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1、名词choice的用法与搭配作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2019-02-271. 在 have no choice but这一结构中,其后通常要接带to的不定式,表示“除了做以外,别无选择”或“只好做”:I had no choice but to wait. 除了等,我没有别的选择。I had no choice but to cancel my holiday. 我只能取消假期,别无选择。He had no choice but to accept (= He had to accept). 他别无选择只能接受。He will have no choice but

2、 to ally himself with the new movement. 他将别无选择,只能与这个新运动结盟。For the above reasons, the management has no choice but to close the factory. 基于上述原因,资方别无选择,只好关闭工厂。 2. 表示在某范围内选择时,以下几点需注意(注意搭配):(1) 在两者之间选择(注意 between 的使用):He has to make a choice between the two books. 他得在这两本书中选择一本。You must make have a

3、choice between this and that. You must make have the choice of this or that. 这样东西和那样东西你必须选择其一。上面最后一组句子的结构不能混淆,如不能说:You must make have a choice of this or that.(2) 在三者或三者之上选择(注意 among 的使用):Beer is the drink of choice among sports fans. 啤酒是受体育爱好者喜爱的饮品。She was asked to make a choice among the three. 她被

4、要求在这三者当中选择一个。(3) 在不明确范围选择:They have no choice left. 他们别无选择。What's your choice? 你选哪个?result的用法与搭配作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2019-01-141. 用作动词,表示“产生结果”或“有某种结果”,是不及物动词,注意以下用:(1) 若表示先因后果,其后接介词in,指由某种原因导致某种结果,此时通常译为“导致(的结果)”“以而告终”。如:Love results in marriage, naturally. 恋爱终归于婚姻(有情人终成眷属)。The accident r

5、esulted in the death of two passengers. 这次事故导致两名乘客丧生。(2) 若表示先果后因,后接介词from,指某种结果是由于某种原因导致的,此时通常译为“由于”“由于而产生(的结果)”。如:His failure resulted from his carelessness. 他的失败是由他的粗心造成的。His illness resulted from eating contaminated food. 他生病是由于吃了不洁净的食物。(3) 比较以下相似表达:Success results from hard work. 成功来自于努力工作。Hard

6、work results in success. 努力工作可以导致成功。2. 用作名词,用于as a result, 意为“结果”“因此”。如:As a result he was forced to leave home. 结果他被迫离开了家。He had some bad fish. As a result, he felt ill. 他吃了些坏鱼,结果感到不舒服。表示“由于的结果”,后接介词 of。如:He was late as a result of (=because of) the snow. 由于下雪,他迟到了。在as a result 这一结构中,要用不定冠词,但在 as a

7、 the result 这一结构中,却用不定冠词或定冠词均可。如:As a the result of his hard work, he got a pay rise. 由于他工作勤奋,所以他加了工资。本身就是复数的词作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2018-11-17眼镜glasses; 耳机earphones; 鞋shoes;裤子trousers等词本身是复数。如:My glasses were on the chair just now.但如果表示这双,这副,一双的时候用单数如:There is a pair of chopsticks on the plate.

8、 This pair of earphones is for you.可数名词的复数形式,拼写规则及其s词尾的读音方法作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2018-10-241可数名词都有复数形式,大多数以加词尾-S的方式构成。在加-S词尾时,要注意两类情况:以s,x,ch,sh收尾的词,要加-esclasses,boxes,matches,brushes以“辅音+y”结尾的词,要变y为i,再加escitycitiescountrycountries其他直接加-s,如:girls,teachers,rooms 2几种特殊情况:1)有些名词有特别的复数形式(有个别名词

9、单复同形):manmen womanwomen fishfishtoothteeth footfeet sheepsheepchildchildren goosegeese deerdeermousemice oxoxen aircraftaircraft 2)有些外来词仍保有原来的复数形式,如:phenomenonphenomena(现象)stratumstrata 阶层)thesistheses(论文) 3)以o结尾的词,有些加-s,有些加-es:radios,zoos,studios,photos,pianos,kilos;heroes,Negroes,Potatoes,tomatoes 4)以f或fe结尾的词,多数变f为v,再加-es:leafleaves lifelives个别词只加-s:roofs,chiefs, handkerchiefs 2. s词尾读音方法如下:1)在ptkf等清辅音后读s:cups,cats,cakes,roofs2)在sztd等音后读iz:buses,ashes,peaches,ages3)其他情况下读z:girls,dogs,lives,photos


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