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1、教学辅导教案 学科: 授课时间:13年7月 日 星期 姓 名 性别 年级 总课时 第 次课 教 学 4A unit6 内 容 重 点 Unit6 词汇、句型、知识点 难 点 教 学 掌握并运用所学 目 标 针 对 性 授 课 Unit 6 Meet my family! 一、词汇 1、四会词语:sister姐妹brother兄弟father爸爸mother妈妈driver驾驶员 doctor医生 farmer农民 nurse护士 2、三会词语:family家庭 parents 父母 uncle叔叔 aunt姑姑、阿姨、婶婶 come来 who谁(疑问词) baby婴儿 baseball 网球

2、player 运动员 3、词语搭配:Act like a teacher/doctor/nurse/farmer/driver/baseball player. 扮演老师、医生、护士、农民、驾驶员、网球运动员。 二、四会语句: 1、-How mny apples an the tree? 树上有多少个苹果,(回答用数据) -12. 12个。 2、Im going to be a nurse/doctor/teacher 我想成为一名护士/医生/教师 3、This is my dad. He s tall and strong.这是我爸爸,他又高又壮。 4、来认识一下我的家人吧Come and

3、meet my family. 5、Hes my brother. He likes science. 这是我的哥哥,他喜欢科学。 6、He is good at sports. 他擅长运动。 7、我姑姑喜欢花:My aunt likes flowers. 三、经典对话 1、-How many people are there in your family? 在你家里有多少个人啊, -There. 三个 -Who are they? 他们是谁, -Look! My parents and me.看我爸妈和我。 -My family has seven members.我家里有7名成员。 -Se

4、ven,七个, -My dad, my mom, my sister, my baby brother, and me. 我爸、妈、姐、妹、弟还有我。 -But thats only six. 但是这只有七个啊。 -And my little puppy. 还有我的小狗狗。 必备句型:?How many people are there in your family? 在你家里有多少个人, How many,是对数量的提问,后面的答语中要有数字出现。 1 ?Look! My parents and me.看我爸妈和我。 ?My family has seven members.我家里有7名成员

5、。 2、-Whos this man ? He looks strong.这个男的是谁,他看起来很壮。 -Hes my uncle. Hes a baseball player. 他是我的叔叔。他是个网球运动员。 -Is this your aunt ? 这个是你婶婶吗, -Yes, she is. Shes a nurse. She likes music. 是的。她是个护士,她喜欢音乐。 -Is this your father? 这个是你爸爸吗, - Yes, he is. Hes a doctor. 是的,他是个医生。 -whats your mother ?你妈妈是干什么的, 句中的

6、“mother”可以换成father,aunt等。 -Shes a teacher.她是个教师。 -Look! Theyre my grandpa and grandma.看,这是我祖父母。 -They look young. Are they farmers? 他们看起来很年轻。他们是农民吗, -Yes, youre right.是的,你是对的。 必备句型:?He looks strong.他看起来很壮。 ?Shes a nurse. She likes music. 是的。她是个护士,她喜欢音乐。 ?Is this your father? 这个是你爸爸吗,Yes, he is.是的,他是

7、。No, he isnt.不,他不是?whats your mother ?你妈妈是干什么的,句中的mother可以换成father,aunt等。 课 堂 检 测 笔试部分 一(选择适当的字母或字母组合,并在横线上写出中文(8%)。 ( )_1. br_ d A. ee B. ea C. ae ( )_2. p_ A. are B. rea C. ear ( )_3. pict_ A.ure B. uer C. eru ( )_4. playgr_nd A.eu B. au C. ou ( )_5. wait_ A. erss B. sres C.ress ( )_6. f_nd A. rie

8、 B. eir C.ire ( )_7. off_ A.eic B. ice C.eci ( )_8. b_ A.yu B.ue C.uy 二(翻译词组(11%)。 1.在学校附近 _the_ 2. 去厨房 _to the _ 3.在冰箱里 _ the _ 4. 我们的新教室 _ new _ 5. 一些课桌椅 _ _ and _ 6. 一杯橙汁a _ of _ _ 7 Lets hurry ._ 8. I love China._. 9. Let me try again._ 10. lots of songbooks_ 三(选择(10%)。 ( )1. Where _ my tea ? _

9、on the table . 2 A. are ; Theyre B. is ; Its C. is; Theyre ( )2. Something to_ ? Apple juice , please . A. eat B. drink C.have ( )3. There _a pen and some books on the desk . A. is B. are C. have ( )4. _ in the box ? _some chocolate . A.Whats ; Its B. Whats ;Theres C. Wheres ;There are ( )5. How muc

10、h _ the sweets ? _ 20 yuan . A. are ; Its B. is ; Its C. are ; Theyre ( )6. We can see lots of bowls in the _. A.classroom B. bathroom C.cupboard ( )7. How do we go to the theatre ? _ . A. All right B. Thank you C. By minibus ( )8. Mr Green is my mothers brother . Hes my _ A. brother B. unle C. aunt

11、 ( )9.There is _ airport in Nanjing . A. a B. an C. some ( )10. Whats the _ job ? Hes a driver . A.her fathers B. womans C. mans 五、根据汉语写单词,注意单词的正确书写形式。 ,. 爸爸 ,. 妈妈 ,(农民 ,(司机 ,(哥、弟 六、选一选.选择正确答案,并将其序号填在括号内。 ( )1. What your father? ,. is ,. are ,. am ( )2. - your brother? 3 -Hes a doctor. A. What B. Wh

12、o C. Whats ( )3. - people are there in your family? -Three. A. How much B. How many C. Whats ( )4.That girl is sister. A. Tom B. Toms C. Toms ( )5.My family five members. A. have B. has C. are 七、找出和问句相对应的答案并将其序号填入题前的括号内。 A B ( )1. Whats your sister? A. Yes,she is. ( )2. How many people are there in

13、your family? B. Im ten. ( )3. Is your mother a doctor? C. Shes a nurse. ( )4. How old are you? D. Four. ( )5. Welcome. E. Thank you. 八、排一排.给句子排序. 1. Welcome to my home, please look at these photos. 2. Look at the girl. Shes a nurse, too 3. Shes my mother. 4. Thank you. Whos that woman? 5. She is a g

14、reat nurse . 顺序为 九、 连一连,连词成句。 1. my a is father farmer. . 2. this your aunt is ? 4 3. and come meet my family . 4. has seven my family members . 5. are my parents me they and . 十、读一读,判断正误。正确的写“,”,错误的写“,”。 Hello, I am Mary. This is my grandfather.Hetall. Hes sixty-two. He likes vegetables. Hes a farm

15、er.My grandma is fiftyeight.She is a teacher. She likes rice.Look,This is my aunt.She is a nurse . She likes fish. ( )1. Im Mike. ( )2. Grandmother likes fish. ( )3. Marys grandpa is tall. ( )4. Marys aunt is a nurse. ( )5. Marys grandfather is a driver. 五. 选用方框中的句子填空,把序号写在横线上(6 %)。 对圆的定义的理解:圆是一条封闭曲

16、线,不是圆面;A. Whats in the music room ? B. Something to drink ? C. I can see some trees . D. Whats for breakfast ? E. No, I dont want to . F.No , but Id like to try . 1. _ A sandwich and some bread . 2. What can you see in the picture ? _ 3. _ A bottle of juice , please . (1)相交: 直线与圆有两个公共点时,叫做直线和圆相交,这时直

17、线叫做圆的割线.4. _ Theres a piano (4)二次函数的图象:是以直线为对称轴,顶点坐标为(,)的抛物线。(开口方向和大小由a来决定)and some guitars . 5. Lets go to see the doctor . _ 5.圆周角和圆心角的关系:6. Can you use chopsticks ? _ 六. 阅读理解(10%) (一)教学重点A.朗读对话,根据对话内容选择正确的答案 (M= Man G=Girl) M: Excuse me. G: Yes? M: Is this train for Wuxi? G: Yes, you are right. T

18、his way ,please. M: Thank you very much. G: Youre welcome. 二、学生基本情况分析:( )1. The man and the girl are at the . A: station B: theatre C: libray D:school ( )2. The man wants to go to . 5 A: Xian B: Shanghai C: Wuxi D: Nanjing (二)知识与技能:( )3. Perhaps the girl works in the . A: plane B: train C: bus D: mi

19、nibus B(阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示 My name is Tom. Im a student. My school is not very big , but very beautiful. Look, this is my classroom. Its very bright. There is a computer on the teachers desk. There are 46 students in my class. 22 girls and 24 boys . My school has two libraries

20、. The big one is for the students. The small one is for the teachers. Theres a big 经过同一直线上的三点不能作圆.playground in the school . I like to play football there . I like my school very much. 1. Toms school is very big and beautiful. ( ) 2. Toms classroom is very bright. ( ) 3. Theres a computer in the cla

21、ssroom. ( ) 4.There are twenty-four girls in Toms class. ( ) 推论1 经过圆心且垂直于切线的直线必经过切点.5. The big library is for the teachers. ( ) 本册教材在第五单元之后安排了一个大的实践活动,即“分扣子”和“填数游戏”。旨在综合运用所学的知识,从根据事物的非本质的、表面的特征把事物进行分类,发展到根据客观事物抽象、本质的特征进行不同方式的分类,促进孩子逻辑思维能力的发展。同时,安排学生填数游戏,旨在对孩子的口算能力、逻辑思维能力和观察能力的训练,感受数学的乐趣!6. Tom can play football. ( ) 7. Tom likes his school. ( ) 6


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