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1、人教版五年级语文上册配套练习册答案人教版五年级上册语文配套练习册答案及提示 1 窃读记 我会找 胸 胖 胆 肿 胎 胭 胳 膊 窗 窥 窟 窝 室穿 突 帘 我会写 充足 饭碗 屋檐 书柜 知趣 我会比 略 我会判断 1. 2. ? 3. 我会读 (一)1.踮 腋 哟 2.动作:跨 踮 挤 急切地寻找 急忙打开书 贪婪地读着 心理活动:暗喜 没关系 我很快乐,也很惧怕这种窃读的滋味 体会:书店里的顾客很多,“我”对读书的如饥似渴。“我”在阅读中感受着书籍所带来的智慧与快乐,却时刻害怕被店员或老板发现而受到训斥和驱赶,交织在一起,形成一种复杂的、难以言说的感受。 3.比喻,写出了“我”强烈的求知

2、欲,对读书的渴望。 4.作者被书中世界的吸引与沉迷,书外世界的担忧与紧张,快乐与惧怕交织在一起,这也正是窃读的滋味。 (二)1.“高尔基没办法,只好到月亮下看书或者爬到神龛底下的凳子上,借着长明灯的光去读书。”“他在灯下看书入了迷,忘记给火炉上的茶壶加水,等到发现时那个茶壶已经烧坏了。”“只要她答应让我看书,我就不提出控告。” 2.略 3.爱读书的高尔基 4.C 2 小苗与大树的对话 我会认 h l ln png gun xi 我会填 绿叶 绿林 旺盛 盛饭 传记 传说 我会说 1.中西贯通 古今贯通 文理贯通 理解略 2.略 我会读 1.(1)到处都是,形容及其常见。(2)比喻事物不受限制地

3、流行。 2.略 3.略 4略 3 走遍天下书为侣 我会写 盒子 娱乐 某种 零用钱 我会比 略 我会填 1.L ling 雨 五 ? 2.S song 讠 ? 我会选 1.作 2.坐 3.座 4.座 我会读 (一)1.一遍又一遍 思考 编下去 一些片段 为什么喜欢它们 其他部分 列个单子 想象 2.动脑思考,编故事,回头欣赏优美片段。然后,读其他部门,of thiourea, and diluted to 100mL and mix. 31.5 trivalent arsenic (As3+) standard liquid weigh accurately arsenic trioxide

4、0.1320g, plus 100g/L 1mL and a small amount of potassium hydroxide sub-boiling distilled water dissolve into 100mL the bottle volume. This standard solution contains trivalent arsenic (As3+) 1mg/mL. Water level when using diluted to standard concentration for arsenic trivalent (As3+) 1 g. Refrigerat

5、or use 7 days. 32 glass apparatus 15% nitrate soaked before using 24h. 32.1 atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 32.2, thermostatic water bath. 33 33.1 sample analysis steps deal with the body: learn from crushing 80 mesh sieve-like 2.50g (sample weight according to the content of the sample, as approp

6、riate, increase or decrease) in 25mL graduated test tube. Add hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution 20mL, mixing, or 5.00g weigh fresh sample (sample should be homogenized into) in 25mL scale in a test tube, add 5mL hydrochloric acid and hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution diluted to scales, mixing。 At 60 ?

7、 c water bath 18h, shake the full extraction of the sample several times. Remove the cooling. Absorbent cotton filter, take the 4mL in a 10mL bottle of landfill leachate, mixed with potassium iodide-thiourea solution 1mL, n-octanol (antifoaming agent) 8 drops. Add water capacity. After placing 10min

8、 in test samples of inorganic arsenic. Such as turbidity, filtered again determined. Reagent blank at once. Note: the extraction of the sample after cooling. Before filtering with hydrochloric acid (1+1) solutions and sizing to 25mL. Liquid samples: the 4mL sample 10mL volumetric flask, Add hydrochl

9、oric acid (1+1) solution 4mL, Ki-thiourea solution 1mL 8 列单子,想象作者的生活经历。(二)1.毅力 生活 风光 大海 艰难 货物 2.比喻 把书看成非凡的战舰,把书看成神奇的车骑。3.书可以把我们带到浩瀚的天地,也可以带我们领略人世的真谛,它可以让穷人变成精神上的富人,而且它还装载了人类灵魂中全部的美丽。所以书是神奇的,我们要热爱读书 4 我的“长生果” 我会填 流光溢彩 悲惨 宽大 沉甸甸 清冷 蓝色 我会写 一心一意 如火如荼 百战百胜 能屈能伸 欣欣向荣 津津乐道 振振有词 蒸蒸日上 我会读 1.指超出同类,形容超群出众。 2.

10、?有计划地读书;?猜读。 第一单元综合练习 一、画去:yi y j q f m 二、伴侣 酸楚 鼓励 囫囵吞枣 炒菜 忽略 支撑 毫不犹豫 理由 惧怕 三、踮脚 店主 零钱 雪花 贪婪 禁不住 盒子 脸盆 赶趟 流淌 某处 谋略 屋檐 瞻仰 偷窃 急切 四、1.不求甚解 2.与众不同 3.借鉴 4.滚瓜烂熟 五、辘辘 瓜 熟 言而喻 不同 一律 欢 合 求甚解 念念2 六、1.白首方悔读书迟 2.心到 眼到 口到 3.多看书 4.书籍 七、1.因为 虽然 但是 因此 2.(1)比喻 意思是说书是人类的精神食粮,是人类文明延续的营养,充分表达了书与人类文明发展的关系。 (2)拟人 将秋天的明亮和

11、清爽表达得生动、形象、可爱。 (3)排比 比喻 想象丰富,使句子结构严谨,朗朗上口。 (4)拟人 将太阳的可爱稚气表达得淋漓尽致。 3.(1)校园里只听见同学们的琅琅的读书声。 (2)主席台上插着鲜艳的彩旗。 八、(一)1.(1)不用说话就明白。 形容道理很明显。 (2)指心神悲沮的样子。 2.gun 冠军 gun 鸡冠 s 似乎 sh 似的 3.报答 功能 繁杂 设想 4.略 5.略 (二)1.充足 建议 传记 节奏 简直 2.鼓励 清楚 封闭 简单 3.开阔你的眼界;助你成长;帮助你了解生活,认识自己。4.按照每个小标题说的做。我认为:略。 5古诗词三首 我会改 chng f 注释:? ?

12、,这里指捎信的人。 ?,把封好的信拆开。 of thiourea, and diluted to 100mL and mix. 31.5 trivalent arsenic (As3+) standard liquid weigh accurately arsenic trioxide 0.1320g, plus 100g/L 1mL and a small amount of potassium hydroxide sub-boiling distilled water dissolve into 100mL the bottle volume. This standard solution

13、 contains trivalent arsenic (As3+) 1mg/mL. Water level when using diluted to standard concentration for arsenic trivalent (As3+) 1 g. Refrigerator use 7 days. 32 glass apparatus 15% nitrate soaked before using 24h. 32.1 atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 32.2, thermostatic water bath. 33 33.1 sample

14、analysis steps deal with the body: learn from crushing 80 mesh sieve-like 2.50g (sample weight according to the content of the sample, as appropriate, increase or decrease) in 25mL graduated test tube. Add hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution 20mL, mixing, or 5.00g weigh fresh sample (sample should be h

15、omogenized into) in 25mL scale in a test tube, add 5mL hydrochloric acid and hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution diluted to scales, mixing。 At 60 ? c water bath 18h, shake the full extraction of the sample several times. Remove the cooling. Absorbent cotton filter, take the 4mL in a 10mL bottle of land

16、fill leachate, mixed with potassium iodide-thiourea solution 1mL, n-octanol (antifoaming agent) 8 drops. Add water capacity. After placing 10min in test samples of inorganic arsenic. Such as turbidity, filtered again determined. Reagent blank at once. Note: the extraction of the sample after cooling

17、. Before filtering with hydrochloric acid (1+1) solutions and sizing to 25mL. Liquid samples: the 4mL sample 10mL volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution 4mL, Ki-thiourea solution 1mL 8 我会连 王安石宋泊船瓜洲 张籍唐秋思 纳兰性德清长相思 我会解释 1.绿:吹绿、染绿。 还:回到家乡。 2.恬:声音嘈杂。故园:故乡。 我会品 1.到、吹、过 草木萌发、万木苏醒、杨柳依依 草长莺飞

18、二月天,拂提杨柳醉春烟等 2.行人临发又开封。 我会读 1.传说中的仙人早乘黄鹤飞去,这地方只留下空荡荡的黄鹤楼。飞去的黄鹤再也不能复返了,唯有悠悠白云徒然千载依旧。 2.此诗是作者吊古怀乡之作,表达了作者感叹世事茫茫和浓重的思乡之情。 6梅花魂 我会写 幽静 葬送 两腮 甚至 丝绸 所谓 愁闷 梳头 我会填 1.衰弱 2.脆弱 3.幽芳 4.幽静 我会比 略 我会连 “春草归不归:山中送别 ”独在倍思亲“九月九日忆山东兄弟 ”自在飞花细如愁“浣溪沙 我会读 (一)1.画去:chn yu y g 2.不管不管 无论总要 造句略。 3.第一层:赞美梅花那种不怕严寒,不怕“风欺雪压“的品格。第二层

19、:我们中华民族具有梅花那种”顶天立地,不肯低头折节”的精神;第三层:对外孙女的勉励,希望她学习梅花的品格。 4.从“他们不管”到“不肯低头折节”。 5.略。 (二)1.偶然 稀奇 批评 爱恋 2.(1)形容形象高大,气概雄伟豪迈。 (2)相当有名望。 3.略 4.略。 7*桂花雨 我会选 1.只要就 2.无论都 3.如果就 我会填 1. ? 2. ? 我会改 1.去掉“的夏天” 2.去掉“的下一次”或改为“我知道了下一次会议的内容和时间”。 3.“过一会儿”或“马上”保留一个。 我会读 (一)1.chng shn chn 2.捕蜻蜓 (二)1.李白 静夜思 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲 今夜

20、明月人尽望,不知秋思落谁家 2.y lio y jin ji f 3.不老的乡愁啊,一篇小文道不清、写不完。 4.从这个句子我们可以看出:虽然作者离开故乡多年,但故乡的一切都在心底,并未走远。作者爱家乡、思家乡之情跃然纸上。 5.月亮、风筝、美酒等。 8*小桥流水人家 我会写 婀娜 干涸 点缀 舞姿 潮湿 螃蟹 舒服 潺潺 of thiourea, and diluted to 100mL and mix. 31.5 trivalent arsenic (As3+) standard liquid weigh accurately arsenic trioxide 0.1320g, plus

21、100g/L 1mL and a small amount of potassium hydroxide sub-boiling distilled water dissolve into 100mL the bottle volume. This standard solution contains trivalent arsenic (As3+) 1mg/mL. Water level when using diluted to standard concentration for arsenic trivalent (As3+) 1 g. Refrigerator use 7 days.

22、 32 glass apparatus 15% nitrate soaked before using 24h. 32.1 atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 32.2, thermostatic water bath. 33 33.1 sample analysis steps deal with the body: learn from crushing 80 mesh sieve-like 2.50g (sample weight according to the content of the sample, as appropriate, increas

23、e or decrease) in 25mL graduated test tube. Add hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution 20mL, mixing, or 5.00g weigh fresh sample (sample should be homogenized into) in 25mL scale in a test tube, add 5mL hydrochloric acid and hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution diluted to scales, mixing。 At 60 ? c water bath

24、18h, shake the full extraction of the sample several times. Remove the cooling. Absorbent cotton filter, take the 4mL in a 10mL bottle of landfill leachate, mixed with potassium iodide-thiourea solution 1mL, n-octanol (antifoaming agent) 8 drops. Add water capacity. After placing 10min in test sampl

25、es of inorganic arsenic. Such as turbidity, filtered again determined. Reagent blank at once. Note: the extraction of the sample after cooling. Before filtering with hydrochloric acid (1+1) solutions and sizing to 25mL. Liquid samples: the 4mL sample 10mL volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+1

26、) solution 4mL, Ki-thiourea solution 1mL 8 我会填 清澈见底 凉爽 柳枝 婀娜 悦耳 波纹 我会仿 守口如瓶 守株待兔 守正不阿 日久天长 日理万机 日积月累 为了防御外来的侵害,临近的村落协同看守瞭望,遇袭互相帮助。 我会读 1., , 。 、 , , , “ ”, 。 2.家乡的桥大多是石桥,造型却千姿百态。家乡小桥的名称也美极了。3.? 4.这篇短文表达了作者热爱家乡的思想感情。 第二单元综合练习 一、 幽芳 灵魂 梳理 衰老 大抵 唯独 漂泊 稀罕 二、 略 三、 1.鉴赏 2.观赏 3.欣赏。 四、 1.悠悠 切切 2.梅花发 天涯 3.明月

27、 他乡 4.月是故乡明 五、 1.略 2.小溪环绕着村庄。3.老人平日里梳理得整整齐齐的银发被赤道吹来的风缭乱了。赤道吹来的风把老人平日里梳理得整整齐齐的银发缭乱了。 六、 1.邮票 船票 坟墓 海峡 2.小时候 长大后 后来 现在 3.(2)成年后,告别了新婚妻子,离乡背井,天各一方。(3)生离死别,母子不得相见。(4)同胞难得相聚,国家不能统一。4.B 5.略 9鲸 我会找 狐 猫 狼鲜 鲍 鲫 我会写 过滤 哺乳 肥猪 胎生 矮小 我知道 列数字 作比较 我会改 放学前,同学们都完成了各科作业。老师召集了大家开了个班会。会上,班长首先发言。他说:“我们从小就要养成艰苦朴素的作风。王军同学

28、刻苦学习,生活俭朴,同学们要向他学习。”大家向王军投去了敬佩的目光。 我会读 1.“ ” , , , 。 2.略 3.捕食 呼吸 4.列数字 作比较 举例子 打比方 10* 松鼠 我会组 边塞 堵塞 强大 强迫 奔跑 投奔 躲藏 宝藏 我会选 1.? 2.? 我会填 1.只有才 2.只要就 5 of thiourea, and diluted to 100mL and mix. 31.5 trivalent arsenic (As3+) standard liquid weigh accurately arsenic trioxide 0.1320g, plus 100g/L 1mL and

29、a small amount of potassium hydroxide sub-boiling distilled water dissolve into 100mL the bottle volume. This standard solution contains trivalent arsenic (As3+) 1mg/mL. Water level when using diluted to standard concentration for arsenic trivalent (As3+) 1 g. Refrigerator use 7 days. 32 glass appar

30、atus 15% nitrate soaked before using 24h. 32.1 atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 32.2, thermostatic water bath. 33 33.1 sample analysis steps deal with the body: learn from crushing 80 mesh sieve-like 2.50g (sample weight according to the content of the sample, as appropriate, increase or decrease)

31、in 25mL graduated test tube. Add hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution 20mL, mixing, or 5.00g weigh fresh sample (sample should be homogenized into) in 25mL scale in a test tube, add 5mL hydrochloric acid and hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution diluted to scales, mixing。 At 60 ? c water bath 18h, shake the

32、full extraction of the sample several times. Remove the cooling. Absorbent cotton filter, take the 4mL in a 10mL bottle of landfill leachate, mixed with potassium iodide-thiourea solution 1mL, n-octanol (antifoaming agent) 8 drops. Add water capacity. After placing 10min in test samples of inorganic

33、 arsenic. Such as turbidity, filtered again determined. Reagent blank at once. Note: the extraction of the sample after cooling. Before filtering with hydrochloric acid (1+1) solutions and sizing to 25mL. Liquid samples: the 4mL sample 10mL volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution 4mL,

34、 Ki-thiourea solution 1mL 8 我会读 (一)1.ch z min zhu lu 2.平常 结实 整齐 宽敞 3.略 (二)1.l 露水 lu 露馅 dn 担心 dn 扁担 cng 收藏zng 藏族 2.因为将来出厂的汽车上都会安装一种卫星定位系统,所以喜爱交通标志的朋友们对不久的将来有些担心。 3.下定义、举例子、列数字。 句子略 4.略 11 新型玻璃 我会写 盗窃 废品 嫌弃 陈列 我会选 1.? 2.? 3.? 我会组 略 我会填 1.即使仍然 2.尽管还是 3.既然就 我会读 1.“ ” , , , , 、 。 2.偷窃 妄想 一刀两断 廉价 3.略 4.是指

35、玻璃碎后,玻璃片仍然粘在一起,不会四处分溅伤人。 造句略。 5.略 12* 假如没有灰尘 我会选 画去:f cng i yn xio ji 我判断 1.? 2.? 3. 我会读 (一)1.依靠 饱满 2.灰尘大多具有吸湿性能。 3.灰尘大多具有吸湿性能,没有灰尘,万物湿漉漉,雨雪难成,气候变异,生物生存无法得到保障,许多自然景色也无法形成。 4.事物往往都具有两面性,只有正确地认识它们,才能趋利避害,造福人类。 (二)1.法 天 穷 尽 依 靠 2.不能 因为这是假设,事实上是不可能的,如删掉,句子就不严谨了。 3.? 第三单元综合练习 一、 画去:p ch j li j ch 二、 嫌疑 驯

36、良 夹丝 急促 上腭 华侨 特征 噪音 三、 猪头 猎狗 夹带 豆荚 捞鱼 涝灾 下贱 实践 6 五、 1. 四、 pn 刂 4 判刑 讠 2 循循善诱 珍惜 2.珍贵 3.保持 4.保护 六、 恙 庞 气象 水 山 藕 往 来 七、 1. 尽管 还 2.她的嗓子和百灵鸟一样好听。 3.他很倔强,从不接受别人的意见。 4. of thiourea, and diluted to 100mL and mix. 31.5 trivalent arsenic (As3+) standard liquid weigh accurately arsenic trioxide 0.1320g, plus

37、100g/L 1mL and a small amount of potassium hydroxide sub-boiling distilled water dissolve into 100mL the bottle volume. This standard solution contains trivalent arsenic (As3+) 1mg/mL. Water level when using diluted to standard concentration for arsenic trivalent (As3+) 1 g. Refrigerator use 7 days.

38、 32 glass apparatus 15% nitrate soaked before using 24h. 32.1 atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 32.2, thermostatic water bath. 33 33.1 sample analysis steps deal with the body: learn from crushing 80 mesh sieve-like 2.50g (sample weight according to the content of the sample, as appropriate, increas

39、e or decrease) in 25mL graduated test tube. Add hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution 20mL, mixing, or 5.00g weigh fresh sample (sample should be homogenized into) in 25mL scale in a test tube, add 5mL hydrochloric acid and hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution diluted to scales, mixing。 At 60 ? c water bath

40、18h, shake the full extraction of the sample several times. Remove the cooling. Absorbent cotton filter, take the 4mL in a 10mL bottle of landfill leachate, mixed with potassium iodide-thiourea solution 1mL, n-octanol (antifoaming agent) 8 drops. Add water capacity. After placing 10min in test sampl

41、es of inorganic arsenic. Such as turbidity, filtered again determined. Reagent blank at once. Note: the extraction of the sample after cooling. Before filtering with hydrochloric acid (1+1) solutions and sizing to 25mL. Liquid samples: the 4mL sample 10mL volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+1

42、) solution 4mL, Ki-thiourea solution 1mL 8 这种玻璃被人们叫做自动窗帘。 八、( 一 )1. 1是指天气转凉,动物冬眠了。 2 一会儿。 2. 灵敏 尖锐 轻盈 警惕 3 横渡溪流-智慧 受惊速避-警觉 储食过冬-聪明 蹦跳前进-轻快 惹恼发声-感情丰富 4. 打比方、作比较。 ( 二) 1. 、 , “ ” 。 。 , 、 , , , , 。 2( (1) 不久就可以实现。 (2) 办事认真,连最细微的地方也不马虎。 3. 略 4. 介绍了机器人是什么样的机器,机器人部件的作用、使用的领域和开发的前景。 5. 列数字,打比方,下定义。 13 钓鱼岛的

43、启示 我会写 鱼饵 飞溅 鱼鳃 沮丧 实践 我会比 告诫 戒烟 拍手 劈啪 鱼钩 结构 打捞 劳动 我会填 旅途 抖动 得意 乞求 熟练 终生 我会排 4 1 3 6 5 2 我会变 1.我把鱼钩取下来,把它放回湖里。 2. 大鲈鱼有力的摆动着身子,一转眼便消失在湖水中了。 364125我会选 1.? 2. ? 3. ? 4. ? 5. ? 6. ? 我会读 zhun zhun s sh nn nn 2. 选择 劝诫 实施 3. (1) 灰心失望。 (2 ) 吸引,招引。 4. 道德说起来容易做起来难,必须从小时候开始,处处严格教育,事事严格要求,才能成为有道德的人。 14 通往广场的路不止一

44、条 1132我会选 1.? 2. ? 3. ? 4. ? of thiourea, and diluted to 100mL and mix. 31.5 trivalent arsenic (As3+) standard liquid weigh accurately arsenic trioxide 0.1320g, plus 100g/L 1mL and a small amount of potassium hydroxide sub-boiling distilled water dissolve into 100mL the bottle volume. This standard

45、solution contains trivalent arsenic (As3+) 1mg/mL. Water level when using diluted to standard concentration for arsenic trivalent (As3+) 1 g. Refrigerator use 7 days. 32 glass apparatus 15% nitrate soaked before using 24h. 32.1 atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 32.2, thermostatic water bath. 33 33.1

46、 sample analysis steps deal with the body: learn from crushing 80 mesh sieve-like 2.50g (sample weight according to the content of the sample, as appropriate, increase or decrease) in 25mL graduated test tube. Add hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution 20mL, mixing, or 5.00g weigh fresh sample (sample sho

47、uld be homogenized into) in 25mL scale in a test tube, add 5mL hydrochloric acid and hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution diluted to scales, mixing。 At 60 ? c water bath 18h, shake the full extraction of the sample several times. Remove the cooling. Absorbent cotton filter, take the 4mL in a 10mL bottle

48、 of landfill leachate, mixed with potassium iodide-thiourea solution 1mL, n-octanol (antifoaming agent) 8 drops. Add water capacity. After placing 10min in test samples of inorganic arsenic. Such as turbidity, filtered again determined. Reagent blank at once. Note: the extraction of the sample after cooling. Before filtering with hydrochloric acid (1+1) solutions and sizing to 25mL. Liquid samples: the 4mL sample 10mL volumetric flask, Add hydrochloric acid (1+1) solution 4mL, Ki-thiourea solution 1mL 8 我理解 条条大路通罗马,当一条路走不通的时候,千万


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