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1、高二英语 词汇充电6知识精讲 冀教版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:词汇充电6一back background backbone backwards forwards toward eastwards westwards northward southwards upwards downwards award afterwards ward记忆:1. back n. & adv. 背,后;向后 Dont go back home too late. 不要回家太晚。ground n. 地面;background, 背后的地面,背景 Ill introduce the background

2、 of the story to you. 我为大家介绍一下故事的背景。2. bone n. 骨头;backbone 背后的骨骼,脊椎 In fact our backbones are not straight. 实际上我们的脊柱不是直的。 a lazy bone, 懒骨头,懒汉3. 表示方向的wards副词后缀:backwards adv. 向后 4. forwards adv. 向前 5. towards adv. 朝着6. eastwards adv. 向东7. westwards adv. 向西8. northwards adv. 向北9. southwards adv. 向南10.

3、 upwards adv. 向上11. downwards adv. 向下12. inwards adv. 向里13. outwards adv. 向外14. afterwards adv. 后来15. award a, 一,第一,award n. 向第一的,奖励 The award will be given to the first. 第一名将获奖。另类阅读: No matter you go northwards, southwards, eastwards or westwards, you will get the award on condition that you go for

4、wards upwards instead of backwards or downward. Afterwards, you will find your backbone more straight against the background.二bad badly pretty bed bedroom dormitory bedclothes beddings bedtime pillow记忆:1. bad adj. 坏的,糟糕的 2. ly 副词后缀:badly adv. 糟糕地,非常地 We need your help badly. 我们非常需要你的帮助。3. pretty adj

5、. 美丽的 adv. 非常地,相当地 The house is pretty beautiful. 这房子很美。4. bed n. 床 in bed 卧床5. bedroom n. 放床的房间,卧室 6. dormitory dor-m-it-ory dor, door, 门;m, 梦;it,它;后缀-ory表示地方;dormitory 门内,梦到它的地方,是宿室, n. 宿室 Usually eight students live in a dormitory. 通常一间寝室住八个人。7. clothes 衣物;bedclothes 5bedklEJTz n. 床上用品,被褥 Prepare

6、 some bedclothes in case it is cold at midnight. 准备好一些被子以防半夜天冷。8. bedding n. 被褥 He runs a shop for bedding. 他经营着一家床上用品商店。9. bedtime n. 上床时间,就寝时间 Its bedtime. Lets turn off the light. 到就寝时间了。我们关灯吧。10. pillow pill-ow n. 枕头 Its said that this kind of pillow can help cure some brain disease. 据说这种枕头有助于治疗

7、某种脑病。另类阅读:At the bedtime, he felt pretty bad. There is no pillow and bedclothes on the bed. How could he get a good sleep which he needed badly?三bag baggage luggage big beg beggar bug记忆:1. bag 音似“包,n. 包,书包 2. 加后缀-age, baggage n. 行李,行李多为装在包里英3. luggage, lug, 音似“拉,现在很多人的行李是可以托拉着走的,luggage n. 行李美4. big

8、 adj. 大的5. beg 音似“白给,乞讨的东西当然是人家白给的,beg, vt. 乞讨,乞求 I beg your pardon?请你再说一遍,好吗?6. 加名词后缀-ar, beggar n. 乞丐 Not every beggar is worthy of pity. 不是每个乞丐都值得同情。 格言:Idleness is the key of beggary.懒惰出乞丐。7. bug u 联想一条弯曲的虫子,bug n. 虫子,漏洞 Its awful to find bugs in the hair. 头发里有虫子真讨厌。另类阅读: An English man begged a

9、n American porter to help with his baggage, which was a big bag full of bugs, but the American said he wouldnt like to help with luggage of bugs.四ball balloon hall basketball (basket) baseball volleyball football soccer rugby badminton dance ballet sing song 记忆:1. ball n. 球,舞会 Dont take the ball to

10、the ball in the hall. 别把球带到大厅里举行的舞会上去。2. balloon oo联想气球形状,n联想系气球的线;balloon n. 气球 Some advertisements hang from the huge colorful balloons at the ceremony. 开幕式上巨型彩色气球下挂着一些广告。3. hall h 联想大厅的支柱,hall n. 大厅 A lot of important conferences have been held in the Peoples Hall. 人民大会堂里举行过很多重要的会议。4. basket 篮子;b

11、asketball n. 篮球 I used to play basketball a lot in the afternoon. 我过去经常在下午打篮球。5. base 基地;baseball n.棒球, 棒球运动 Baseball is not popular here. 这儿并不流行棒球。6. volleyball n.排球 When can Chinese volleyball be outstanding again? 中国排球何时再现辉煌?7. football n.足球 Every Chinese sighs at the mention of Chinese man footb

12、all. 一提到中国男子足球,每个中国人都会叹口气。8. soccer n. 英式足球 Soccer is popular in Britain. 足球在英国很受欢送。9. rugby n. 橄榄球 亦作: Rugby football10. badminton n. 羽毛球 We are proud of Chinese badminton teams. 我们为中国羽毛球队感到骄傲。11. dance n. & vi. 跳舞,舞会 Dance helps keep fit. 跳舞有助于保持健康。12. ballet 音“芭蕾, n. 芭蕾舞 To perform ballet, yo

13、u need to get special training. 要表演芭蕾,你需要接受特殊训练。13. sing 音似“声 v. 唱歌 14. song n. 歌曲另类阅读: How happy they are! Some are singing songs in the hall, some are dancing ballet in the ball, some are playing basketball, volleyball, badminton or football, and some are playing with colorful balloons.五banana tom

14、ato potato pineapple记忆:注意拼写字母的对称性: 1. banana n.香蕉 anana, 以中间的a 对称2. tomato n. 西红柿, 以中间的ma对称3. potato n. 马铃薯,otato, 以中间的a对称 4. pineapple n.凤梨, 菠萝另类阅读: A monkey heard yellow bananas were delicious, so he wanted to have some. When he saw red tomatoes, he just passed by. Soon he found something yellow:

15、pineapples and potatoes. He thought they were bananas, and took a big bite at them. To his surprise, the potatoes are not delicious at all while the pineapples hurt his mouth!六bank banker bankrupt ban abandon 记忆: 1. b, 音“不, an, 一个;ban 一个都不 n. 禁止,禁令 There is a ban on drinking under the age of 18. 有条禁

16、令不许十八岁以下的人喝酒。 2. k, 音“开, bank 禁止开裂,水不能流走, n. 河岸;钱不流失, n. 银行 A new bank has been opened by the bank of the river. 在河岸边一家新的银行开业了。 3. 加名词后缀-er, banker n.银行家 Bankers play an important part in the national finance. 银行家在国家金融方面起着重要作用。 4. a, 一;ban, 禁止;do, 做;on, 继续;abandon 一件禁止做下去的事,只好放弃。 When can you abando

17、n smoking?你何时能戒烟? 5. rupt, 表示“破坏, bankrupt n. 破产 Bankrupt law is carried out to protect the national economy. 实施破产法,保护国民经济。 另类阅读:A banker jumped into the river from the bank because of the complete bankrupt.轻松一刻:A baby was crying all the night. The mother was afraid that it might disturb the neighbo

18、ur, so she began to sing Cradle Song.After a while, the baby's cry was dying down, however, there came the neighbour's shouting, “Stopping singing! I prefer to hear the baby's crying!【模拟试题】答题时间:60分钟第一局部:听力共两节;总分值30分略第二局部:英语知识运用 共两节,总分值35分第一节 单项填空 共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以

19、填入空白处的最正确选项。21. I came to _ company on _ Wednesday in June last year. A. the; a B. the; the C. a; the D. a; a22. He stayed up late last night, _ a speech for his boss.A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. and preparing23. If my father had been here yesterday, he _ me from doing that. A. would ha

20、ve prevented B. would preventC. must prevent D. should have prevented24. Nowadays many students like sitting for hours, playing computer games, _ is bad for their health. A. since B. that C. which D. it25. Oh man! Why are you getting so anxious? I dont know _ to deal with the difficult question.A. w

21、ho B. why C. what D. how26. It was too cold. We all _ around the stove to keep warm. A. walked B. crowded C. looked D. showed27. I come here only for a _ stay; I must go back in an hour. A. good B. fast C. brief D. long28. The journalist received honors and _ for her excellent work. A. words B. news

22、 C. gifts D. awards29. Dont just _ others success. Work hard, and you might be the envy of others. A. envy B. forget C. hear D. lose30. This is _ the painter has done such a brave deed. A. which B. why C. who D. that31. _ by the instructions, Jack entered his user name first. A. Guide B. To guide C.

23、 Guided D. Being guided32. What beautiful peony flowers!Yes. Luoyang City is celebrated _ the flowers.A. for B. by C. as D. from33. Fang _ her success to the help of her classmates and her hard work. A. owes B. says C. contributes D. devotes34. Doctors and nurses played an important role _ the fight

24、 against SARS.A. of B. with C. at D. in35. Everyone likes it _ his / her work is appreciated. A. though B. when C. before D. since第二节 完形填空共20小题;每题1分,总分值20分阅读以下短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中选出最正确选项。 There was a farmer who grew award-winning corn. Each year he 36 for a competition and won a blue ribbon

25、.One year a newspaper reporter 37 him and learned something interesting about 38 he grew it. The reporter _39_ that the farmer shared his seed corn with his 40 .“How can you offer to share your _41_seed corn with your neighbors as they are entering for the _42_ each year, too? the reporter asked.“Wh

26、y sir, said the farmer, “didnt you know? The 43 picks up pollen花粉from the ripening成熟 corn and swirls盘旋 44 from field to field. If my neighbors grow 45 corn, cross-pollination授粉will steadily degrade the 46 of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must 47 my neighbors to grow good corn.He is very much

27、 48 of the connectedness连通性of life. His corn cannot improve 49 his neighbors corn also improves. 50 it is in other sides. Those who choose to be at peace must help their neighbors to be at peace. _51_ who choose to live well must help others to live well, 52 the value of a life is measured _53_ the

28、lives it touches. And those who choose to be happy must help others to 54 happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all. The 55 for each of us is this: if we are to grow good corn, we must help our neighbors to grow good corn.36. A. made B. entered C. set D. showed 37. A. in

29、terviewed B. reported C. covered D. met38. A. what B. why C. where D. how 39. A. made B. recognized C. discovered D. told40. A. relatives B. neighbors C. others D. friends41. A. shortest B. cheapest C. worst D. best42. A. competition B. ribbon C. corn D. speech43. A. wind B. neighbor C. corn D. bee4

30、4. A. them B. it C. one D. which 45. A. good B. better C. worse D. bad 46. A. quality B. quantity C. feature D. character47. A. force B. let C. have D. help48. A. famous B. aware C. alive D. known 49. A. if B. unless C. since D. though 50. A. Because B. But C. So D. However 51. A. He B. I C. Those D

31、. One52. A. if B. when C. though D. for 53. A. by B. to C. from D. with54. A. buy B. give C. find D. look55. A. experience B. lesson C. theory D. class 第三局部:阅读理解共10小题;每题2分,总分值20分 阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中选出最正确选项。 APearl S. Buck was one of the most popular American authors of her day, noted for her n

32、ovels in China. Pearl S. Buck was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938. She was born in Hillsboro, West Virginia. She spent her youth in Jiangsu province, China. She learned to speak Chinese before she could speak English. Her parents were missionaries (传教士). Her mother had traveled widely

33、 in her youth and had a fondness for literature. After being educated by her mother and by a Chinese tutor, Buck was sent to a boarding school in Shanghai at the age of fifteen. Buck continued her education in the United States at Randolph-Macon Woman's College in Virginia, where she studied psy

34、chology. After graduating in 1914, she returned to China as a teacher for the Presbyterian Board of Missions. During this period, China took steps toward liberal reform, especially through the May 4th Movement. In the 1920s the Bucks moved to Nanking, where she taught English and American literature

35、 at the university. As a writer Buck started with the novel East Wind: West Wind (1930), which received critical recognition. Her breakthrough novel, The Good Earth, appeared in 1931 and was sold 1,800,000 copies in its first year. It has been translated into more than thirty languages. In 1936 Buck

36、 was made a member of the National Institute of Arts and Letters. In 1938 she became the third American to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, following Sinclair Lewis and Eugene O'Neill. By the time of her death, Pearl had published over seventy books. Pearl Buck died in March, 1973, just two mo

37、nths before her eighty-first birthday. 56. When did Pearl S. Buck begin to study in Shanghai?A. In 1914. B. In 1906. C. In 1912. D. In 1907.57. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Pearl S. Buck is the third woman to win the Noble Prize of Literature.B. Pearl S. Buck worked as a teacher in N

38、anking during the May 4th Movement.C. The Good Earth is one of her famous books that was translated into more than thirty languages.D. Pearl S. Buck was educated by a Chinese tutor before she was sent to a boarding school. 58. This passage might be taken from a (n) _.A. novel B. advertisement C. bio

39、graphy D. letterBHave you ever dreamed about growing up overnight? You should be glad that your dream did not come true. For Hong Kong superstar Andy Lau, ageing rapidly from 13 to 83 within only one week is not fun at all.In his latest film Wait Till You're Older, he plays a boy from an unhappy

40、 family who takes some magical medicine and then ages 10 years every day.With age no longer on his side, he comes to understand the problems his parents faced in their lives, which led to his mother's suicide.The film, which also stars Felix Wong and Karen Mok as Lau's father and step-mother

41、, just opened on September 29.In real life, however, the 44-year-old actor comes from a happy family. His father was a fireman, and Lau was the fourth child in a middle-class family of seven children.For the film, Lau endured as many as five hours of make-up a day for scenes where he had to play an

42、old man. Despite the torturous痛苦的make-up, it was acting as a 23-year-old that Lau found the most challenging. He said with a laugh, “Everyone knows my age, so having to act young, people might think that's a little fake.It's not the first time Lau changes his appearance on film. In Love on a

43、 Diet (), he put on a fat suit to play an obese man. In Running on Karma (), which won him a Best Lead Actor award at the Hong Kong Film Awards in , he wore a muscle suit to look like a body builder.59. The passage mainly tells us that . A. Lau grows older within no more than one week B. Lau comes f

44、rom a happy family C. Lau plays many ages in a new film D. Lau acts in many films60. After reading the text we know _. A. Felix Wong and Karen Mok both act in the film Wait Till You're Older B. Wait Till You're Older is Laus last film in his life C. people dont know Laus actual age D. Lau doesnt like to play an old man in films61. Which of the following statement


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