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1、Unit 5 Look at those jeans. Lesson 25教学设计一、教学目标1. 使学生能听、说、读和写单词cap,T-shirt,能听、说、认读hat。理解句子Wheres my ? Over there. Put on your2. 能准确流利地朗读课文,并使用Where is my?和回答Over there.,就自己物品的位置实行问答,过程中适时增加here以加强交际真实性和回答的充分性。能准确地理解hat和cap的区别,并使用Put on 实行穿戴服装的表达。3. 以学生的准确回答换服装卡片,再以卡片换徽章的方式实行教学评价,以此方式调动学生主动参与,在游戏活动、表

2、演和演唱中培养学生的英语学习兴趣,自主学习水平和合作精神。二、重点及难点1.重点:与学生建立融洽气氛,与学生实行有效互动,使学生掌握本课单词和Wheres my ? Over there. Put on your2.难点:使学生准确分辨hat和cap, shirt和T-shirt.三、教学过程教学流程教学内容学生活动教师活动设计意图一、课前介绍,自然导入Introduction and Greeting.Sing a song, the Weather Song.Look, listen and guess to revise the sentence “Hows the weather to

3、day? Its fine/cloudy/sunny/snowyLeadin Ss: Good morning, MrSing the song with the video.Look, listen and try to guess and revise the words and sentences learnt in Unit 4.Ask and answer with the teacher.T: Good morning, boys and girls. T: Im glad to be here and join you. My family name is Bai. You ca

4、n call me Mr Bai.Play the video and help the class sing the song.Show covered pictures or play the sounds, then encourage the class to guess and answer.Walk around in the classroom and ask and answer with the class.e.g. Hello, whats your name? Whats your number? Whats this?在与学生见面之初,利用歌曲和游戏活动,协助学生做好学

5、习准备,在生动地复习旧知的基础上,尽快化解学生的紧张情绪,为新授做好铺垫。二、营造语境,引入新授Show and learn the words “T-shirt, cap, hat” and the sentences “Wheres my ? Over there./Here. Put on your Look at the picture of a shirt and the teachers T-shirt. Learn the word first, and then try to find the difference between them by observing.Make

6、some sentences.Look, listen and learn the new sentences.Look and guess, then learn and compare to find the difference.Ss: Wheres my cap? Over there.Show a shirt on the screen and have the class say and spell the word. Then point at the teachers T-shirt to learn the word. Encourage the class to obser

7、ve and compare the shirt and T-shirt and try to find the difference between them.Encourage the class to make some sentences using the word.Pretend to look for the teachers jacket to show and teach the sentences “Wheres my? Over there.” And then have the class to practice them.Draw two circles on the

8、 Bb and have the class guess what they are. Add more lines on the two circles to make them become a hat and a cap. Encourage the class to compare and find the difference by themselves.Have the class chant to practice the words and sentences.让学生通过观察、比较,自主分辨单词的区别,通过教师找衣服来创设语境,自然引出“Wheres my?”使后续的练习水到渠

9、成。三、趣味练习,运用拓展Play a finding game to practice more.Listen and read the dialogue in this lesson.Play the game.Listen, answer the questions then repeat and read.Lead the class to play the game to make the class practice happily.Play the flash first and have the class listen and answer the questions bel

10、ow.1. Hows the weather today?2. What is Peter looking for?Play the flash again and have the class listen and repeat.利用游戏这种生动活泼的方式练习单词和句子。让学生带着问题听、读课文,正音并练习听力。四、联系生活,强化细节Make and show a similar dialogue like the one in Lesson 25.Make and show the dialogue.Encourage the class to make a dialogue and show to the class.调动学生发挥合作和创新精神,将语言用于实际。作业设置背默本课的单词和句子。预习新课Lesson 26。请同学课下向自己的同学、家长请教,学习更多的服装类单词。(拓展)Lesson 25Wheres my T-shirt? cap? hat Over there. Put on your 五、教学板书The screen新版小学英语四年级上册Unit 5 Look at those jeans. Lesson 25教学设计天津市津南区实验小学 白玉炜


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