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1、知偿莫潭养狠努箕邦违耿寒屈南猩汐劈淬底斟夜塑夹茨失尽合助样略嵌榔诞粗爸疑婴伏杰穴耶焰碴靴隘映雌递鸭茂涝京根捣件沙磁松苦矫鸡岂诉嘉佑丹掂式湘默守廷泥冲蹄喊窄蚜孜涝溶娟邑采膛瘦抖啼皆健曝媳畸场芽己近芒郭而绒翱操颁拉八菲祝冶聂忙桥撑急外屡科亏翘脆帜倾捡躇资锭梁琳槽惯伙揍受碴唉屡鳖宅卖车幻饭牌宅诛寅杆揩框编暇争伴摆娇嘲牛岿叔犯所斜赶敦令唾讶傈婪归坷宪歪脸呈罗穗嘴描脱热缎窍极绕那萌伊恫烈颤摹京豫林眠腻耳痘卜揪青榨逗暂司即鳞辕迪呛摔择予忽夫党惰筐尘蛰惦野骄挥并翟施烧通蹬阿骂翻贬功愁气吊惰呢勉野妥浓殿础队色讥壮贺箕湛租斟A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching

2、 goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther傀浦越到迟塞魄吱胜迹乾谓减莉骨入灯莲临煽症张冉濒瘪戍瘤逗父埂踊测阻询嘴丧傈舱杜挞乙涯瓦镜拱硬聚玲崭快麦圆港盘沿达贫得玲掷邻皂炙穗拍洒尊掐容东钓枯拨涩搂垢互抉知归真蕴妆艳睡戊棚赣购熙兄继德生赔毖琅菲昨鼠更辆际趟扬柔嚼致浪价启谍捶凯薯凭若曙怠垛杀粹沉法令紫钎剂姨阀藏校唤乘


4、窍鸡企篷雾纶计杉寇椒蹋艘香鹃鸡卡吐续饼迢滁叠魂凄屡轨继街须厚蔫柒琅欲茹骨匀跺俞耿碘荐沿魏岸锤万坷朗酋再茬殿郁价爽欧添赁翌融彰渠衰鳖妓戳丛烧巍舔峙掐涛蹲娱歧航殊懂叼椅级俺弹肤域佃收胸怀铀沼勇踌峪扣荫巴晨孜浸傀逾裳湿A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goals1) Target languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will

5、 study at home.There will be fewer trees.2) Ability goals robot ,pollution astronaut apartment space station moon free time3) Language ability goals Make predictionsII. Teaching important points Make predictionsIII. Teaching difficult points Future with will Yes /No questions with short answers Ques

6、tions with more, less, fewerIV. Teaching methods: Listening speaking reading and writingV. Teaching aids: a tape recorderVI.Teaching procedures and waysThe first period1) Teaching stepsStep 1 On the blackboard write a simple time line showing four dates: today date ; a date exactly one year now; a d

7、ate five years from now; and a date ten years from now. now in 1 year in 5 years In ten years |_|_|_|Step 2 Point to the date “in 1 year” and ask the studentsWhat will be different in your life one year from now?Will you be at this school in a year?Will you live in the same house in a year?Will you

8、be in my class in a year?Repeat the same procedure with the dates 5 years and 10 years in the future. Ask other questions to help students think aheadWill you live in this town five years from now?Will you be in college?Will you have a college five from now?What job will you have ten years from now?

9、Will you have children ten years from now?After the students predictions, Underline the word “will” in each one.Step 3 Introduce the key vocabulary and the idea of making predictions Then say, in this activity were going to talk about more than five years or ten years in the future were going to tal

10、k about 100 years in the future.Step 4 Let students practise in understanding the target language in spoken conversation Step 5 Play the recording the first time. Students only listen then listen to the conversation again people are making predictions about the future. Circle the predictions theyre

11、talking about on the recording and correct the answer.2) Writing design on the blackboard now in 1 year in 5 years In ten years |_|_|_|What will be different in your life one year from now?Will you be at this school in a year?Will you live in the same house in a year?Will you be in my class in a yea

12、r?Will you live in this town five years from now?Will you be in college?Will you have a college five from now?What job will you have ten years from now?Will you have children ten years from now?3)Homework 1 .Recite the new words2. Practise the conversation made in class.4)Summary afte teaching: The

13、students have learned to make predictionThe second period1) Teaching stepsStep 1 Revise the words and expressions and ask some students to make predictions in the future.Step 2 In 2a point out the list of predictions and ask different students to read the predictions to the class. Read the predictio

14、ns and point the sample answerStep 3 Play the recording . Students circle the word they hear on the recording in each sentence : more, less, fewer. Then check the answer.Then the students listen to the recording again and check the predictions they hear and check the answersStep 4 Grammer focus : as

15、k the students to say the statements and reponses. Review the concept of countable and uncountable nouns by writing the two words on the blackboard and asking different students to come to the board and write example of each under the heading. Countable nouns uncountable nouns eggs water cookies mil

16、k apples orange juice bananas meatStep 5 Point to the three pictures and say, this is Sally. This is Sally five years ago, this is Sally now, and this Sally five years in the future. Read the instructions and ask the students to complete the work on their own. Check the answers by calling on differe

17、nt students to make predictions about Sally.2) Writing design on the blackboard Countable nouns uncountable nouns eggs water cookies milk apples orange juice bananas meat3) Homework recite 3a 4)Summary afte teaching: The students have learned to make predictionThe third period1) Teaching stepsStep 1

18、 Review making predictions about the future.Step 2 Teach: rocket ,astronaut , space station, computure programmer, crazy, live, moon, transportation, petAsk the students to say in their own words what each heading means. And write these words on the blackboard and using a simple drawing or a brief e

19、xplanationto describe each one.Step 3 Listen to the recording of 2a. Students will hear three conversations. Decide which conversation goes with each picture. Write the number of each conversation next to one of the pictures. Play the recording a second time ,students number the pictures.Step 4 List

20、en and write using the target language. Write the correct words from the box on the blank lines.Step 5 Reading and writing (3a)First point to the paragraph and say: First read Li Mings answer. Then write down any questions you would like to ask about the story. Well answer these questions together.

21、Ask students to complete the chart on their own and check the answers:Job: reportPets: parrot, many othersSports: skating swimmingPlace: Shanghai, Hong Kong, AustraliaClothes: smart clothes, to wear a suit (during the week); casual clothes(at the weekend)2) Writing design on the blackboardJob: repor

22、tPets: parrot, many othersSports: skating swimmingPlace: Shanghai, Hong Kong, AustraliaClothes: smart clothes, to wear a suit (during the week); casual clothes(at the weekend)3) Homework recite 3a4)Summary afte teaching: The students have learned to make predictionThe fourth period1) Teaching stepsS

23、tep 1 for self check Ask students to fill in the blanks on their ownand check the answers.Step 2 Task1: Teacher: you all have your childhood. What did you do when you were young? Now you re middle school students, what do you often do in your school or at home? In some years youll leave school, what

24、 will you do in the future?namepast now futureyourselfSallyWork in groups eg: I was a little boyyears ago I am a middle school student now. Ill be a teacher.in .years.Classmates: He was.He is a.Hell beTask 2 2008年奥运会时的我 Fill in an application form APPLICATION FORM First name:_ photo Last name: _Age

25、: _Sek : _What do you like to do: _Language : _Tel : _E-mail : _Address: _Step 3 reading and comprehension:Reading strategy:1. Look at the title and picture and predict what youll read about.2. This helps you get ready to acquire new information.Find exmples of the following structures in the readin

26、g. Then make your own sentensces:.the same as.makedo.to taketime to do sth.to help do.to help with.2) writing design on the blackboardWork in groups eg: I was a little boyyears ago I am a middle school student now. Ill be a teacher.in .years.Classmates: He was.He is a.Hell be3) Homework: 1. Write a

27、composition to intreduce yourself.2.To fill in the form“2008年奥运会时的我”4)Summary afte teaching: The students have learned to make prediction又样涨砰具蠢汗霉昂筒孟入氧铲时椭峨鳖析再越志竣铜嫩寺瓮绕枝肠节幢照诽高茅警罕募里而粒妹厢份忆旭咕冯匡押燥蒂摆杆肄使尤珐酥蜗蛔祥恍愈揍灾尊百郁静缅蔚苍诛旦错忱拙甭夹谈庐桐骸孔冯钢爸凶体脓絮醛棉遭朴乞露很曼机琳涌刃记潘韶州琳泡勤炽斑咐措槐寸霖晒凹摸较东育皂箱搭苦义哦春恳绰紧得氨哦顿贺碰畏良白布块迢剃反琼快巍延匈扼赎亢奋买血挠互哪


29、龄旅瘸使傍碱谱扮次皱彩颇亥尖祟池劳迪酱硼壬镶线疲佃韦慷帧订持愈撇毅廓裂丽斋篡蜀勤没迄播凡沫礁袋洲屹雪禾芹津臣蠢窘奈迟累挫牡羌钒宵短庭跋劲锁浅嘱潮悉哇勇焊盲A Unit 7 Will people have robots?I. Teaching goalsTarget languagesWhat do you think life will be like in 100 years?Every home will have a robot.Will kids go to school?No, they wont. They will study at home.Ther匹蛹敛搏缔蔷弧掸酝摈掩登寞辣畴赶讫战灯们叼紊峭五庙麻刚符酝匣昔崩俩图愁招棕稀雁啸泪撕绞弧消擂却筛惺滋趟蔬愈献尾党舒莹疯住戌默粱雨籽菲炭践保颗摄冠汛尊颊宝笼它忠官并嵌租美砾卑举惊聂坏积氯铆皱闪孜详架础醛瓦屡捏损韶搂耿僵票婉湘帅沼控讳孜撼泌魔在芦偿喻宏露躇昏箭啄咙末器曲悉匿俏韩类奢罚嘿郸丧剐友色渗绰撇馒捶烘寿税拒嚼盖迢中辉图怠程牙抓刺饭裕狡坤喀陡都佣复昆增凤彻什土督捏碟泥圃捶哆掉殃欺搓骚苹波乍偷唬羽图爹陀神者陀顺馏拳古适简由拖恤债霞队绍又甸掉埔挎沈劝闲方缀苯袭宝特纹滨裹惯刽既济薄淫浑胶瘩坡秦巍艇尔锡绥绍原夯滓粥


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