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1、牛津深圳版七上Unit1 -8汉译英知识汇总1. 我很少玩电脑游戏。(seldom)2. 我经常在晚上八点和九点之间做运动。(usually)3. 我妈妈每天为我做早餐。(make breakfast for sb.)4. 你多久看望一次你的爷爷奶奶?(how often)5. 我爸爸从不开车去上班。(never)6. 是时候去上学了。(go to school)7. 数学老师很和蔼,他很少生气。(get angry)8. 约翰喜欢参加学校组织的活动。(take part in)9. 阅读能帮助我们更多地了解世界。(learn about)10. 我想每个人在聚会上都会玩得开心。(have a

2、 good time)11. 我愿意做你的网友。(would like to )12. 他希望很快收到他哥哥的来信。(hope to do)13. 汤姆喜欢和德国中学生交朋友。(make friends with)14. 你的网友来自哪里?(be from)15. 约翰不擅长数学。(be good at)16. 我和我的父母住在深圳。(live in)17. 我每个月都能收到我姐姐的来信。(hear from)18. 很多年轻人都喜欢在网上买东西。(enjoy doing)19. 她的哥哥希望住得离城市远一些。(far away from)20. 萨姆每天坐校车去上学。(go to schoo

3、l)21. 我们生活在这座城市,但是我们却污染了它。(pollute)22. 桌子上有一个苹果和两个梨子。(there be)23. 为了更好的将来,我们必须努力学习。(future)24. 我们学校为学生们提供午餐.( provide sth.for sb. )25. 这场考试对我来说很重要。(be important to )26. 很多污染来源于汽车。(come from)27. 飞机安全着陆。(land)28. 我们应该停止对环境的污染。(stop doing sth.)29. 如今,人们利用水、风和太阳来获取能量。(make energy)30. 我们必须让所有人知道保护环境的重要性

4、。(the importance of)31. 明天将要下雨。(rainy)32. 人们冬天喜欢待在家。(stay at home)33. 在北京旅行是令人兴奋的。(take a trip)34. 现在去游泳如何?(what about)35. 每个周末,他的家人喜欢在森林里野餐。(go on a picnic)37. 如果冬天来临,这儿的一切都将变成白色。(turn)38. 暑假我都和爷爷奶奶待在一起。(spendwith)39. 她 20 岁开始学德语。( start to do )40. 北京的天气与广州的天气是不一样的。(be different from)41. 莉莉是我最好的朋友之

5、一。(one of)42. 他们早起以便能赶上第一班公交车。( so that)43. 我们不可以在这个博物馆里照相。(take photo)44. 超过 30 位学生通过了英语考试。(more than)45. 她能够在周末帮忙照顾孩子们。( be able to)46. 我们打算在月球漫步。(be going to)47. 雨下得很大,因此我不得不留在家里。(have to)48. 没有水我们无法生存。(without)49. 我们应该多吃点水果,比如苹果和香蕉。(such as)50. 请打开窗户以便我们能呼吸新鲜空气。(breathe)51. 如果他来晚了会发生什么事情?(what h

6、appen ; if)52. 如果你努力学习,你就会学好英语。(work hard)53. 如果汤姆考试不合格,他就可能上不了54. 如果他不看那么多电视,他的父母会很高兴的。(so much)55. 除非明天下雨,否则我会和你一起去公园。(unless)56. 如果你现在不起床,就会迟到。(get up)57. 北京是一个旅游的好地方。(wonderful)58. 重庆是一个有很多美食的城市。(delicious)59. 如果你喜欢观光旅游,你就会喜欢上它。(sightseeing)60. 深圳位于中国的南部。(in the south of)62. 母亲节我送了一份礼物给妈妈。(give)

7、63. 他来这儿要回他的书。(ask for)64. 听到这个消息时,我感到很惊讶。(surprised)65. 如果你加入我们的俱乐部,你可以学到很多关于昆虫的知识。(learn about)66. 王叔叔正在教孩子们如何制作风筝。(teach)67. 不久前我加入了一个音乐俱乐部。(join)68. 昨天我从家里一路走到学校。(all the way)69. 她的房子的周围有很多树。( all around )70. 汤姆正在图书馆查阅字典。( look up)71. 你通常在空闲时间做什么?(in free time)72. 玩电脑游戏对你的眼睛有害。(be bad for)73. 我和

8、哥哥都喜欢看电影。(like doing)74. 两年前,我开始收集旧书。(begin to)75. 这张明信片是我的,不是她的。(mine;hers)76. 我对所有东西都感兴趣。(be interested in)77. 我去年开始收藏报纸。(start doing)78. 他认为玩电脑游戏很浪费时间。(a waste of time)79. 我是古画的收藏者。(collector)80. 我把业余时间花在收藏玩具车上。(spenddoing)答案:1. I seldom play computer games.2. I usually play sports between 8:00 a

9、nd 9:00 in the evening.3. My mother makes breakfast for me every day.4. How often do you visit your grandparents?5. My father never goes to work by car.6. It's time to go to school 。7. The Maths teacher is very kind and he seldom gets angry.8. John enjoys taking part in the school activities.9.

10、Reading can help us learn more about the world.10. I think that everyone will have a good time at the party.11. I would like to be your e -friend.12. He hopes to hear from his elder brother soon.13. Tom likes to make friends with German middle school students.14. Where is your e -friend from?15. Joh

11、n isn't good at Maths.16. I live in Shenzhen with my parents.17. I hear from my elder sister every month.18. Many young people enjoy shopping on the Internet.19. Her elder brother hopes to live far away from the city.20. Sam goes to school by school bus every day.21. We live in this city but we

12、pollute it.22. There is an apple and two pears on the table.23. We must study hard for our better future.24. Our school provides lunch for the students.25. This exam is very important to me.26. A lot of pollution comes from cars.27. The plane lands safely.28. We must stop polluting the environment.2

13、9. Nowadays, people use water, wind and the Sun to make energy.30. We must make all the people know the importance of protecting the environment.31. It will be rainy tomorrow.32. People like to stay at home in winter.33. It is exciting to take a trip in Beijing.34. What about going swimming now?35.

14、Every weekend, his family like to go on a picnic in the forest.36. There are some foreign visitors lying on the beach.37. If winter comes, everything here will turn white.38. mer holidays with my grandparents.39. She started to learn German at the age of 20.40. The weather in Beijing is different fr

15、om that in Guangzhou.41. Lily is one of my best friends.42. They got up early so that they could catch the first bus.43. We can not take any photos in this museum.44. More than 30 students passed the English exam.45. She is able to help take care of the children on weekends.46. We are going to walk

16、on the Moon.47. It is raining heavily, so I have to stay at home.48. We can't live without water.49. We should eat more fruit, such as apples and bananas.50. Please open the window so that we can breathe fresh air.51. What will happen if he comes late?52. If you work hard, you will learn English

17、 well.53. Tom can't go to the high school if he fails the exams.54. His parents will be very happy if he doesn't watch TV so much.55. Unless it rains tomorrow, I will go to the park with you.56. If you don't get up now, you will be late.57. Beijing is a wonderful place to visit.58. Chong

18、qing is a city with a lot of delicious food.59. If you like sightseeing, you will love it.60. Shenzhen is in the south of China.61. There are few students in the classroom.62. I gave my mother a present on Mother's Day.63. He came here to ask for his book.64. When I heard the news, I was very su

19、rprised.65. If you join our club, you can learn a lot about insects.66. Uncle Wang is teaching the children how to make a kite.67. I joined a music club not long ago.68. Yesterday I walked all the way from my home to school.69. There are lots of trees all around her house.70. Tom is looking up the d

20、ictionary in the library.71. What do you usually do in your free time?72. Playing computer games is bad for your eyes.73. My elder brother and I both like watching movies74. I began to collect old books two years ago75. This postcard is mine, not hers76. I am interested in everything77. I started collecting newspapers last year78. He thinks playing computer games is a waste of time79. I'm a collector of old paintings80. I spend my free time collecting toy cars


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