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1、Un it5 What day is it today?Class: Name: Mark:一、根据中文提示把句子补充完整。1. dayit ?(今天星期几?)2. Wednesday.(星期三)3. It'day!(这是我最喜欢的一天。 )4. do you like?(你为什么喜欢星期三? )5. Wednesday we two PE.(我们在星期三有两节体育课 )6. favourite day is .(我最喜欢的一天是星期四)7. your favourite?(你最喜欢星期几?)二、选择填空(每小题1分,共6分)。()1.-What syour favorite ?-Fr

2、iday, There is an art less on on Friday, and I love draw ing.A. dayB. colorC. subject()2. I love singing, my favorite subject is music.A. butB. thenC.so()3. -do you like Tuesday?-There is a PE less on on Tuesday, and I m good at sports.A. WhenB. HowC. Why()4.- Whatdo you have today?-We have two Chin

3、 ese less ons, a maths less on and an art less on.A. classesB. dayC. classrooms()5. -s there an art less on on Mon day?-No, there isn ', there is one on Tuesday.A. andB. soC. but()6.-is the computer less on?-It 'from 9:20 to 10:00 this morni ng.A. WhereB. WhenC. Why三、选用in, on, at填空(每空1分,共6分)

4、。1. A: Whe n do you have computer classes?B: Tuesday and Friday.2. A: Whe n do you do your homework?B: Usuallythe after noon, after school. Sometimes the eve ning.3. A: Is there an English class Tuesday morning?B: Yes, and there 'oneThursday after noon, too.4. A: What time do you have dinner ?B:

5、 Usuallyseven o 'clock.四、读表格,完成句子(每空1分,共10分)Mo ndayTuesdayWedn esdayThursdayFridayMorni ngChin esemathsEn glishmathsChin esemathsEn glishChin esemathsmathsEn glishcomputerChin esePEcomputerartChin esescie neecomputerartAfternoonPEmusicChin eseChin esemusic1. We haveless ons a day. There are four

6、 less ons in the morni ng andone less on in the .2. On Mon day we have , maths, En glish, and PE.3.0 nandwe have PE class. I love sport.4. I don t like. Because we have three lessons on that day.5. My favourite day is . We have Chinese, maths, ,art and music.五、连词成句(每小题1分,共5分)1. do you Wed nesday lik

7、e (?)2.favourite isSunday daymy(.)3.love singingsport Iand(.)4.Mon day isTuesdayor it(?)5.have artanless ontodaywe (.)六、看课表,判断T / F (每小题1分,共6分)Mon dayTuesdayWedn esdayThursdayFridayMorni ngChin eseMathsEn glishChin eseMathsEn glishChin eseMathsMathsChin eseMathsEn glishChin esePEMusicAfternoonscie n

8、eeMathsChin eseEn glishscie neeArtPEMusicChin ese()1. There are five less ons on Tuesday.()2. There are five En glish less ons in a week.()3. On Tuesday, there are two Maths less ons.()4. Maths less ons are always in the morning.()5. Chin ese less ons are usually in the morning, sometimes in the after noon.()6. On Friday, the Chin ese less on is betwee n the maths class and the music less on.Parti:根据上题课表任意写4个描述课表内容的句子(每句1分,共4分)。七、用所给的字母写周日单词,并按周日顺序给这些单词排序(每词1分,共14 分)1. dn eayswed .2. n dsyua.3. uyratdsa4. daestuy5. on amdy6. dfyria.7. tudarshy排序: .


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