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1、努力,是为了尊严主题演讲祝你成功!努力,是为了尊严主题演讲 我在20_(请自填)年左右拍了一部戏叫作龙票,当时是我要自己开车去剧组。经过一个沙漠,结果我开着开着刚过一个坡,一上坡我就看到坡下面有个大坑,我往这一拐可能就翻车了,完全不敢打方向盘。结果车刹不住了,侧滑了48米,直接翻到了沙漠里。我旁边一个男助手没事儿,他把我拉出来了,我一脸都是血。送到医院,医生一拍片子说我脖子又裂了。我的第五、第六节颈椎骨折。医生说:“你呀,必须赶紧去县城的大医院去打一个石膏,至少是固定住三个月不能动。”我坚持要拍戏,因为所有剧组的工作人员已经跟我到了内蒙古。 我想了一下跟医生说:“医生,你给我想一个办法,让我既




5、我唯一能够做的,就是通过我的努力,通过我的“不要命”,我的成功,我的今天也许其中一部分是要用我的身体换来的。I in 1996 into the film academy, silly Leng is not ascended to the backpack and went to film school, in our class inside my lifetime first met so many beautiful girls and handsome boys and met my first love. I really thought she was very pretty,

6、and I thought I had never seen such a pretty girl in my life, but she refused me. I don t know why she refused my, she later told me that because the moment you too fat, - at that moment, I more than 150 catties, fatter than many. Said, you too - I didn t know my soil. Later I played Holly film (the

7、 Chinese partner in the role), I know I had really is a Eupolyphaga, because Holly too good for me.I took a drama called dragon around 20_(请自填), when I want to drive yourself to the crew. After a desert, and as a result I open open just over a hill, an uphill I see slope below there was a large hole

8、, I to this turn may be overturned, could not hit the steering wheel. The car brake, side 48 meters, turn straight to the desert. Next to a male assistant, I have nothing to do, he pulled me out, I am a face is blood. To the hospital, the doctor said my neck was cracked. My fifth and sixth cervical

9、fractures. Doctor said: you, you must quickly go to the county hospital to fight a plaster cast, at least three months of fixed and can not move. I insisted on filming, because all the crew has been with me to Inner Mongolia.I wanted to tell the doctor: doctor, I want to give you a way, so I could s

10、hoot and recuperate. He said: no, if you go to the movie is mad. I said: doctor, well, you think of a way to from the county to me to buy a neck collar, collar around his neck can not let the neck move that stuff. I wore it, if I m filming I will take it off, do not shoot I ll put it on. The doctor

11、said, you are crazy, you don t even have a life.You just need to be paralyzed. I said: I do not have the heart to let everyone, and so on, you let me go. He said: that s what you do.Later I in the neck support the tugging her collar so fixed to live not to let yourself, sitting in the roller coaster

12、 ride of half an hour into the desert, where took a month to play. I will have to sleep on the pillow, I want to sleep in the car to the pillow, or I can not move.When I just graduated from the shot a movie called geek diary , he was hit by a car and drove home at night. When the red light, feel the

13、 immediate flash of white light, a car filled with sand two tons of heavy trucks to me from the top of the middle of the road to a jeep in the opposite, and from the jeep bounced back to the middle of the road. I didn t know anything about it. They said it was about half an hour later, someone knocked at my glass and woke me up, and I found myself in a cab for a young doctor. He used a very thick needle, probably a total of six stitches, thensomeone told me that this injury to sew more than 20 needles. Four years I feel that the jaw is strange, .cn 6 / 6


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