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1、Unit 8Unit 8 How do you make aHow do you make a bananabanana milk shake?milk shake? Unit Unit 8 8 第 1 1 课时 Section Section A A (1a-2d)(1a-2d) 测试时间:15分钟 测试日期: 年 月 日 学生姓名: 分数: /17 I.I. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1. They talked about it for hours. _(最后), they decided not to go. 2. How much honey do we need? Two _(勺

2、子). 3. Pour the _ (酸奶) into the glass. 4. How many _(西瓜) do you want to buy? 5. Add some _(盐) to the noodles. 6. (糖)looks like salt. 7. A lot of people like to drink tea with (蜂蜜). II.II. 看图完成句子 1 2 3 4 5 A: How do you make a banana milk shake? B: OK, let me tell you. 1. First, _ the bananas. 2. Nex

3、t, _ the bananas. 3. Next,_ the bananas into the blender. And _ the milk into the blender. 4. Then turn_ the blender. 5. At last, _ it. III.III. 单项选择 1 1. do you make orange juice? Peel the oranges and put them into the blender. A. What B. How C. Why D. When 2. You must _ the apples before you make

4、an apple milk shake. A. get up B. cut up C. look up D. cut down 3. Its time for the news. Lets _ the TV and watch it. A. turn on B. get on C. try on D. put on 4. Would you like some _ ? Yes, a little, please. A. apple B. banana C. potato D. milk 5. How much yogurt do we need? We need _. A. two yogur

5、t B. two spoons of yogurt C. two yogurts D. two spoon of yogurt 参考答案 I.I. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1. Finally 2. spoons 3. yogurt 4. watermelons 5. salt 6. Sugar 7. honey II.II. 看图完成句子 1. peel 2. cut up 3. put;pour 4. on 5. drink III.III. 单项选择 1. B “”由答句句意 剥好橙子并且把它们放进搅拌器里 可知,问句询问的是做橙汁的方法。 故选 B。 2.B get up起床;cut up切碎;look up 查阅;cut down 砍倒。句意:在你制作苹果奶昔前, 你必须把苹果切碎。根据句意可知选 B。 3. A 由上句句意“到新闻的时间了。”可知下句句意为“让我们打开电视看新闻吧”。根据 句 意选 A。 4. D 由答句中的 a little 可知此处用不可数名词 milk“牛奶”,而 apple“苹果”, banana“香蕉”, potato“土豆”,都是可数名词,与 some连用时应用复数形式。故选 D。 5. B yogurt是不可数名词,排除 A 和 C。spoon“”为可数名词,故 两勺 应为 two spoons, 故选 B。 2


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