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1、托福阅读全学科分类大盘点作者:日期:托福阅读最全学科分类大盘点自然科学一、地质学冰川类1 OG : green Icebergs2 TPO 15 :Glacier Formati on3 TPO 19 :Discoveri ng The Ice Ages地质现象1 OG : Geology and Landscape2 TPO 01 :Groun dwater3 TPO 02 :Desert Formati on4 TPO 03 :Depletion of The Ogallala Aquifer5 TPO 07 :The Geologic History ofThe Mediterra ne

2、an6 TPO 12 :Water in The Desert7 TPO 20 :Fossil Preservati on8 TPO 21 :Geothermal En ergy9 TPO 24 :Lake Water10 TPO 28-1:Groun dwater11 TPO 27-2:The Formati on ofVolca nic Isla nds二、天文学火星类1 TPO 08 :Running Water On Mars2 TPO 25 :The Surface of Mars其他行星类1 TPO 16 :Planets in Our SolarSystem2 TPO 22 :T

3、he Allende Meteorite生物科学一、植物学1 Sample :Opportunity andCompetitors2 TPO 01 :Timberline Vegetation onMountains3 TPO 05 :Min erals and Pla nts4 TPO 09 :The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii5 TPO 22 :Spart ina6 TPO 25 :The Evolutionary Origin of Plants7 TPO 32 :Pla nt Coloni zati on二、动物学动物特点1 OG : Swimmin

4、g Machines2 OG : Feeding Habits of East African Herbivores3 TPO 04 : Deer Population of ThePuget Sou nd4 TPO 13 :Biological Clock5 TPO 15 :A Warm-blooded Turtle6 TPO 17-3:Symbiotic Relati on ship7 TPO 32 : Distribution of TropicalBee Colonies动物变化1 Sample : Meteorite Imp act andDino saur Extinction2

5、TPO 05 : The Cambrian Explosion3 TPO 08 : Extinction of TheDino saurs4 TPO 15 : Mass Extinctions5 TPO 31-1: Speciation in Geographically Isolated Populati onsEvoluti onary Change7 TPO 33 :Extin cti on Episodes ofthe past动物行为1 TPO 02 :The Origi ns of Cetacea ns2 TPO 11 :Beggi ng by Nestl ings3 TPO 11

6、 :Orientation and Navigation4 TPO 17 :Ani mal Sig nals in TheRain Forest5 TPO 30-1 Role of Play inDevelopme nt6 TPO 29-2 : Competition7 TPO 28-3Buck Rubs and BuckScrapes8 TPO 27-3 : Predator-Prey Cycles三、生态/环境/能源1 TPO 03 :The Lon g-Term Stability of Ecosystems2 TPO 19 :Successi on. Climax, andEcosys

7、temsAni mals in Desert Con diti ons4 TPO 31-3:Savanna Formati on1 Sample :Electricity from Wind2 TPO 04 :Petroleum Resources3 TPO 29-3:The History ofWaterpower3 TPO 10 :Variations in The Climate4 TPO 18 :Light ning5 TPO 23 :Urba n Climates社会科学一、艺术绘画/雕塑/陶瓷1 Sample :Lascaux Cave Pain ti ngs2 TPO 04 :C

8、ave Art in Europe3 TPO 10 :Chinese Pottery4 TPO 11 :Ancient Egyptia n Sculpture5 TPO 23 :Rock Art of the Australian Aborigines6 TPO 29-1:Characteristics ofRoma n Pottery7 TPO27-1:Crafts in the Ancientn ear East建筑/戏剧/电影/摄影1 OG : Applied Arts and Fine Arts2 TPO 01 :The Origi ns of Theater3 TPO 02 :Ear

9、ly Ci nema4 TPO 03 :Architecture5 TPO 12 : Tran sition to Sou nd inFilm10 TPO 22 : The Birth of Photography、历史/考古学工业化介绍1 OG : Artisans and Industrialization2 TPO 06 : Poweri ng The In dustrialRevoluti on3 TPO 18 : Industrialization in TheNetherla nds and Scandin avia4 TPO 26 : En ergy and the In dus

10、trial Revolution5 TPO 30-3: The In vention of theMecha ni cal Clock6 TPO 32 :Siam, 1851-19107 TPO 33 :The first civilizati onAgricuture贸易/经济介绍1 TPO 10 : Seventeenth-CenturyEuropea n Econ omic Growth2 TPO14 : Pastoralism in AncientInner Eurasia3 TPO 16 :Trade and The An cie ntMiddle East4 TPO 17 :Eur

11、ope' s Early Sea Tradewith Asia5 TPO 25 :The Decli ne of Ven etia nShippi ng农业发展介绍1 TPO 07 : Agriculture, Iron, and The Bantu Peoples2 TPO21 : The Origins of Agriculture3 TPO 23 : Seventeenth-Century Dutch Agriculture国家/城市特点1 OG : Nin etee nth-Ce ntury Politics in The Uni ted States2 TPO 07-2:An

12、 cie nt Rome and Greece3 TPO 08 :The Rise of Teotihuaca n4 TPO 14 : Maya Water Problems5 TPO 19 : The Roman Army s Impact on Brita in6 TPO 26 : Sumer and The First Cities of The Ancient Near East人口变化特点1 TPO 05 : The Origins of The Pacific Island People2 TPO 09 : Colonizing The AmericasVia The Northw

13、est Coast3 TPO 20 : Westward Migration4 TPO 20 : Early Settlement in TheSouthwest Asia5 TPO 24 : Moving into Pueblos6 TPO 28-2: Early Sahara nPastoralists三、心理/生理学1 OG : Aggression2 OG : The Expression of Emotion3 TPO06 : Infan tile Amn esia4 TPO 13 : Methods of Studying Infant Perception6 TPO 21 : A

14、utobiographical Memory7 TPO 24 :Breath ing During Sleep四、社会学1 TPOO9 :Reflecti on in Teachi ng2 TPO 13 :Types of Social Groups3 TPO 14 :Childre nand Advertis ing4 TPO 31-2 : Early ChildrenEducati on其他学科类1 OG : Loie Fuller2 TPO 06 :William Smith3 TPO 16 :Developme nt of ThePeriodic Table4 TPO 12 : Which Hand Did They Use?


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