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1、人教版七年级语文下册期中复习字词文学常识人教版七年级语文下册期中复习知识点(一) 一、给下列红颜色的字注音 菜畦 脑髓 蝉蜕 花圃 鸡毛掸子 骊歌 讪笑 嫉妒 澎湃 屏障 哺育 九曲连环 哽住 祈祷、 懊悔 崎岖、阻抑 炽痛 嗥鸣 斑斓 谰语 亘古 默契 污秽 田垄 筹划 彷徨 鲜为人知 当之无愧 妇孺皆知 鞠躬尽瘁 赫然 迭起 锲而不舍 兀兀穷年 潜心贯注 迥乎不同 气冲斗牛 漂白 地壳 重荷 深邃 踌躇 磐石 二、词语填空 人迹罕( ) 人声( )沸 来势( ) 荒草( ) 扑( )迷离 可歌可( ) ( )为人知 锋芒( )露 家( )户晓 马革( )尸 head-end process

2、ing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw he

3、ad caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar con

4、nection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding

5、connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 12 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet th

6、e requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 1820 ? 2225 ? 2832/tightening torque values (N m) 160 230 300 Note: when d

7、ifferent diameter rebar 鞠躬尽( ) 警报( )起 ( )而不舍 ( )尽心血 ( )心( )注 心( )神凝 ( )乎不同 一反( )往 义愤填( ) ( )淋漓 气冲( )牛 杂乱无( ) 一拍( )合 忘乎所( ) 四、文学常识填空 1、从百草园到三味书屋选自散文集 作者 原名 字 浙江绍兴人,是我国伟大的 、 、 。代表作有小说集 、 ;散文集 ;散文诗集 。杂文集 、 。中国现代文学史上第一篇白话小说是 。 2、爸爸的花儿落了选自小说 作者 , 女作家。“爸爸的steel twisted into the corresponding connection so

8、cket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve nt thecations and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcemen diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consisten

9、t with connection sleeve specifiectioand pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar conn ted for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrenchinten cifica

10、tions and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ?ap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the speend processing to be connected into a thread. With hood

11、protection: using special steel wire protective c-head2when different diameter rebar threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 1820 ? 2225 ? 2832/tightening torque values (N m) 160 230 300 Note: raightafter tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check

12、Check, and mark. Joint of rolling st, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied ionsof the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 12 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrict 花儿落了”这个题目,

13、一语双关,一是实指 ;二是象征 。本文有两条线索:主线是爸爸爱花,副线是 。 3、丑小鸭的作者是 国作家 4、假如生活欺骗了你作者是 国诗人 ,史称“俄罗斯文学之父”,他的诗歌代表作有 、 、 等。他的创作对俄国文学和语言的发展影响很大。 未选择的路作者是 , 国诗人。 5、黄河颂选自组诗 词作者是 ,曲作者是 6、最后一课的作者是 国作家 这篇小说以 为背景,表现了法国人民强烈的爱国主义精神。 7、艰难的国运与雄健的国民作者是 中国最早的马克思主义者,中国共产党的 m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar nt of rolling

14、 straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 1820 ? 2225 ? 2832/tightening torque values (N. Joiforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and marks without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to chec

15、k whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinjoint ach other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 12 clasp, extended number of exposed threadedting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete,

16、 two head pushing econnecnection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with conoints tighten: with a wre

17、nch and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the jtighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector oints e according to the specifications and type (2), connector conne

18、ctor steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? jteel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification codend processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special s-head3 创始人和早期领导人。他的诗文被鲁迅誉为“ ”。

19、 8、土地的誓言作者 ,原名曹汉文,辽宁昌图人,现代作家。文章题目的含义是 。 9、木兰诗选自 朝 编的 ,这是南北朝时 方的一首乐府民歌。诗歌塑造了木兰深明大义、不贪图功名利禄的品质和爱国精神。木兰诗与 一起被誉为乐府民歌中的双壁,简称“乐府双壁”。 10、邓嫁先是我国研制和发展核武器的重要技术领导人,获得 功勋奖章。杨振宁, 物理学家,获1957年 。 11、闻一多是我国著名 、 、 著作收在闻一多全集中。 after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Chec

20、k, and mark. Joint of rolling st, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied ionsof the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 12 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrict steel twisted

21、into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve nt thecations and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcemen diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, stee

22、l specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifiectioand pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar conn ted for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connecto

23、r tighten: with a wrenchinten cifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ?ap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the speend processing to be

24、 connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective c-head4when different diameter rebar threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 1820 ? 2225 ? 2832/tightening torque values (N m) 160 230 300 Note: raight 12、贝多芬是 国作曲家、钢琴家。主要作品有 、 等。 13、福楼拜家的星期天作者是 国著名作家 被称

25、为 代表作有 、 。福楼拜是 国作家,代表作有 等。 五、诗文默写部分。 1、一切都是瞬息,一切都将会过去;而那过去了的, 2、木兰诗中?描写木兰奔赴战场时矫健英姿的句子是:_ ?描写边塞夜景,烘托木兰勇敢坚强性格的句子是: , ?描写征战激烈、旷日持久的句子是:_,_ . Joiforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and marks without restrictions, but there

26、are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinjoint ach other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 12 clasp, extended number of exposed threadedting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket.

27、Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing econnecnection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with c

28、onoints tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the jtighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector oints e according to the specifications an

29、d type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? jteel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification codend processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special s-he

30、ad5 m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar nt of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 1820 ? 2225 ? 2832/tightening torque values (N ?王翰的凉州词“醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回”与木兰诗中很相似的诗句是 6 确定圆的条件:_, 。函数的增减性:?说明木兰战功卓著的句子是:2.正弦:_,_ 。 ?用生动而通俗的比喻,道出全诗的主旨的诗句是比喻作结,抒情议论的句子是:_,_

31、_;_,2、100以内的进位加法和退位减法。_。 (1)相交: 直线与圆有两个公共点时,叫做直线和圆相交,这时直线叫做圆的割线.古诗默写 9切线长定理:过圆外一点所画的圆的两条切线长想等,圆外切四边形对边相等,直角三角形内切圆半径公式.1、山际见来烟, 。 鸟向檐上飞 。 2、独坐幽篁里, 。 深林人不知, 。 3、峨眉山月半轮秋, 。 夜发清溪向三峡, 。 4、谁家玉笛暗飞声, 。 弦心距:从圆心到弦的距离叫做弦心距.raightafter tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value

32、check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling st, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied ionsof the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 12 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrict stee

33、l twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve nt thecations and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcemen diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connect

34、ions, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifiectioand pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar conn ted for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected

35、. Connector tighten: with a wrenchinten cifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ?ap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the speend proces

36、sing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective c-head6when different diameter rebar threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 1820 ? 2225 ? 2832/tightening torque values (N m) 160 230 300 Note: (5)二次函数的图象与yax2的图象的关系:此夜曲中闻折柳, 。 5、故园东望路漫漫, 。 马上

37、相逢无纸笔, 。 6、 ,上有黄鹂深树鸣。 春潮带雨晚来急, 。 7、岐王宅前寻常见, 。 正是江南好风景, 。 8、苍苍竹林寺, 。 ,青山独归远。 9、黄梅时节家家雨, 。 2. 俯角:当从高处观测低处的目标时,视线与水平线所成的锐角称为俯角。 有约不来过夜半, 10、_,至今已觉不新鲜。 ,各领风骚数百年。 tan17 m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar nt of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 1820 ? 22

38、25 ? 2832/tightening torque values (N. Joiforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and marks without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinjoint ac

39、h other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 12 clasp, extended number of exposed threadedting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing econnecnection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn a

40、nd threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with conoints tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed jo

41、ints, apart from not tighten the jtighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector oints e according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? jteel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification codend processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special s-head


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