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1、教学基本信息课题人教版Module 5 Unit 4 Making the news (Warming up & Reading )是否属于地方课程或校本课程否学科英语学段: 高中年级高二相关领域教材书名: 人教版Module 5 出版社: 人民教育出版社 出版日期: 2007 年 4 月教学设计参与人员姓名单位联系方式设计者谭雪萍北师大大兴附中13810656965实施者谭雪萍北师大大兴附中指导者王郁松 杨冬莲大兴区教师进修学校13466699337 15901226495课件制作者谭雪萍北师大大兴附中其他参与者无指导思想与理论依据英语学科核心素养包括语言能力、文化品格、思维品质和学习能力。

2、教师始终是学习的组织者、引导者和参与者。在教学中教师要善于创设问题的情境,激发学生的学习兴趣,明确学习目标,以高涨学习热情投入于学习中。在学习中,教师要善于启发、巧妙引导。同时还要教给学生一些探究发现的方法,不断引发学生思维碰撞,把学生的探索引向深入。教学背景分析教学内容:人教版Module 5 Unit 4 Making the news Warming up & Reading 学生情况:高二学生 ,经过高一一年的学习能够用英语简单的表达自己的想法,能简单的总结。但单词的积累不能很大程度的支撑自己的表达, 需要经过锻炼提高教学方式:讲授式教学手段:多媒体辅助教学技术准备:电脑 教学目标(内

3、容框架)By the end of the class, students will be able to:1. tell the basic qualities and skills a journalist should have2. know about jobs in a newspaper3. use useful expressions, such as cover a story, have a nose for story, a trick of the trade, etc.in proper situation.教学流程示意(可选项) Unit4 Warming up&Re

4、adingLead in: introduce newspaperWarming upReadingPre-reading (unforgettable)While-readingPost-readingFast-readingmain ideaCareful-readingPost-readingFurther-readingcover storyqualities of journalistinterviewAssessmentsummary贷:发出商品 80016、在可行性分析中,经济可行性分析的主要任务是( )教学过程(文字描述)1)详细调查和分析用户需求。在总体规划初步调查的基础上,

5、进一步收集和了解、分析用户需求,调查用户的有关详细情况;Step 1 Lead - in【答案】:ABCDShow a newspaper to the students, and ask the students to answer questions.购买丙公司股权的成本=10002.5=2500(万元)To use the newspaper to introduce todays teaching task.Step 2 Warming up 20、数据字典的建立应在( )阶段进行。Suppose you want to work for a newspaper and you are

6、 offered a chance for a job at China Daily. Do you know what kind of jobs they have at their office and what each job involves? Let the Ss .to recognize the variety of jobs there are in newspaper.(二)以下第3小题至第6小题为互不相干的多项选择题。Step 3 Pre-reading3微血管病性溶血性贫血 (microangiopathic hemolytic anemia)1.Exercise 1

7、on page 25I think is(are) the most important because2、管理信息系统中最重要的成分是()I think is (are)important because【答案】:ABCDE2.Look at the title and the picture. What do you think would make the first day at work “unforgettable”? lDoing things very special or meeting somebody very importantlNot dressed correctl

8、y for the job or dropping food or drink and feeling embarrassedlFeeling at home straightaway because the atmosphere is so friendlylsolving a problem or showing some expertise which impresses your new boss or colleague give the students a realistic idea of what is needed to work in a newspaper office

9、.Predict the text Step 4 Reading1.fast reading: read the text quickly to find out the main idea & the purpose of writing ita. main idea b. the purpose of writing the passage 2 .careful reading: read the passage carefully and finish the following reading tasks.step 1: decide if each of the following

10、statements about Zhou Yang is true or false. If it is true, please find out a sentence from the passage to prove it(题见学案)step2.:divide the text into 3sections following the topic of each question. find the English idioms used in this passage. cover :to interview have :to smella trick : sth professio

11、nal in a job get straight:to be accurate and objective a real scoop:an important storyget .stick:not understandstep 3.: skim the text to get the details to finish the chart. Zhou Yang needs to answer a letter from a student asking how to become a journalist. So he is making notes in order to answer

12、the questions. Can you work out Zhou Yangs notes? Use the information from the reading passage to help you. (表格见学案)step 4: there is a summary of the text with some words missing. Choose the words from the box and make the summary complete. Then try to retell the story to your partners(题见学案)Shows the

13、 students the skills necessary to become a good reporter. And also let the students know how to conduct a good interview.Step 5 post-reading Interview:The students interview each other.one can pretend to be either a film star, a writer, and so on. and perform some of the interview for the class.To share their ideas.Step 6 AssessmentStep 7 Homework 1.Review the useful words and expressions.2.Write a passage about ones unforgettable moments.学习效果评价设计评价方式评价量规本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500字数)


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