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1、奥巴马赞华尔街改革法This week, I signed into law a Wall Street reform bill that will protect consumers and our entire economy from the recklessness and irresponsibility that led to the worst recession of our lifetime. It s reform that will help put a stop to the abusive practices of mortgage lenders and credi

2、t card companies. It will end taxpayer bailouts of Wall Street firms. And it will finally bring the shadowy deals that caused the financial crisis into the light of day.本周,我签署了华尔街改革法,它将保护消费者以及我们的整个经济免受毫不负责的行径导致的最为严重的衰退的侵扰。该改革法将帮助终止抵押贷款公司和信用卡公司滥用职权。止利用纳税人的钱为华尔街的公司提供紧急援助。并将引发此次金融危机的影子交易最终带到阳光下。终Wall S

3、treet reform is a key pillar of an overall economic plan we verselvesputin place to dig ouout of this recession and build an economy for the long runan economy that makes Americamore competitive and our middle-class more secure. It s a plan based on the Main Street valuesof hard work and responsibil

4、ity and one that demands new accountability from Wall Street to Washington.华尔街改革是正在实施的使我们摆脱经济衰退并建立经济长远发展的全面经济计划的关键支柱美国将更有竞争力, 美国的中产阶级将更安宁。 该项计划建立在勤劳工作和富有责任的普遍主流价值观之上这也要求从华尔街到华盛顿负起新的责任来。Instead of giving tax breaks to corporations that ship jobs overseas, we want to give tax breaks to small business

5、owners who are creating jobs right here in America. Already, we vegiven small businesses eight new tax cuts, and have expanded lending to more than 60,000 small business owners.与其给将就业机会输出到海外的公司提供税收优惠,就业机会的小企业。 当然, 我们已经为小企业提供了我们更想将税收优惠提供给在国内创造8 项税收减免, 并扩大了对超过6 万小企业主的贷款。We re also investing in a homeg

6、rown, clean energy industrybecause I don t want to see newsolar panels and wind turbines and electric cars manufactured in some other country. I want tosee them made in America, by American workers. So far, we ve provided new tax credits, loanguarantees, and investments that will lead to more than 8

7、00,000 clean energy jobs by 2012. And throughout America, communities are being rebuilt by people working in hundreds of thousands of new private sector jobs repairing our roads, bridges, and railways.我们也对国内的清洁能源工业进行投资因为我不想看到新的太阳能面板、 风力涡轮机和电动汽车在其他国家生产。 我想看到他们在美国由美国的工人生产。 到目前为止, 我们提供了新的税收优惠,贷款担保, 以及资

8、金投入使得到2012 年为止, 在新能源领域增加80 多万就业岗位。 而且美国各地, 有数十万新的私营部门的人们正在通过修路,修桥以及修铁路等工作重建我们的社会。Our economic plan is also aimed at strengthening the middle- class. That s why we ve cut taxes for 95% of working families. That whys we veoffered tax credits that have made college moreaffordable for millions of studen

9、ts, and why we re making a new commitrcommunityentto oucolleges. And that s why we passed health insurance reform that will stop insurance companies from dropping or denying coverage based on an illness or pre-existing condition.我们的经济计划致力于巩固中产阶级的地位。 这也是我们为 95%的工薪家庭减税的原因。是我们提供税收减免让数百万学子能负担得起大学学费的原因,

10、也是我们为我们的社区大学许下新的承诺的原因, 也是我们通过医疗保险改革法, 终止保险公司对已有疾病降低赔付标准和拒绝赔付行径的原因。也This is our economic plan smart investments in America small businesses, Americacleansenergy industry, and America-classmiddle.Now, I can t tell you that this plan will backring allthe jobs we lost and restore our economy to full str

11、ength overnight. The truth is, it took nearly adecade of failed economic policies to create this mess, and it will take years to fully repair thedamage. But I am confidentthat we are finally headed in the right direction. We are movingforward. And what we can t afford right now is to go back to the

12、same ideas that created thismess in the first place.这就是我们的经济计划明智的投资于美国的小企业,美国的清洁能源工业, 以及美国的中产阶级。 现在,我不能说该项计划会在一夜之间将所有失去的工作重新带回大家身边。但事实是, 将近数十年的错误经济政策导致了这个乱摊子,我们肯定要几年才能完全修复这些损伤。 但我对于我们最终在正确的方向上前进充满信心。我们正在不断前进。 而我们现在所不能接受的就是重回一开始就导致这个乱摊子的老路上去。When you are old and grey and full of sleep,And nodding by

13、the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face;And ben

14、ding down beside the glowing bars,Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.The furthest distance in the worldIs not between life and deathBut when I stand in front of youYet you don't know thatI love you.The furthest distanc

15、e in the worldIs not when I stand in front of youYet you can't see my loveBut when undoubtedly knowing the love from bothYet cannot be together.The furthest distance in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut when I plainly cannot resist the yearningYet pretending you have never been in my heart.The furthest distance in the worldIs not struggling against the tidesBut using one's indifferent heartTo dig an uncrossable riverFor the one who loves you.


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