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1、人教版三年级语文上册知识点三年级语文上册知识点 一、生字组词. 坪 ( 坪 坝 ) 坝 ( 坪 坝 ) 戴 ( 穿 戴 ) 招 ( 招 呼 ) 蝴 ( 蝴 蝶 ) 孔 ( 孔 雀 ) 雀 ( 孔 雀 ) 舞 (孔雀舞) 铜 ( 铜 钟 ) 粗 ( 粗 壮 ) 尾 ( 尾 巴 ) 耍 ( 玩 耍) 装(服 装) 劲(使 劲 ) 绒(绒 毛) 假(假 装) 朝(朝 向) 些(有 些) 钓(钓 鱼) 察(观 察) 瓣(花 瓣) 拢(合 拢) 掌(手 掌) 趣(有 趣) 似(似 乎) 苍(白发苍苍) 仰(仰 望) 咱(咱 们) 奋(奋 力) 辫(辫 子) 勇(勇 气) 居(居 然) 郊(郊 外) 散(

2、散 步) 步(散 步) 胸(胸 脯) 脯(胸 脯) 渣(面包渣) 或(或 者) 者(或 者) 敢(勇 敢) 惜(可 惜) 低(低 头) 诚(诚 实) 基(基 础) 突(突 然) 按(按 照) 摆(摆 弄) 弄(摆 弄) 准(准 备) 备(准 备) 侧(侧 面) 胶(胶 卷) 卷(胶 卷) 辆(车 辆) 秘(秘 书) 杂(杂志社) 社(杂志社) 著(著 名) 藏(捉迷藏) 悄(悄 悄) 闪(躲 闪) 坑(坑 道) 卧(卧 室) 推(推 动) 旅(旅 行) 考(考 察) 秦(秦 岭) 纪(世 纪) 遗(遗 迹) 究(研 究) 震(震 动) 促(促 进) 深(深 夜) 忆(回 忆) 异(奇 异) 逢

3、(每 逢) 佳(佳 节) 倍(加 倍) 遥(遥 远) and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safe

4、ty coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is respon

5、sible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in ad

6、vance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor i

7、n writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) persons name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism

8、of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped w

9、ith fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to de

10、velop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 遍(一 遍) 插(插 入) 精(精 心) 希(希 望) 却(冷 却) 依(依 然) 拼(拼 命) 命(拼 命) 奔(奔 跑) 村(村 庄) 抖(抖 动) 丧(垂头丧气) 磨(磨 坊) 坊(磨 坊) 扇(扇 子) 枚(一 霉) 邮(邮 票) 爽(清 爽) 柿(柿 子) 仙(仙 子) 梨(梨 子) 菠(菠 萝) 萝(菠 萝) 粮(粮 食) 紧(加 紧) 杨(杨 树) 艳(鲜 艳) 内(内 容) 梦(

11、做 梦) 醒(苏 醒) 苏(苏 醒) 湿(湿 度) 娇(娇 嫩) 强(强 大) 适(适 宜) 昆(昆 虫) 播(传 播) 修(修 建) 致(大 致) 论(无 论) 试(试 验) 验(试 验) 袋(袋 子) 证(证 实) .概(大 概) 减(减 少) 阻(阻 力) 测(推 测) 括(包 括) 确(准确无误) 误(错 误) 途(沿 途) 超(超 常) 堂(大 堂) 镜(镜 片) 闲(清 闲) 待(等 待) 阅(阅 读) 腿(大 腿) 随(随 意) 调(调 节) 简(简 单) 拜(拜 访) 访(访 问) 具(玩 具) 闻(远近文明) 尘(风尘仆仆)纳(纳 闷) 闷(纳 闷) 丘(山 丘) 迎(迎 接

12、) 等(等 待) 止(停 止) 境(环 境) 授(传 授) 品(品 行) 暗(黑 暗) 降(下 降) 丈(一 丈) 肢(四 肢) 肌(肌 肤) 肤(皮 肤) 辽(辽 阔) 阔(辽 阔) 血(血 液) 液(液 体) 滋(滋 润) 润(滋 润) and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project shoul

13、d set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Pro

14、ject Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maxi

15、mum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified th

16、e cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) persons name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents fro

17、m happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the vari

18、ous fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ?

19、once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 创(创 造) 造(造 句) 县(县 城) 设(设 计) 参(参 加) 部(全 部) 横(横 跨) 跨(横 跨) 举(创 举) 击(冲 击) 坚(坚 固) 固(牢 固) 拦(拦 板) 案(图 案) 爪(前 爪)

20、贵(宝 贵) 断(断 开) 楚(清 楚) 孤(孤 独) 帆(帆 船) 蓝(深 蓝) 懒(懒洋洋) 披(披 甲) 划(划 船) 威(威 武) 武(武 功) 拣(拣东西) 颜(颜 色) 形(形 状) 壮(状 态) 渔(渔 业) 料(肥 料) 辈(祖祖辈辈)汇(汇 成) 欣(欣 赏) 赏(欣 赏) 映(倒 映) 挡(挡 住) 视(视 线) 线(线 路) 浸(浸 泡) 献(献 出) 药(药 材) 材(木 材) 软(又松又软)刮(刮 风) 舌(舌 头) 矛(矛 盾) 盾(矛 盾) 集(集 合) 持(坚 持) 般(一 般) 架(招 架) 龟(乌 龟) 攻(进 攻) 炮(炮 口) 坦(坦 克) 战(战 场)

21、 神(大显神威)兵(士 兵) 退(退 出) 挖(挖 洞) 鞋(冰 鞋) 斧(斧 头) 锯(手 锯) 免(免 得) 屋(屋 子) 抢(抢 走) 难(难 过) 初(当 初) 管(管 理) 敌(敌 人) 阶(台 阶) 懂(懂 得) 陶(陶 器) 谦(谦 虚) 虚(谦 虚) 嘴(嘴 巴) 恼(恼 怒) 怒(发 怒) 抄(吵 闹) 感(感 受) 荒(荒 凉) 捧(捧 着) 朴(朴 素) 素(朴 素) 值(价 值) 受(感 受) and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness

22、 and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency o

23、ccurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously

24、 injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injur

25、ed, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) persons name, sex, age, trades, injuries, in

26、juries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergen

27、cy supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time i

28、n good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 愿(愿 意) 姿(姿 势) 势

29、(势 力) 投(投 入) 况(情 况) 吞(慢吞吞) 烈(热 烈) 绪(情 绪) 述(讲 述) 普(普通话) 通(普通话) 鼓(鼓 励) 励(奖 励) 育(教育家) 瓶(瓶 子) 系(系鞋带) 绳(绳 子) 茶(茶 杯) 危(危 险) 险(保 险) 顺(顺 利) 俩(咱 俩) 索(不假思索)激(激 动) 堵(堵 住) 获(获 得) 予(给 予) 担(担 心) 宽(宽 裕) 裕(富 裕) 买(买 卖) 猜(猜 测) 糖(白 糖) 即(即 使) 卡(卡 片) 盼(盼 望) 仁(仁 爱) 贴(贴 切) 二、成语 引人注目 白发苍苍 随风飘动 惹人注意 屡屡吹烟 满载而归 惹人喜爱 自言自语 欢蹦乱跳

30、 严严实实 闻鸡起舞 大惊失色 千呼万唤 垂头丧气 五彩缤纷 鲜花朵朵 争奇斗艳 芬芳迷人 含笑一现 准确无误 确确实实 千里迢迢 缓缓上升 来来往往 形态各异 清清楚楚 远近文明 黑白相间 轻重倒置 舍近求远 头重脚轻 积少成多 异口同声 左邻右舍 里应外合 物产丰富 五光十色 瑰丽无比 各种各样 祖祖辈辈 葱葱茏笼 举世闻名 五颜六色 夜幕降临 奔流不息 光彩夺目 五湖四海 璀璨无比 又松又软 又香又脆 不紧不慢 舒舒服服 又唱又跳 不知不觉 又说又笑 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Em

31、ergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue

32、 when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accou

33、ntability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources

34、 to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4) after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) persons name, sex, age,

35、trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effective preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) ma

36、intenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ? strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, te

37、sting, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly check-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct econ

38、omic 不闻不问 和睦相处 翻来覆去 痛痛快快 蹦来蹦去 刻舟求剑 不假思索 风餐露宿 没精打采 五湖四海 日夜兼程 沉默不语 目不转睛 高楼大厦 如愿以偿 恍然大捂 应有尽有 绚丽多彩 一本正经 阳光明媚 凌空飞起 翩翩飞舞 风尘仆仆 不慌不忙 不紧不慢 来来往往 三、“的”字词语搭配 高高飘扬的国旗 笔陡的石级 淡淡的清香 长长的钩刀 快乐的歌声 阳光明媚的早晨 尖尖的嘴巴 红红的眼睛 金色的海洋 辽阔的音乐厅 细微的东西 巨大的变化 隆隆的雷声 辽阔的大地 奔流不息的江河 茂盛的花草树木 美丽的宇宙 精美的图案 宝贵的历史遗产 甜蜜的微笑 热烈的掌声 五湖四海的游客 闪耀的灯光 五颜六

39、色的焰火 璀璨的明珠 可爱的孩子 辛勤的劳动 甜蜜的微笑 碧绿的草地 弯曲的小路 鲜艳的服装 高高的山峰 白发苍苍的老人 明朗的读书声 迷人的目光 轻快的舞蹈 四、“地”字词语搭配 好奇地听着 轻轻地飘落 婉转地歌唱 甜甜地笑了 快活地喊叫 拼命地奔跑 匆匆地来 匆匆地去 悄悄地说话 快活地歌唱 拼命地工作 认真地思考 五、日积月累 小儿垂钓 and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency respon

40、se (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly rescue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team

41、 manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, hav

42、e procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personnel cleared, concentrate manpower and material and financial resources to rescue the injured, decrease of the maximum loss. (4)

43、after the accident processing work (5) identified the cause of the accident and the person responsible. (6) the written report to the supervisor in writing, including the time and place of the accident, injury (death) persons name, sex, age, trades, injuries, injuries. (7) the development of effecti

44、ve preventive measures to prevent such accidents from happening again. (8) education of all personnel of the organization. (9) informed criticism of those responsible. (10) all personnel read out the results, and responsible disposal. (11) maintenance of emergency supplies, maintenance and testing ?

45、 strengthening the day-to-day management of the various fire fighting equipment fire-fighting equipment, authorities should be staffed, equipped with fire extinguishers. Fire hydrants identified person responsible for regularly inspecting, testing, at any time in good condition. ? Guard monthly chec

46、k-fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. ? once every quarter, inspections and tests of a fire hydrant in good condition. 2), plans to develop (1) casualties occurred in construction, such as accidents or accidents of the direct economic 胡令能 逢头稚子学垂纶, 测坐霉苔草映身. 路人借问遥招手, 聪明在于学习,天才在于积累. (列宁) 世上

47、无难事,只要肯攀登.(毛泽东) 为中华之崛起而读书.(周恩来) 任何成就都是刻苦劳动的结果.(宋庆龄) 书籍是人类进步的阶梯.(高尔基) 怕得鱼惊不应人. 天对地,鱼对风,大陆对长空.山花对海树,赤日对苍穹.秋月白,晚霞红,水绕对云横.雨中山果落,灯下草虫鸣. 正月菠菜才吐绿,二月栽下羊角葱; 三月韭菜长得往,四月竹笋雨后生; 五月黄瓜大街卖,六月葫芦弯似弓; 七月茄子头朝下,八月辣椒个个红; 九月柿子红似火,十月萝卜上枰称; 冬月白菜家家有,腊月蒜苗正泛青; and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities.

48、Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, head of production and safety coordinators, professional foreman for the crew, primarily responsible for the orderly resc

49、ue when an emergency occurs or processing, outsourcing, team manager and support staff, assisting the Deputy Project Manager for related auxiliary work. (2) after the accident, the project manager is responsible for field commander, advance the establishment of emergency response team personnel, accountability, seriously injured officers sent out rescue, have procedures to deal with accidents, incidents, maximum reduction in casualties and property loss. (3) If an accident occurs, press Division in advance for emergency personn


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