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1、人教版PEP六年级上册Unit 5 What does he do?教学设计(Period1)课题Unit 5 What does he do?(period 1)教时40分钟年级六年级 一、 教材分析本单元位于人教版小学英语六年级上册的第五单元,本单元的教学内容是让学生掌握一些有关职业的英语表达方式并就此展开相关讨论,能够简单介绍人物职业,会询问他人的工作情况并给出相应的回答。本节课所学的内容与学生身边的人物息息相关,是真实生活的反映,可以让学生了解不同的职业特点,能够根据自身的爱好为自己的未来设想职业并为之努力。二、教学目标(一)知识与技能(1)学生能认读本单元的重点单词和词组:busin

2、essman, postman, pilot, police office(2)能够运用句型What does your he do? Guess. Is he a.? Yes, he is./No, he isnt. He is a等询问他人工作情况,并给出相应回答。(2) 情感态度目标 培养学生尊重他人劳动,从小热爱生活,为实现自己的职业理想而努力奋斗。(3) 学习策略 能积极与他人合作,运用所学英语进行交流,共同完成学习任务。三、教学重点、难点重点:掌握Lets learn部分的四会单词和词组businessman, postman, pilot, police officer难点:运用

3、句型What does your father/uncle do? Is he a.? Yes, he is./No, he isnt. He is a等询问他人工作情况,并给出相应回答。为了让让学生更好地掌握运用句型,本节课设计了两个活动,第一个是两两进行对话,第二个活动是模拟采访的情景,在情境中学习,学生更加容易理解和运用。4、 学情分析本节课是小学英语六年级上册的教学内容,授课学生的基础知识掌握的还可以,但是对于以前学过的一部分句型已经遗忘了,学生们上课活跃,回答问题积极,对英语的学习的积极性较高,接受快。只有个别同学,基础稍微差一点,但也非常的认真。五、教法与学法(一)教法:(1)歌曲

4、导入法:本课时我以“My family”歌曲导入,让学生愉快地适应上课,进入状态,为课堂气氛增色不少。(2) 游戏教学法:用guessing game游戏的形式巩固新单词,使学生寓学于乐,在活泼、轻忪、愉快的气氛中自然而然地获得英语知识与技能。(3) 交际法:让学生运用本节课所学的单词和句型进行小组对话。其目的是为了让学生能运用言语进行交流,重要的是使学生能够考虑到进行相互交流的人们的作用和地位,考虑到所涉及的题目和情景,从而能恰如其分地运用语言。(二)学法:(1)自主学习法:学生针对教师提出的有关职业的问题来独立思考、自主学习。(2)合作学习法:学生通过参加Pair work和group w

5、ork活动,给学生练习语言并互相学习的条件和机会。 六、教学过程教学环节时间教师活动学生活动设计意图导入4分钟Step1. 播放歌曲“My family”的视频,让学生跟唱并提出问题:How many jobs are there in the song? What are they?Step2. 带读复习歌曲中之前学过的职业单词:driver,cook,doctor, nurse,Step3:通过以前学过的询问职业的句型Whats his job? 过渡到今天的学习内容What does he do?Step1. 学生跟唱歌曲“My family” 并思考老师所提的问题。学生回答:Four.

6、They are driver,cook,doctor,nurse.Step2. 学生跟读复习已学过的职业单词单词:driver,cook,doctor, nurse,通过歌曲导入,激发学生学习的兴趣。让学生跟唱并表演。这样的导入能很快吸引住学生的注意力,自然地进入学习英语的情景, 还渲染了学生学习英语的良好气氛。呈现10分钟Step1.呈现单词1) 展示马云的照片询问学生:Do you know who is he? What does he do? Guess!通过两个问题引出新单词businessman,并教授新单词。2)展示中国邮局和信,询问学生Whats this? Who work

7、 in there? What does he do? Guess!引出新单词postman并教授新单词。3) 展示一张图片,遮住图片局部,让学生去猜,问学生What does he do? Guess! 引出新单词pilot,并教授新单词。4) 播放一段警车的声音,让学生听声音猜职业,然后询问学生What does he do? Guess!引出新单词police officer,并教授新单词。Step1. 通过看图片和听声音回答老师的问题,并学习今天的新单词和句型:businessman,postman, pilot, police officerWhat does he do? Gues

8、s通过图片声音等吸引学生兴趣,让学生自己去猜测图片的职业引出新单词,学生会更加感兴趣,印象会更加深刻。巩固练习24分钟Step1. 活动1(10mins):Who have sharp eyes?展示四张遮住局部的职业图片,看图片询问学生Is he/she a/an ?,让学生回答。Step2. 对话练习A:What does he/she do?B:Guess!(猜)A: Is he a.?B:Yes, he/she is.No,he isnt. He is a.给学生职业的图片,让学生和同桌进行对话练习。活动2 小记者(16mins)分小组合作,运用职业的单词和举行进行模拟采访活动,选出小

9、组的最棒小记者。Step1. 学生回答问题Yes,he/she is .No,he/she isn't. He/She is a/an (businessman, police officer, postman, pilot) .Step2. 练习对话A:What does he/she do?B:Guess!(猜)A: Is he a.?B:Yes, he/she is.No,he isnt. He is a.学生根据职业的图片,和同桌进行对话练习。活动2Step1: 学生分小组合作,运用句型进行采访模拟练习。Step2: 小组进行分享,评选出最棒的小组。通过Who have sha

10、rp eyes?和小组合作练习句型这两个活动,巩固学生今天所学的新单词和句型,让学生明确今天学习的内容,加深学生学习印象。总结2分钟总结所学的四个新单词,并让学生齐读新单词齐读新单词回顾今天所学的新单词,让学生清楚今天的学习内容七、板书设计Unit 5 What does he do? What does he do? businessman 商人 He is a postman 邮递员 pilot 飞行员 police officer 警察八、教学后记这节课我所设定的教学目标,知识与技能方面,学生能够掌握本单元部分职业的新单词和简单询问职业的句子表达。情感态度方面是培养学生尊重他人劳动,从小

11、热爱生活,能为自己的理想职业而努力奋斗。学习策略是培养学生积极与他人合作,运用所学的知识完成学习任务。学生通过本节课的学习,基本能够掌握本节课的职业新单词和简单的句子表达,最后也能够和同学合作完成pair work,知识与技能、学习策略的目标基本完成。但情感态度的渗透并没有这这节课体现,没有很好地达成情感态度目标。本节课最后所设置的pair work,让学生两两合作,通过图片来完成对话,巩固本节课所学的内容。让学生在情境中练习对话,更加有助于加深学生的印象,学习效果会更加好。本节课基本是整体都能遵循教案进行,没有太大的变动。但本节课还是存在着一些不足的地方。时间的分配和控制没有做到很好,最后超

12、时了一分多钟。一开始上课教授新单词的时候忘记的板书,但后来还是补上了。在巩固练习的第二部分Who have sharp eyes?,指令有点不太清晰,可能让学生不知道怎么去做。通过这节课,看到了自己还有很多不足的地方,在时间调控、发布指令、课堂调控这些地方,自己还是有待改进的,以后上课会更加注意这些方面。A lesson plan for “What does he do?”, Unit 5, PEP English Book(Period1)Analysis of the teaching materialTitle: What does he do?Lesson type: vocabul

13、ary lessonTopic: jobsDuration:10minsAnalysis of the SsGrade: 6Cognitive psychology :Curious, have a strong desire to learn.Knowledge basis: Have the basic knowledge about some words of peoples jobs, such as driver, cook, doctor, nurseTeaching objectives Language skillsBy the end of the lesson, the S

14、s will be able touse the key sentences about jobs to communicate with others, such as What does he do? Guess.Is he a.? Yes, he is./No, he isnt. He is aLanguage knowledgeBy the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to understand the new words such as businessman,pilot etc and know how to use them.Af

15、fectBy the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able tolove life and word hard for their ideal jobs.Learning strategiesdevelop their team spirit and the ability to cooperate with others.Teaching focus the meaning and usage of the new words.Difficult pointsuse the key sentences about jobs to communicate

16、 with othersTeaching strategies Task-based approach. Discussion. Group workTeaching aidsMulti-media, blackboardTeaching procedureStep Time(mins)Teacher activityStudents activityRationale 1.Lead-in 1.5Greetingplay a song : My familyask Ss to answer the questions:How many jobs can you see?What they ar

17、e?Greeting.listen and sing the song together.answer the question:Four, they are driver, cook, doctor, nurse.Warm up and lead in the topic : What does he do?Arouse Sss interest about jobs.2.Presentation4Present the new wordsshow the picture of Jackma and ask students the question:Do you know who is h

18、e? What does he do? Guess!And then, teach the new word “businessman”show the picture of China Post and letters and ask students the questions:Whats this? Who work in there? What does he do? Guess!And then, teach the new word “postman”show a picturewhich is covered a part of the picture and ask stude

19、nt look at the picture and guess the jobs.And then, teach the new word “pilot” play a record about police car sound and ask students guess the job.And then, teach the new word “police officer”Students look at the pictures and listen the record and answer the question.Learn the new words and sentence

20、s.Teach the new words and sentences by the pictures and sound, which can impress student deeper and help them learn better.3.Consolidation4activity1:Who have sharp eyes?show four pictures which are covered a part of the pictures about the jobs and ask students the questions:Is he/she a/an ?Present t

21、he dialogueA:What does he/she do?B:Guess!(猜)A: Is he a.?B:Yes, he/she is.No,he isnt. He is a.Ask students to practice the dialogue in pair Ask some students to sharestudents answer the questions with the follow sentences:Yes,he/she is .No,he/she isn't. He/She is a/an (businessman, police officer

22、, postman, pilot) .practice in pairA:What does he/she do?B:Guess!(猜)A: Is he a.?B:Yes, he/she is.No,he isnt. He is a.According to the pictures of jobs to practice the dialogue.share their dialogue with classmates to consolidate the new words and sentences by two activities4. Summary 0.5Summarize the new words and ask students read them togetherRead the new words togetherto review the new words4. LayoutUnit 5 What does he do? What does he do? businessman 商人 He is a postman 邮递员 pilot 飞行员 police officer 警察


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