牛津英语译林版 7A unit4 Integrated skills (共18张PPT).ppt

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1、7A Unit4 My dayIntegrated skills1.在晚上2.在每年三月份3.在冬天4.在2022年5.在星期六6.在七月一日7.在星期天早上8.在儿童节9.在六点钟10.在六岁时in the eveningin March every yearin winterin 2022on Saturdayon 1 Julyon Sunday morningon Childrens Dayat 6 oclockat 6 years old11. 想做某事12. 上三节课13. 玩得非常开心14. 有许多时间做某事15. 去上舞蹈课16. 去滑旱冰17. 谢谢你的邮件。18. 我们星期六

2、和星期天不上课. would like to do sth.=want to do sth.have three lessonshave great funhave much time to do sth.go to dancing lessonsgo roller skatingThanks for your email.We do not have lessons on Saturday or Sunday.museumonce a weekgo on picnicstwice a month1. What do you often do at weekends?2. How often(

3、多久一次) ?Listen and answer the following questions.1.What does Millie like to do at weekends?2.How often does she visit a museum?3.What does Tommy like to do at weekends?4.How often does he go on a picnic?She likes to visit the museums.Twice a month.He likes to go on picnics.Once a week.Read and fill

4、in the blanks Millie is chatting online with Tommy about their _. Millie likes to _ _ _ and she goes there about _ _ _. But Tommy doesnt. He likes to _ _ _ with_ family, and he does this about _ _ _. What about you ?weekendsvisitthe museumstwiceamonthgoonpicnicshisonceaweekWork in pairs and talk abo

5、ut your weekendsA: What do you like to do at weekends?B:I like to A: How often do you B: About a month. What about you?A:I like toB: How often do youA: About B: Thats great!visit a parkBoys and girls We are busy from Monday to Friday. So enjoy yourselves at weekends.A Volleyball MatchMillie is talki

6、ng with Simon about a volleyball match. Listen to their conversation. Tick the correct answer to each question. Listening Millie is talking with Simon about a volleyball match .Listen to their conversation.Tick( )the correct answer to each question ( ) 1. What are the two teams in the match ? a Two

7、classes in Sunshine Middle School. b Students in Class1,Grade7. c Sunshine Middle School and Moonlight Middle School.( ) 2. When is the volleyball match ? a Tuesday, 27 November. b Saturday, 17 November. c Wednesday, 7 November.( ) 3. Where is the volleyball match ? a At Moonlight Middle School b At

8、 Sunshine Sports Center. c At Sunshine Middle School.( ) 4. What time does the volleyball match start ? a At 6:00 in the evening. b At 7:00 in the evening. c At 8:00 in the evening.cbbbP49P49A volleyball match Teams (1)_Date (2)_Place (3)_Time (4)_Sunshine Middle School and Moonlight Middle SchoolSa

9、turday,17 NovemberSunshine Sports Center7 p.m.P501. Sunshine Middle School2. Moonlight Middle School3. 17 November4. 7 p.m.5. Saturday6. Sunshine Sports Centre7. by busClassworkWe hope ( see )you again .我希望能再次见到你。 I hope (that) you can my maths 我希望你能帮助我学数学。 I hope his dream ( come )true.我希望他的梦想成真。I

10、wish at weekends.我希望周末看电视。I wish him to 我希望他努力学习。 I wish you .(我祝你好运)tohelpmewithcomestowatchTV seeworkhardgoodluckhope用作动词时,后面可接不定式或that从句.wish后面接不定式或“宾语+不定式”都可以,“想要”,“希望”(=would like或want)。wish可表示良好的“祝愿”,后面接“宾语+宾补(形容词或名词)。而hope不能这样用 二、单项选择题。n( )1.-I will take an important test tomorrow. -Oh , real

11、ly ? _! A. Good luck B. Congratulations C. Well done D. What a pityn( )2.-How often do you play football? -_ a week. A. One B. Two C. Once D. Two timesn( )3.-Guess, how much does it cost ? -I think it costs_5 and 10 dollars. A. from B. between C. among D. withn( )4.More and more young people in Chin

12、a celebrate Christmas Day _ December 25th. A. at B. on C. in D. forn( )5.- Good luck with your trip! - _! A. What a pity B. Well done C. Thank you D. CongratulationsACBBCTry to remember the phrases and sentencesa volleyball match 一场排球比赛at weekends 在周末go on picnics 进行野餐visit the museum 参观博物馆 once a w

13、eek 一周一次twice a month 一个月两次Thats great ! 太棒了Wish our team good luck ! 祝我们的队好运What do you like to do at weekends ?How often do you go on a picnic ?Please remember:In life there are many games. 人生中有许多次比赛No matter win or lose,不管输赢focusing on the participation.重在参与Thank you!Teaching aims:nTo be able to recognize and choose useful information.nTo be able to complete the passage with the given information.nTo be able to communicate with others about school life.nTo learn the importance of a healthy lifestyle.


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