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1、名师导航三点剖析单词·典句·考点 【经典例句】 Clearly this restriction must have operated at a time when there was no equality of opportunity for women.显然,妇女没有平等的时机,在那个时代,这种局限性是存在的。【考点聚焦】 1)equality是equal的名词形式。equal用作形容词时,其义项为:相同的;相等的;平等的。如:He feels equal to the task.他认为能胜任这项工作。Now that she has been promoted sh

2、e is on equal terms with her ex-boss.她既然已升级,就和原先的上司平起平坐了。2equal用作名词时,其义项为:和自己相当的人和事物;对手;匹敌者。如:Im not his equal at skiing.我滑雪不是他的对手。Shes the equal of her brother as far as intelligence is concerned.论智力,她和哥哥不相上下。3equal用作动词时,其义项为:与某人某事物相同或相等。如:He equals me in qualifications but not in experience.他和我具有同

3、等的资格,但经验比不上我。【活学活用】 1.翻译句子1他总觉得能够胜任实行那项方案。_答案:He somehow felt equal to carrying out the plan.2我们彼此不分上下。_答案:We consider ourselves equals.【经典例句】 She produced six completed novels,all of which deal with the problems and limitations of womens choices.她写了六部小说,都是关于妇女选择权利的问题和局限性。【考点聚焦】 1limitation 是limit的名

4、词形式。2limit用作名词时,既作可数名词,又可作不可数名词,其义项为:界限;限度;限制。如:The task is too much for me.I know my limits.那工作对我来说太吃力了。我知道能力有限。He spoke ill of me,and thats the limit.他说我的坏话,那令人无法再忍受。3limit用作动词时,其意为“限制、限定,常用limit+名词+to名。如:I shall limit myself to three aspects of the subject.我仅探讨这一问题的三个方面。4注意常用词组:to the limit到了最大限度

5、;withinoneslimits在一定限度内;without limit无限的5其同根词还有:limited adj.有限的;limitless adj.无限的【活学活用】 2.翻译句子1)在钱的数量上有限制吗?_答案:Is there a limit/any limits on the amount of money?2)日本限制橙子的进口。_答案:Japan limits the import of oranges.【经典例句】Skeptical reviewers did not see through this deception and gave their approval to

6、 their work.疑心的评论家们没有看穿这一诡计并对她们的作品给予认可。【考点聚焦】 1)approval常用作不可数名词。on approval是副词,常用于口语,表示“指货物不满意可以退。2)approve是其动词形式,作不及物动词,其义项为:赞成;认可;同意。常与of连用。作及物动词其义项为:批准;认可;通过。如:I approve of your trying to earn some money,but please dont neglect your studies.我同意你去挣一些钱,可是请不要误了功课。Parliament has approved a bill to i

7、ncrease taxes.国会已批准增税法案。 【经典例句】 His novel describes the hardships of poor people who did not possess money or a sponsor to smooth their path.他的小说描写了那些没钱也没赞助者去开辟谋生之道的穷人们的困境。【考点聚焦】 1)常用词组:be possessed of sth.具有某品质或才能。2)possession是其名词形式,其义项为:持有;具有;所有物;财产。 常用词组:in possessionof sth.占有、控制某物;占据某物。如:On her

8、fathers death,she came into possession of a vast fortune.她在父亲死后继承了大笔财产。【活学活用】 3.单项填空1Before leaving this country,you must be in _ of a valid passport.B.possession答案:B 2)It is said that he _ a number of the artists early works.Which of the following is wrong?B.has答案:D 【经典例句】 The news reports were bei

9、ng discounted as propaganda.人们认为这些新闻报道不过是为了宣传,不可全信。【考点聚焦】 1discount作动词时,还可表示“打折扣。2discount还可用作名词,表示“折扣;打折。如:They offer a 10 percent discount on rail travel for students.他们对乘火车旅行的学生给予10%的折扣。3常用搭配:at a discount打折扣;不受重视的。【经典例句】Some peoples teeth are highly sensitive to cold.有些人的牙齿对冷高度敏感。【考点聚焦】 1sensiti

10、ve还可表示“灵敏度高的;计算精确的。如:a sensitive pair of scales一架灵敏度高的天平2其名词形式是sensitivity,表示 “敏感性;灵敏度。【经典例句】 They asked me to their party,but I declined the invitation.他们邀请我参加宴会,但是我婉拒了。【考点聚焦】 1decline作不及物动词时,有“衰退;下降之意。如:Her influence declined after she lost the election.她落选后其影响力大为降低。2decline作为名词时,其义项为:衰弱;减退;失去力量、影

11、响。常用词组为:on the decline在衰退,走下坡;fall/go into a decline失去力量、影响等。【活学活用】 4.翻译句子1我让他搭便车送他回家,但他谢绝了。_答案:I offered him a lift to his house,but he declined with thanks.2)他谢绝宴请。_答案:He declined an invitation to dinner.3这地区的劫案在减少。_答案:The number of robberies in the area is on the decline.短语·典句·考点get rou

12、nd 顺利应付;克服;传播出去【经典例句】Those who get round this ban were:Jane Austen,the three Bront sisters,and the writer known as George Eliot.巧妙迂回在这项禁令边缘的人有:简·奥斯汀、勃朗特三姐妹,还有作家乔治·艾略特。【考点聚焦】1在口语中常用get around sb.来代替get round sb.,表示“说服某人同意或做其原先反对的事。如:A little girl can usually get round her father.小女孩总能使父亲让步。

13、2)get round sth.意思是“顺利应付某事;克服某事;回避、躲避法律、规那么等。而get round to sth.doing sth.那么有“处理完其他事以后终于能做某事之意。如:He thinks he is clever and he can get round the tax laws.他以为他很聪明,能够防止缴税。【活学活用】 5.将以下句子译成汉语1)She knows how to get round her father._.答案:她知道怎么哄她爸爸同意。2)A clever lawyer might find ways of getting round that c

14、lause._答案:精明的律师也许能找到回避那一条款的方法。see through 看穿;识破【经典例句】 Hes a poor liar;anyone can see through him.他是个拙劣的说谎者;任何人都能看穿他。【考点聚焦】 注意区别以下词组:see through sb.看穿某人;see sb.through 帮某人渡过难关;see sth.through把进行到底。【活学活用】 6.将以下句子译成英语1你不要愚弄我,我能够看穿你的鬼把戏!_答案:Dont fool me.I can see through your tricks.2)现在工程已经开始了,我们决心把它全部

15、完成。_答案:Now that weve started the project,well see it through.stand out 杰出【经典例句】Among them Charles Dickens stands out as a literary critic of the injustices of his society.在这些作家中,查尔斯·狄更斯作为社会不公正问题文学批评家是最为出众的。【考点聚焦】 注意以下词组的用法:stand out from sb./sth.远远超过某人/某物;stand out against sth.坚持抵抗;stand out fo

16、r sth.拖延而暂不达成协议以期到达某目的。【活学活用】 7.完成以下句子1)They were all attractive,but she _比其他人更有魅力.答案:stood out from the others 2More and more people are _反对他的建议.答案:standing out against his suggestion in vain 徒劳;徒然【经典例句】 He tried in vain to memorize the poem.=He tried to memorize the poem,but in vain.他怎么背都没方法把那首诗背出

17、来。【考点聚焦】 in vain 表示“无效果地,无用地,有时是修饰全句的状语,并不仅仅修饰谓语动词。think ill of 对评价不高【经典例句】 I have every reason in the world to think ill of you.我有各种理由来贬低你。【考点聚焦】 注意相同结构的词组为:speak ill of sb.“说某人的坏话,中伤某人。它的反义词组是think highly of 。难句·剖析·拓展Her most famous book,Jane Eyre,describes the growth of a poor,abused he

18、roine with an unhappy childhood through to a mature person who finds eventual happiness after many struggles and disappointments.她最著名的小说简·爱描述了这样一位女主人公成长的过程:一位从童年就备受折磨、可怜之至的女孩经过无数次斗争和磨难,最终走向成熟,获得了幸福。【剖析】1)Jane Eyre作 book的同位语。2)with+n.结构在句中作定语,修饰heroine。3)who finds.是定语从句,修饰先行词person。【拓展】分析复杂的句子结构

19、时,要首先找出句子的主要成分,然后层层分析。With the 19th century being regarded as one of great women writers,there were also some excellent male authors.19世纪被称为女作家繁荣的世纪,但同时也有许多优秀的男作家。【剖析】 1with the 19th century.是独立主格结构作状语,其构成是with+名词+being+过去分词。2being regarded as是现在分词的被动语态。【拓展】 独立主格结构作状语常位于句首或句尾。Although his output was

20、 greater than any of the authoresses mentioned above,his impact was not greater than theirs.尽管他作品的数量比上文提到的这些女作家多,但影响远远不如这些女作家的作品深远。【剖析】 1although引导一个让步状语从句。2mentioned above是过去分词短语作定语,修饰authoresses。【拓展】 引导让步状语从句的连词还有:though,even if/though等。At first,in spite of disliking him,she did not discount his a

21、ffection,and was sensitive to the pain she was going to cause him when she declined his offer of marriage.起初,尽管她不喜欢他,她也没有拒绝他的爱和求婚,她对这种因拒绝而带来的伤害是很敏感的。【剖析】 1)in spite of.介词短语作状语;2)she was going to cause him为定语从句,修饰pain。3when引导一个时间状语从句。【拓展】 关系代词作宾语时,常常省略。语法·剖析·活用独立主格结构状语有时可以由一个名词或代词和另一成分构成的复合

22、结构担任,称为独立主格结构。常见的独立主格有以下几种:1名词/代词+分词过去分词或现在分词。当分词作状语,其逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致时,分词应有自己的逻辑主语,构成分词的独立结构。独立结构一般位于句首,也可放在句尾;作伴随状语时,常放在句尾;2名词/代词+being形容词/副词;3名词/代词+不定式;4名词/代词+介词短语。注意:有些独立主格结构中没有分词,仅在名词或代词之后接作表语或状语的词或词组,省去的分词一般是being或having been,这是为了简练。但在“being+过去分词或“there being+过去分词结构中,being不可省。这一结构在句中可以表示时间、原因、条件、

23、方式或伴随情况。【活学活用】 8.单项填空1)I send you 100 dollars today,the rest _ in a year.C.to followD.being followed答案:C动词不定式的逻辑主语不是I,所以应加上the rest剩余的钱,构成独立主格结构。2)The weather _ so bad,we had to put off the football match.B.is答案:D独立主格结构作原因状语。3)_,the runners raced on to the finishing line.A.Stick in handB.With a stic

24、k in his handC.Sticks in handD.Sticks in hands答案:A独立主格结构作方式状语。4)The wealthy merchant went into the house,_.A.two bodyguards followed himB.two bodyguards following himC.with two bodyguard follow himD.with two bodyguards being followed him答案:B独立主格结构作伴随状语。5)The burglars _,all the villagers went back ho

25、me to sleep.A.were caught by the policeB.catching by the policeC.being caught by the policeD.having been caught by the police答案:D独立主格结构作时间状语。6)_,large quantities of fish died,floating on the surface here and there.A.Badly pollutedB.Being badly pollutedC.The river badly pollutedD.The river being badly polluted答案:C独立主格结构作原因状语。


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