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1、.1. We shareWe love each other and we shareWith the other girls and boys.我们相亲相爱,我们和其它的男孩女孩们分享,Crayons, scissors, paint and glue,蜡笔,剪刀,颜料和胶水。Puzzles, books and toys, too.也分享七巧板、书籍和玩具We take turns because its fair,我们轮流交换因为这样公平,And we are happy when we share.当我们分享时我们是开心的。 2. An Apple a Day 一天一个苹果An app

2、le a daySends the doctor away一天一个苹果医生不用管我Apple in the morningDoctor's warning早上吃个苹果医生担心没事做Roast apple at nightStarves the doctor outright晚上烤个苹果医生饿得揭不开锅Eat an apple before going to bedKnock the doctor on the head睡前啃个苹果对医生来说是很大的打击Three each day, seven days a weekRuddy apple, ruddy cheek一周七天,一天三个红扑

3、扑的脸儿象个红苹果 3. Dreams 梦想Hold fast to dreams把握梦想For if dreams die如果梦想消失Life is a broken-winged bird生命将是折翼之鸟That cannot fly无法飞行Hold fast to dreams把握梦想For when dreams go如果梦想逝去Life is a barren field生命将是一片荒原Frozen with snow大雪冰封 4. Mary had a little lambMary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.玛丽有一只

4、小羊羔,一只小羊羔,一只小羊羔。Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow.玛丽有一只小羊羔。它的毛像雪一样白。And everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went.而且不管玛丽去那里,去那里,去那里,Everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.不管玛丽去那里,这只羊羔一定跟去。It followed her to school one day, school one day, school one day.一天,小羊羔跟着她

5、来到学校,It followed her to school one day, that was against the rule.一天小羊羔跟着她来到学校,那是违反规定的!It made the children laugh and play, laugh and play, laugh and play.看到羊儿在学校,它让孩子玩又笑,玩又笑。It made the children laugh and play, to see a lamb in school.看到羊儿在学校,它让孩子玩又笑,玩又笑。Why does the lamb love Mary so, mary so, Mar

6、y so?“为何小羊这样爱玛丽?”Why does the lamb love mary so? The eager children cry.“为何小羊这样爱玛丽?孩子追问声声急Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know lamb, you know, lamb, you know.Mary loves the lamb, you know, the teacher did reply.老师轻声回答道:“玛丽也爱羊宝宝” 5.There isnt time!There isnt time, there isnt timeTo do the things I want

7、 to do,我没有时间去做我想做的事,With all the mountain tops to climb,攀登所有的山峰,And all the woods to wander through,漫步于林中,And all the seas to sail upon,航行于五湖四海,And everywhere there is to go,游遍每一个地方,And all the people, everyoneWho lives upon the earth, to know,去了解生活在地球上的每一个人,Theres only time, theres only time我只有在有限的

8、时间里To know a few, and do a few,去认识一点点,去做一点点,And then sit down and make a rhyme然后坐下来作诗,About the rest I want to do.便是我余生想要做的。 6.Two lives are yours两重天Books I thinkAre extra nice.我认为书是非同寻常的好,Through books you liveNot once but twice.书里书外两重天地,You are yourself你是你自己And you are things.也可以是其它的事物:With fur or

9、 fins你是游鱼披上鳞片,你是走兽长出皮毛Or shells or wings,你是带壳的贝类,你是长翅的飞鸟,As big as giants,你是巨人无比高大,As small as gnats你是蝼蚁十分渺小,As far as stars,你是天边的星辰,As close as cats,你是身旁的懒猫。You live todayAnd long ago.你游历到远古,你生活在今朝,The future, too对于世界的未来,Is yours to know.你也是全都知晓。Youre multiplied,你有随意分身的法术,Expanded, freed,你有自由变化的技巧。

10、Youre you and also放下书本就回归自我,What you read.走进书本万物是你的写照。 7.Beautiful美丽Beautiful sun that gives light,太阳美丽白昼辉煌Beautiful moon that shines by night,月亮美丽夜空清朗Beautiful planets in the heaven so far,星球美丽远在苍穹Beautiful twinkle of each little star.星星点点美丽闪光Beautiful waters so blue and clear,大海美丽碧蓝清澈Beautiful sou

11、nd of the surges we hear,涛声美丽耳边震响Beautiful brooklet, its ripples so sweet,溪流美丽波纹甜蜜Beautiful flowers that bloom at our feet.花朵美丽身边绽放Beautiful springtime when all is delight;春时美丽万物欢畅Beautiful summer, so warm and so bright;夏日美丽温暖明亮Beautiful autumn, with fruits and with gain;秋天美丽硕果累累Beautiful winter, wi

12、th snowflakes again.冬季美丽雪花飘扬 8.Moonlight and a new dayFirst star, first light第一颗星,第一道光Up in the open sky.高高挂在广袤无垠的天空Moonlight月光Twinkles in the sky,在空中闪耀Shining, shining, shining放出光明,Down on me.照在我身上,First light of dawn,晨光初现First beam of sun,第一缕光线As it pushes the moon away,当它将月亮推走The world starts to

13、openLike a bud on a branch整个世界就像枝头的蓓蕾绽放And the day has begun.新的一天开始了 9.The wind风I saw you toss the kites on high我看见你你托着风筝在天上飘摇,And blow the birds about the sky又吹得鸟儿东飞西绕,And all around I heard you pass,到处都听得出你在行进,Like ladies skirts across the grass-像女子的裙裾曳过草地,O wind, a-blowing all day long,噢,风,整日整日地吹

14、拂,O wind, that sings so loud a song!噢,风,唱起多么嘹亮的歌儿!I saw the different things you did,我看见那么多不同的事情,你在做着,But always you yourself you hid.却总躲躲闪闪,虚无缥缈,I felt you push, I heard you call,我感到你在推呀,我听到你在叫呀,I could not see yourself at all四处寻去,却是踪迹杳杳-O wind, a-blowing all day long,噢,风,整日整日地吹拂,O wind, that sings

15、 so loud a song!噢,风,唱起多么嘹亮的歌儿!O you that are so strong and cold,噢,你是那样地凛冽寒冷O blower, are you young or old?噢,你是青春年少还是皓首苍老?Are you a beast of field and tree,你是原野和林中的精灵,Or just a stronger child than me?或是毛孩一个,我力不能超?O wind, a-blowing all day long,噢,风,整日整日地吹拂,O wind, that sings so loud a song!噢,风,唱起多么嘹亮的歌儿!*;


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