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1、Remarks by Preside nt Obama and Preside nt Hu of the People'sRepublic of China in an Exchange of Toasts at State DinnerState Dining Room7:51 P.M. ESTPRESIDENT OBAMA: Good eve ning, everybody. Please have a seat. On behalf of Michelle and myself, welcome to the White House. And tha nk you for joi

2、ning us as we host Preside nt Hu and the Chinese delegation, and as we pay tribute to the bonds betwee n two great n ati ons and two proud peoples.There are too many distinguished guests to mention all of you toni ght. But I do want to ack no wledge a few who have champi oned relatio ns betwee n our

3、 n ati ons:First of all, Preside ntJimmy Carter and his won derful wife Rosal ynn Carter are here. (Applause.) As well as Preside nt Bill Cli nton and my outsta nding Secretary of State, Hillary Cli nto n.(Applause.)Preside nt Hu, we have met today in a spirit of mutual respect:theUnited States - th

4、e oldest democracy in the world, and China -one of the oldest civilizations in the world. And while it ' s easy to focus on our differe nces of culture and perspective, let us n everforget the values that our people share:A revere nee for family; thebelief that, with education and hard work and

5、with sacrifice, the future is what we make it; and most of all, the desire to give our children a better life.Let ' s also never forget that throughout our history our people have worked together for mutual progress. We ve traded together for more tha n 200 years.We stood together in the Second

6、WorldWar. Chi nese immigra nts and Chin ese America ns have helped to build America, including many who join us here tonight.The Chi nese and America n people work together and create new opport un ities together every sin gle day.Mr. Preside nt, todaywe' ve shown that our governments can wor k

7、together as well, for our mutual ben efit.And that in cludes this bit of n ews - un der anew agreeme nt, our Nati onal Zoo will continue to dazzle childre n and visitors with the beloved gia nt pan das. (Applause.)I'm told that there is a Chinese proverb that says:If you want oneyear of prosperi

8、ty, the n grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, the n grow trees. But if you want 100 years of prosperity, then you grow people.And so I propose a toast - to our people, the citize ns of thePeople ' s Republic of China and the United States of America. May they grow together in frie nd

9、ship. May they prosper together in peace. And may they realize their dream of the future for themselves, for their children, and for their grandchildren.Gan bei. (Applause.)PRESIDENT HU: (As tran slated.) Preside nt Obama and Mrs. Obama, disti nguished guests, ladies and gen tleme n, dear frien ds,

10、good eve ning. I am delighted to once aga in come to the Un ited States and pay a state visit at the in vitati on of Preside nt Obama.Since sett ing foot on this beautiful la nd, we have received the gracious hospitality of the U.S. gover nment and people. This eve ning Preside nt Obama is host ing

11、this welcomi ng dinner for us, and has just made warm remarks. On behalf of my colleagues and in my own n ame, I want to express heartfelt tha nks to Preside nt and Mrs. Obama and other America n friends prese nt today.I also wish to convey through you the best wishes of the Chinesepeople to the fri

12、e ndly America n people and exte nd cordial greet ings to people from various sectors of the United States who have given care and support to the growth of U.S.-China relations.The purpose of my visit is to in crease mutual trust, enhance frien dship, deepe n cooperati on and adva nee the positive,

13、cooperative and comprehe nsive Chin a-U.S. relati on ship for the 21st cen tury.In rece nt years, particularly over the past two years since Preside nt Obama took office, Chi na-U.S. relati ons have made strong headway, tha nks to the joi nt efforts of both sides.We have in creased excha nges in coo

14、perati on in a wide range of areas, maintained close com muni cati on and coord in atio n on major intern ati onal and regi onal issues, and played a positive role in promoting peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia Pacific region and the whole world.Un der the curre nt circumsta nces, our two

15、coun tries share broader com mon in terests, show their bigger com mon resp on sibilities, and face more severe com mon challe nges tha n at any time inhistory. As a result, it is more important than ever for us to maintain the Iong-term, sound and steady growth of our bilateral relations. This is t

16、he reality we face, and it should be recognized by both sides.This morning Preside nt Obama and I had an in-depth excha nge of views on Chi na-U.S. relatio ns and intern ati onal and regi onal issues of com mon in terest. And we reached importa nt agreeme nt.Weagreed that our two coun tries should i

17、n crease con tacts at the top and other levels, stre ngthe n strategic mutual trust through dialogue and com muni cati on, inten sify excha nges and cooperati on in all fields, and step up com muni catio n and coord in ati on on intern ati onal and regi onal issues.We agreed that the two countries s

18、hould respect each other' ssovereignty, territorial integrity and the development interests, properly han dle differe nces and fricti ons, and work together to build a Chin a-U.S. cooperative partn ership based on mutual respect and mutual ben efit.Chin a-U.S. relati ons have traveled a extraord

19、 inary journey inthe past 32 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties. Areview of the history of our relati ons shows that we have far more com mon in terests tha n differe nces, and cooperati on for mutual ben efit as always being the mai nstream of our relati ons.This hasrei nforced our co

20、n fide nee in further pushi ng forward our relatio nship.Today both Chi na and the Un ited States are confron ted with the arduous task of susta ining steady econo mic growth and achiev ing econo mic tran sformatio n.And we both n eed to tackle the variouschalle nges brought by econo mic globalizati

21、 on.This has added toour n eed and desire to enhance cooperati on.We should pursue our relati ons with a stron ger conv icti on, a broader visio n and more proactive approach.We n eed to takesolid steps and make pioneering efforts to fully tap the potential of cooperation and strive for new progress

22、 in China-U.S. relations.I am con fide nt that with joi nt efforts, a Chi na-U.S. cooperative part nership will yield boun tiful fruits for the greater ben efit of our people, and make new and bigger contribution to the noble cause of world peace and developme nt.Now I'd like to propose a toast - to the health of Preside nt and Mrs. Obama; to the health of all friends present here; to the stron ger frie ndship betwee n the people of China and the Un ited States; and to the steady growth of China-U.S. relations.Cheers. (Applause.)


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