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1、reputati on slack data statistics biography laboratory workforce primary measure rage outraged无论有多少词“萌萌哒、晕晕哒”都甭怕,只需今晚10点在手机APP(咋学)等商志欧巴!商志老师在手机APP咋学-平台上讲授课程之考研英语词汇逐词精讲课(完全按应试教学法,每大30分钟,带你高分带你飞)每晚22:00直播6月17日晚10点我要在咋学这个手机APP (手机客户端)为大家 讲以下 考研英语考点,快来看看你会多少呢?1.你知道以下这些单词或词组在考研英语中专门考查哪个特殊意思吗?bubble conve

2、n ti on recessi on performa nee gather detail peak deride cause productive suggest2请把下列词组翻译成地道的英语。1)美国糟糕的经济表现2 )受教育程度低3 )职场4 )成就数据和生平细节5 )实验室实验成果6 )常规的指标7 )生产力的不景气翻译出鸟语或者翻译不出来不要怕,只要有商志欧巴,就什么都不怕不怕啦!3.请把下列短语或句子翻译成地道的汉语。1) biographic details2) He was derided as poorly educated.3) They gather all the da

3、ta they can, not just performa nee statistics and biographical details but also the results of their own laboratory experime nts with high achievers.4) Not long ago, with the country entering a recession and Japan at its pre -bubble peak, the U.S. workforce was derided as poorly educated and one of

4、the primary cause of the poor U.S. econo mic performa nee.5) DNA test ing is the latest rage among the scie ntists.6) Employers wouldn ' t mind a little fewer bubbles in the job market.7) In deed, if he has a reputati on for slack ing, you might even be outraged.8) Conventional measures suggest

5、that both economies, and especially America's, have little productive slack.今晚10点,商志欧巴,在手机 APP咋学为你讲这些,约不约? !6月16日晚10点我在咋学这个手机APP(手机客户端)为大家 讲了以下 考研英语考点,快来看看你会多少呢?不会的话抓紧去手机下载 APP(应用软件 客户端)咋学,好好看吧!每晚十点都讲哦!1.你知道以下这些单词或词组在考研英语中专门考查哪个特殊意思吗?practically impact beamcelebrity overnight supposefeaturegen e

6、rati ons performa nee in flue ntialepidemics n ewssta nd无论有多少词"萌萌哒、晕晕哒”都甭怕,只需今晚10点在手机APP(咋学)等商志欧巴!2请把下列词组翻译成地道的英语。1) 穿着最差的名人2) 实况演出/录制播出3) 社会流行风潮4) 改观经济状况5) 名流妈妈/准妈妈6) 闪亮的名人7) 打造新的教育体系翻译出鸟语或者翻译不出来不要怕,只要有商志欧巴,就什么都不怕不怕啦!3.请把下列短语或句子翻译成地道的汉语。1) non- celebrity in flue ntials2) She became acelebrity

7、overnight3) the worst dressed celebrity4) recorded performa nces5) beam ing celebrities6) live performa nces7) In flue ntials have far less impact on social epidemics tha n is gen erally supposed.8) Our magazines feature beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes.9) Practically celebrity magaz ines every week feature at least one celebrity mom, or mom-to-be, smili ng on the n ewssta nds.10) To improve econo mic performa nee by buildi ng new educati onal systems there and putti ng eno ugh people through them would require two or three gen erati ons.今晚10点,商志欧巴,在手机 APP咋学为你讲这些,约不约? !


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