闻到了奇异的鸟的气味,再往上攀登三五尺,就能够着八哥了。 一天清早,我来到城墙下,感到有点异样-没有听到小八哥的声息。前几天,我已听出小八哥的声音

17、变得洪亮了起来,不再是嗷嗷待哺,而是牙牙学语,已经很像是在歌唱。八哥的歌,一定不同于鸽子那种柔媚而混浊的声音,更不是麻雀粗糙的吵叫,也不同于村里八音会上的任何一种乐器声。 整个城墙显得铁青铁青,千疮百孔,像死了一样。我顿然明白,八哥一家已经飞走了,已经移居到不可知的远方。 叫卖黄酒的小栽根告诉我,天亮前后,他看见有一朵黑亮的云彩,向滹沱那个方向飞走,那一定就是八哥一家。我伤心的趴在城墙上哭了半天,我知道小八哥还没长到该出飞的时候,它们如何在大鸟翅羽的扶托下逃到了远方,真是个猜不透的谜。我为它们担忧。 我曾在村子上空看见成千上万只蜜蜂嗡嗡叫着,扶托着它们不会飞的蜂王,像金黄色的云朵从天空飞过,后

18、来落在我家院子的老槐树下,父亲用涂了蜜的大笊篱把抱成团的蜂小心的收了下来,于是我家有了一窠蜜蜂,养在西房屋顶上。 我想连那么小的蜜蜂都能扶托着蜂王飞,那窠小八哥一定能够让自己的父母扶托着飞走。但是我不大相信它们能飞的很远。我在村里村外到处寻找,没有发现八哥的踪影。它们究竟飞到了什么地方,难道真的飞过了滹沱河,飞到了二十里以外的北山上,是的,一定飞到了那个郁郁葱葱的鸟的世界。 我这一辈子不会忘记这窠小八哥。而且直到现在也不明白:它们在大难临头的时候,如何能神奇的飞到了远方, 前几天,有个诗人听我讲述这个故事,深思了一会,对我说:“是小鸟自己飞走的。在灾难面前,翅膀一下子就会长大长硬。” 我有点相

19、信这个解释了。 真的,是小八哥自己飞走的。我怎么会想不到这一点, 注1窠 (k):鸟兽昆虫的窝。 2笊篱(zho l)一种工具。 13、一窠八哥的谜主要指什么,对此可能的谜底有哪两个, 14、本文中作者对八哥的感情有什么变化,结合你的成长经验或阅读积累,谈谈你从文中获得的人生启示。 provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote four new technology to make technological a

20、dvances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be four. 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends,

21、avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4

22、, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary . Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid wast

23、e in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste mater

24、ials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology, 参考答案 26课 1、z chng sng yng qun 2、B 3、郑振铎 4、 第一只猫第二只猫第三只猫 来历隔壁要来的舅舅家抱来的张婶捡来的 外形花白的毛,如带着泥土的白雪球浑身黄色,很可爱毛色花白,并不好看,瘦,毛被烧脱了几块,更觉难看。 性情活泼较第一之更活泼,更有趣,会捉鼠天生忧郁,不活泼,懒惰 地位宠物 宠物若有若无,不大喜欢 结局死亡 丢失死亡 5、第三只猫是只野猫,前两只猫都是主人因喜爱而要来的;论外形,第三只

25、猫毛色难看,又很瘦,烧脱了好几块毛之后,样子更难看了。而第一只猫像白雪球似的可爱,第二只猫浑身黄色,也很可爱。论性格,第三只猫不活泼,忧郁,懒惰;第一只猫活泼,第二只猫会乱跑、爬树、扑蝴蝶,更活泼,而且“居然捉到一只很大的老鼠”。论在家里的地位,对第三只猫,大家都不喜欢它,它是只若有若无的动物,第一只猫、第二只猫则是全家的宠物。 第二问:因为第三只猫的死,责任在我。我主观臆断,断定鸟是它咬死的,暴怒之下,用木棍打他,他是被我打伤而死的,而且这个过失是无法弥补的。 6、“自此我家好久不养猫”包含的思想感情是:那种失落感久久萦绕于心,缺德的人太气人了,叫人恨很难消,养猫固然快乐,可是亡失的痛苦更叫

26、人难受,干脆不养了。“自此我家永不养猫”包含的思想感情是:一种负罪感永远不能消除,见了猫就会触发灵魂的伤痛,永远愧对这类生命。 (1)二次函数的图象(抛物线)与x轴的两个交点的横坐标x1,x2是对应一7、答案不强求一致,言之有理即可。 1、第二单元“观察物体”。学生将通过观察身边的简单物体,初步体会从不同角度观察物体所看到的形状可能是不同的发展空间观念。8、 7.同角的三角函数间的关系:例: 对于作品中的“我”,我想对你说:凡事不能单凭印象,主观臆断,更重要的是弄清事实;对人对事不存偏见私心,要宽容、 要仁爱,要同情弱小者。 (3)二次函数的图象:是一条顶点在y轴上且与y轴对称的抛物线,二次函

27、数的图象中,a的符号决定抛物线的开口方向,|a|决定抛物线的开口程度大小,c决定抛物线的顶点位置,即抛物线位置的高低。对于作品中的第三只猫,我想对你说: (2)抛物线的描述:开口方向、对称性、y随x的变化情况、抛物线的最高(或最低)点、抛物线与x轴的交点。在不合理的社会中,弱小者总是饱尝着生活的不幸,不受欢迎的人往往会成为冤案的牺牲品;人的个性需要自我完善,才能避免不幸。 8.解直角三角形:在直角三角形中,除直角外,一共有五个元素,即三条边和二个锐角。由直角三角形中除直角外的已知元素,求出所有未知元素的过程,叫做解直角三角形(须知一条边)。9、猫被诬陷为凶手屈死在主人武力之下,我忏悔不已。 1

28、1.利用三角函数测高10、只根据猫常常对鸟笼凝望着,就判定芙蓉鸟是这只猫咬死的。 11、第二只猫是宠物,如果它咬死了芙蓉鸟,当然也心疼,不过也许会把罪状缩小,甚至还provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote four new technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in th

29、e construction process. Construction management and quality installation personnel, to be four. 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivi

30、ty to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budget. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening

31、materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict material site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary . Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycli

32、ng and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the

33、 increased technology, |a|的越小,抛物线的开口程度越大,越远离对称轴y轴,y随x增长(或下降)速度越慢。会觉得它越来越能了。 12、略 5.圆周角和圆心角的关系:提示:这只猫因为不讨人喜欢而惨遭毒打而致死亡,联系到做人,不受欢迎的人更容易成为牺牲品,所以我们做人应力求完善自我。可以自由发表看法,符合文体即可。 13、主要指小八哥是如何飞走的。 可能的谜底:一是大八哥用翅羽扶托着小八哥走的,二是小八哥自己飞走的。 14、开始是好奇喜欢,后来是担忧,最后是对八哥怀着敬意和歉疚。 5.方位角:从某点的指北方向按顺时针转到目标方向的水平角,叫做方位角。如图3,OA、OB、OC

34、的方位角分别为45、135、225。provided these measures 1, authentication implement the industrial science and technology policy, actively promote four new technology to make technological advances benefit rate is above 1.5%. Strengthen control in the construction process. Construction management and quality inst

35、allation personnel, to be four. 2, rational organization, use of labour. According to the project situation, labor management networks, rational distribution of labour trends, avoid unnecessary idling and waste and increasing productivity to make the whole project within the labor costs in the budge

36、t. 3, strengthen the whole construction process control of project quality, schedule and safety monitoring of the entire process, find problems in time, avoid rework, wasted. 4, reinforcing materials, material management. Strengthening materials management, careful inspection of materials, strict ma

37、terial site acceptance control to avoid substandard products to enter the construction site unnecessary . Picking the team according to the budget limit. In order to avoid waste in construction, requires proper use of materials, recycling and re-use of materials in a timely manner. Do do much work, how much, avoid ad-neck caused material loss and waste. Stop short for long products used in construction, small pond, public and private, and make the recycling of waste materials. 6, in time to modify, change, projects approved by the increased technology,


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