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1、精选初中英语谚语三篇【篇一】精选初中英语谚语1、听话听音,看人看心。Listen, listen and watch.2、不怕年老,就怕躺倒。If you are not afraid of old age, you are afraidto lie down.3、要知山中事,须问打柴人。If you want to know what s going on in the mountains, you have to ask the firewood collector.4、一言既出,驷马难追。A word spoken is hard to follow.5、人哄地皮,地哄肚皮。People

2、 coax the ground,the ground coax the belly.6、顺藤摸瓜,顺水求源。Touch the melon along the vine, seek the source along the water.7、奢者富不足,俭者贫有余。The rich are not rich enough, the frugal are poor enough.8、水涨船高,风大树摇。When the water rises, the boat rises and the wind blows, the tree sways.9、宁苦干,不苦熬。Better work than

3、 suffer.10、懒人用长线,拙人用弯针。A lazy man uses a long thread, a clumsy man a curved needle.11、细水长流,吃穿不愁。Thin water flows long, no worries about food and clothing.12、积少成多,积恶成祸。Everylittlemakes a lot,everyevilmakes amisfortune.13、人争一口气,佛争一炷香。PeoplefightforbreathandBuddha fightforfragrance.14、泻药轻煎,补药浓熬。Laxativ

4、e light decoction, tonic strong boil.15、贪别人个花,误自己个家。Greed others for flowers, mistake their own home.16、清明忙种麦,谷雨种大田。In the Qingming Dynasty, wheat was planted busily, and grain rain was planted in the fields.17、邻舍好,无价宝。Good neighbors are invaluable.18、说人别说短,打人别打脸。Don t be short, don t hit people in

5、the face.19、善恶不同途,冰炭不同炉。Good andevilaredifferentways andcharcoalstoves are different.20、宁叫顿顿稀,不叫一顿饥。Better call it Dunton Sparse than a hunger.【篇二】精选初中英语谚语1、恶有恶报,善有善报。Evil is rewarded with evil, and good is rewarded with good.2、打柴问樵夫,驶船问艄公。Ask the woodcutter for firewood and the official for boat sa

6、iling.3、双手是活宝,一世用不了。Hands are a living treasure. They will never be used for a lifetime.4、把舵的不慌,乘船的稳当。Take the rudder without panic, and take the boat steadily.5、千人千脾气,万人万模样。Thousands of people have thousands of tempers and tens of thousands of looks.6、积善三年人不知,作恶一日远近闻。People who have accumulated goo

7、d deeds for three years do not know what they are doing.7、针不离线,线不离针。Needlesarenotoff-lineandthreadsarenotoff-line.8、庄稼怕旱,干活怕站。Crops are afraid of drought and work is afraid of standing.9、武官会杀,文官会刮。Military officers kill, civil officers scrape.10、三年不喝酒,家里样样有。No alcohol for three years, everything at

8、home.11、贪得一时嘴,受了一身累。Greedy for a while, tired.12、* 者迷,旁观者清。Authoritiesaremysteriousandbystandersareclear.13、人合心,马合套。People fit in, horses fit in.14、一人传虚,百人传实。One person tellsthe truth,one hundred people tellthe truth.15、手舞足蹈,九十不老。Dancing hand and foot, ninety is not old.16、买鸡看爪,买鸭看嘴。Buy chickens and

9、 feet, and ducks and mouths.17、挨金似金,挨玉似玉。Gold is like gold, and jade is like jade.18、美不美,家乡水;亲不亲,故乡人。Beauty is not beautiful, home water; relatives, home people.19、三人同行,必有我师。Ifthreepeoplegotogether,theremustbemyteacher.20、少不惜力,老不歇心。No effort is spared, no rest is spared.【篇三】精选初中英语谚语1、用人不疑,疑人不用。No do

10、ubt about the employer, no doubt about the suspect.2、良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。Good words are warm in winter, bad words hurt in June.3、天冷不冻织女手,荒年不饿勤耕人。Weaver women are not frozen in cold weather, andhardworking people are not hungry in barren years.4、亲不过父母,近不过夫妻。Parents are not close to parents, but couples.5

11、、泻药轻煎,补药浓熬。Laxative light decoction, tonic strong boil.6、莫馋人富,莫嫌人穷。No man is rich, no man is poor.7、手怕不动,脑怕不用。Hands are afraid of not moving, brains are afraid of not using.8、一人传虚,百人传实。One person tells the truth, one hundred people tell the truth.9、若要身体壮,饭菜嚼成浆。If you want to be strong, chew the food

12、 into pulp.10、出门看天色,炒菜看火色。Go out to see the sky,stir-friedvegetablesto seethe fire.11、三分种,七分管。Three species, seven in charge.12、一天省下一两粮,十年要用仓来装。Save one or two grains a day and store them in warehouses for ten years.13、点灯爱油,耕田爱牛。Lighting loves oil, farming loves cattle.14、人多出正理,谷多出好米。More people mak

13、e sense, more grainmakes good rice.15、一日练,一日功,一日不练十日空。Practice one day, work one day, do not practice ten days a day.16、牙不剔不稀,耳不挖不聋。No teeth, no ears, no deafness.17、百闻不如一见,百见不如一干。Seeing is better than hearing, doing is better than seeing.18、好客的朋友多,好说的废话多。Therearemany hospitablefriendsandlotsofnonsense.19、三人同行,必有我师。Ifthreepeoplego together,theremustbe myteacher.20、人到四十五,正是出山虎。When people reach 45, it is the mountain tiger.


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