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1、巧妙翻译常用的中文连词1) 一会儿,一会儿走一会儿,坐一会儿,他始终懒得张罗买卖。noon without the energyas he ran.by fits of laughter.Walking and restingby turns , he wandered about untilto solicit fares.2) 边,一边朱吟秋第一个先跳起来,一边走,一边喊。Chu Yin-chiu jumped up and led the way out, shouti ng王三毛一边回答,一边只顿走。Wang replied without slacke ning his pace.洋

2、教师一边笑,一边继续往下念。The foreig n teacher went on, his readi ngpun ctuated3) 面,一面他一面按铃,一面想,该死!该死。As he pressed the bell, he thought, Hell!4) 一来,二来鸿渐说,就在此地结了婚罢,一来省事,二来旅行方便些。He suggested they get married there at the school. It would save money andeffort for one thingand make their travellingarrangements eas

3、ier foranother .5) 方面,(另,又)一方面我们现在一方面是知识分予太少,另一方面有些地方中青年知识分子很难起作用。While there is an overall shortage of intellectuals,in some places young andmiddle-aged in tellectuals are finding it difficult to play a useful role.6)宁可(宁肯,宁愿),也不(决不,不)我所以宁可逃出来做难民,不肯回乡,也不过为了达一点点气节。I became a refugee rather thanretur

4、n to our village precisely because I hada little moral in tegrity left.7)与其,不如(还不如,倒不如)(鸿渐)与其热枕头上翻来覆去,还是甲板上坐坐罢。Rather tha n toss and tur n on his warm pillow, Hun g-chie n would just as soon sit for a while Ion ger on the deck.8),再说(口语)再说,这个事要是吵开,被刘四爷知道了呢。What's more, what if word of this spread

5、 and reached Fourth Master Liu ' s ears?9),何况(更不必说,更不用说)海水越来越深,连最会游泳的都失去了控制的能力,何况我是个初下水的人。In an in creas in gly rough sea, even a good swimmer may lose all con trol overhimself ,let alone me an absolute beginner in the art of swimming.10) 别说(不要说,甭说,不要说),就是(即使)谢大媒人都没有钱,更別说结婚了。"We don ' t

6、 even have eno ugh money to reward the matchmaker, let alone getmarried."11)任凭,也(书面语)任凭他去拉车,他去要饭,也得永远跟着他。Let him pull a rickshaw or become a beggar, she would stay with him forever12)再,也照这样下去,生意再好些也不中用。The way things were, even ifbus in ess should improve even more, it stillwould n't be any use.13),省得(免得)(口语)况且这么一来,他就可以去向刘四爷把钱要回,省得老这么搁着,不像回事儿。So in this way he could get the money from Fourth Master Liu. It was not a good idea to let him hang onto the mon ey.我们用木头把那座旧楼房撑住,以免倒搨。We blocked up the old build ingfor fear that it should collapse.


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