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1、英语-教学辅助资料-打印版交往互动式教学设计课题5B Unit 1 Cinderella Story time教时A课时日期2015.1.一、教学目标:1 .能听懂、 会说、 会读故事中出现的词汇:prince, fairy, why, because, clothes, let, put on, before, have to, try on, fit2 .能听懂、会说、会读句型:Why? Because 劳理解句型的意思。3 .通过观察文本插图,学生能描述与文本相关的背景信息。4 .通过开放性设问,让学生推测文本信息,培养学生快速捕捉文章大意的能力。5 .通过精读培养学生获取文本详细信息的

2、能力。6 .通过朗读文本内容,掌握朗读技巧,形成语感,加深对文本信息的理解。7 .通过正确理解课文了解童话故事,并能借助图片和关键词复述课文。二、教学重点:1 .阅读、理解文本,并能体会故事大意。2 .能认读理解新单词和 Why? Because 句型。三、教学难点能流利准确地朗读单词和句子,整体理解、复述故事内容。教学准备:多媒体课件,图片教学过程TimeProcedureTeacher ' s activitiesLearners ' activitiesFeedback &aims5minStep 1Warming-up吸引注意,积 累语百1. Free talk

3、Good morning, boys and girls.I ' m happy today. Are you happy?1.Good morning , MissZhang.通过Free talk拉进与T: Do you like reading storybooks?What storybooks?Do you likeGoldilocks and the three bears? Why?2. PresentationToday we ' ll read a story.Look, the handsome man is a prince .The pretty gir

4、l is Cinderella . (present the title)Teach some new words :partycan ' t go come backbefore3. Ask and answerT: I think you all know this story. Can you say something about the story.Why can ' t Cinderella go to the party学生距离,同时通过S: Yeas.问答引出本课话题Cinderella及与本课 相关词汇,并通过操 练感知新单词和句 型。phrases.两两合作

5、交流,操练关键句型。达成目标1,22.Read the new words and3. Ask and answerPractise in pairs.Because she doesn ' t have any nice clothes or shoes.25min核心过程Step2Pre-task导出目 标,生成 结构1. Talk about the picture.2. Listen and act.T: There ' s a party at the prince but Cinderella cannot go. Listen, who are shouting?

6、T: What do they say? Try to read and act like the bad sisters3. Watch and answerT: The two sisters can go to the party happily. But Cinderella cannot go, so she is veryT: Why she cannot go to the party and who helps her? Lettchstwacartoon.Check the answers and act in two1.Say sth about the picture .

7、 (Self think)'s house,Ss:(picture)two sisters and the stepmotherSs read the sentencesSs: Sad.独立预测,为文本学习做铺垫。达成目标3通过听故事,初步感 知故事内容,训练捕 捉关键信息的能力.学生独立思考后小组 内推举一人回答。达成目标4Step3Task 1回忆相关 知识,初 步运用结 构1. Listen and sayT: Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes. What does the fairy say?2. Read and und

8、erlineCinderella is at the party. The prince sees her. What would he say?T: She has a good time at the party.(钟 声)Does she want to go home?Ss read and underlineTeach: have toT: She left her shoe. So the princeshout:3. Read and orderThink individually and answer.Ss: What a pretty?Would you ?同伴交流展小,梳理

9、 文本内容。达成目标5两人小组,操练主干结 构及词汇。开放性设问拓宽学生思维.T: Cinderella has to go home.Q: What does the prince do?Does Cinderella try on the shoe at first?Ss read and answerPairworkSs: Hey, your shoe.Step4Task 2呈现刺激 材料,活 用结构1. Read Story time and note the intonation and tones.2. Read it with emotions in groups.Read af

10、ter the tape then read in roles.整班跟读,组内角色 朗读,强化结构。达 成目标6Step5Task 3引发期待 行为,强 化结构Ask: How do you think of Cinderella?Discuss in grouos.Group work.小组展示,活用语言。10minStep6Post Task提供反馈评价,巩固结构1.Summary :2.Homework1) Listen and read the story.(听读故事)2) Find some other fary tales in Western countries.(找一些西方童话

11、故事)3) Read, act and retell Story time.(Group work)Discuss with your parterns.提升学生情感态度价 值观。抓住主题内容归纳提 炼,进行课堂小结。交往互动式教学设计课题5B Unit 1 Cinderella Grammar time & Fun time教时第二课时日期2015.1一、教学目标:1.能熟练听懂、 会读、 会说单词prince, fairy, why, because, clothes, let, put on, before, have to, try on, fit2.能熟练理解并掌握 Gram

12、mar time中Why? Because 并理解句型的意思。3.使学生了解更多有关西方节日的信息,培养学生中西方文化交际的能力。4.通过创设情境表演复述故事,进一步提升文本教学,提高学生的综合语言表达能力。5.学生能通过系列活动积极参与语言学习,并能正确评价自己和他人的课堂表现。二、教学重点:1.能流利准确地朗读单词和句子,并能创造性地复述表演Story time内容。2.能熟练认读理解,运用单词和Why? Because 句型。三、教学难点:根据所描述的对象正确运用句型。四、教学准备:多媒体课件,图片教学过程TimeProcedureTeacher ' s activitiesLe

13、arners ' activitiesFeedback &aims1. Free talk and learning aims.Good morning, boys and girls.Nice to meet you. How are you?Nice to meet you, too.Step 12. Review Story timeI m fine. And you?师生交流,通过趣味活5minWarming-up吸引注意,积1) Magic eyesSay the words and phrases loudlyRead the aims.Work in pairs.

14、动复习单词,句型及Story time内容。两两合累语百according to some pictures.作交流,操练关键句型。2)Read and act out Story time.达成目标1, 23) Retell the story.(出示图片)P1: There isS1:.P2: A fairyS2:.P3: CinderellaS3: .小组合作朗读、表演、P4: CinderellaRead the story together.复述故事。P5: The princeGroup work达成目标3, 41 Fun time出示Fun time的图片两人小组,操练主干句As

15、k and answer:Think individually.型结构及词汇。Step2P1: Why can ' t she go to the party?达成目标1, 2Pre-taskBecause Work in pairs.导出目P2: Look, who comes?核标,生成结构What will she say?心P3: Cinderella meets price.25过程P4: Look at the picture, What do theysay?minRead,Act选择两幅图演演。Step3Checkout time: Think and writeSol

16、e work to finish theTask 1(leave bend)blanks.同伴交流展示回忆相关Work in pairs to discuss it.Work in groupss and retell达成目标5知识,初 步运用结Then check the answers.it.构Retell in groups.Step4Show the sentences:Whole work激发学生的兴趣,复习Task 2Why are you so sad?语言知识,尽可能多的呈现刺激Because I can ' t go to the party熟练操练句型。材料,活用结

17、构Why can ' t you go to the party?Because I don ' t have any nice clothes or shoes.Read and summary(学生根据自己的理解总结Why ?Because 的用法。Single work.Pair work达成目标2Step5Task 3引发期待 行为,强 化结构1. What question words do you remember?Why?What (What time, what colour, what subject )WhenWhereWhoWhoseHow (how ol

18、d, how many, how much-)学生交流,这些提问词的具体用法2. Make a new dialogue according to the pictures by using" why because.”.Pair work.anroup work通过设问启发学生思维,培养学生用英语思维的习惯.小组展示,活用语言。10minStep6Post 4ask提供反馈评价,巩固结构1. SummaryTicking time2 .HomeworkDiscuss in groups, then answer it.抓住主题内容归纳提炼,进行课堂小结。1) Recite the

19、new words and the story time.2) Surf the Internet to know more about fairy tales.(上网了解更多童话 故事)板书设计Unit1 CinderellaWhy are you so sad?Because I can ' t go to the party.Why can ' t you go to the party?Because I don ' t have any nice clothes or shoes.What (What time, what colour, what subje

20、ct)When- Where Who-WhoseHow (how old, how many, how much)交往互动式教学设计课题5B Unit 1 Cinderella Cartoon time教时第三课时日期2015.1一、教学目标:1 .能够熟练掌握:mushroom, late, pick, understand, be bad for2 .能熟练掌握Why? Because 句型。3 .通过开放性设问,让学生推测文本信息,培养学生快速捕捉文章大意的能力。4 .能正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time中的故事,并明白 Cartoon time的幽默之处二、教学难点1 .能熟练运

21、用本单元所学单词和句型。2 .能正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导卜表演故事。三、教学准备:1 .多媒体课件,图片2 .给学生分好四人小组,并给每组人员1-4编号。教学过程TimeProcedureTeacher ' s activitiesLearners ' activitiesFeedback &aims5minStep 1Warming-up吸引注意,积 累语百1. Free talkGood morning, boys and girls.Nice to meet you. How are you?T: Wh

22、at ' your hobby?S: I like T: Why do you like?S: Because 1. RevisionT: Last class, we learned a fairy tale, Cinderella. Look, What matter with Cinderella?S: She is sad.T: Why is she so sad?T: Because T: I have some pictures here, can you use " Who' ask questions?Nice to meet you, too.I &

23、#39; m fine. And youThe whole work's thePair workGroup work让学生提前进入学习英语 的氛围中。通过复习激活语言知识, 帮助学生归纳,总结。(1)师生对话(示范)(2)生生对话两两合作交流,操练。达成目标1,2(导入hobby话题,从学生 的回答中收集资源,适时Let ' s talk in pairs.讲解,为 Cartoon time的学习做好准备。)25min核心过程Step2Pre-task导出目 标,生成 结构Cartoon time1. Talk about the picture.What can you s

24、ee in this picture?Who are they?2. Watch and answerT: The boy dreams to have a hike, so do Sam and Bobby. Hiking is happy, but, are they happy?T: Why are they not happy, can you guess?S: Maybe T: Ok, let ' s watch the cartoon a find the answer.(学生回答这一问 题时指导朗读:Do you have any snacks, Sam? I '

25、 m very hungry.)I.Say sth about the picture . (Self think)S: No, they aren' t.ind独立预测,为文本学习做铺垫。达成目标3学生独立思考后小组内推举一人回答。Step3Task 1回忆相关 知识,初 步运用结 构Detailed readingT: They' renungry, do they find anything to eat? Let ' Bead and discuss in pairs.T: Do they find anything to eat?T: What do they

26、 find?T: Yes, they find some mushrooms under a tree.(板书 Mushroom)Bobby is very hungry, he findsThe Ss do as the T told. (Self think)S: Yes.S: They find some mushrooms.同伴交流展小,杭理文本内容。达成目标4学生独立思考回答问题。达成目标5some nice mushrooms under the tree, how does he feel now?T: If you were Bobby, what will you say?T

27、: What does Bobby say?.(指导朗读)T:Bobby picks a big red mushroom, he says: Would you like one? What does Sam say?T: Why can' tthey eat them? Bobby does not understand, I don understand either. Why?(板书)S: He feels S:S: Look! There are some mushrooms. We can eat them S: Sam says ,tS: Because the mush

28、rooms are bad for us.Step4Task 2呈现刺激 材料,活 用结构T: Well, if you were Sam andBolly, what would you say?弓 1 导学生揣摩不同卡通人物的心理和语言。说说故事的幽默之处。Discuss in groups小组内推举一人汇报,提 升学生的想象能力。Step5Task 3引发期待 行为,强 化结构1. Read Cartoon time2. Act it out with emotions表演故事,运用创编的故事结尾,使故事更加完整有趣Read after the tape then read in rol

29、es.Group work整班跟读,角色朗读,强化结构。角色表演,让学生做中学。达成目标610minStep6Post 4ask提供反馈评价,巩固结构1 . Summary:What have we learned today?2 .HomeworkSay out the language points loudly.(Group work)抓住主题内容归纳提炼,进行课堂小结。进一步夯实本课的学习目 标,有效巩固相关语言知1) Copy the new words.2) Read and act out Cartoon time3) Finish the exercises in Work b

30、ooks.识,培养学生灵活使用语言的能力。交往互动式教学设计课题5B Unit 1 CinderellaSound time & Culture time教时第四课时日期2015.1一、教学目标:1. 了解字母组合dr在单词中的发音。2. 了解中西方传统的故事,并能用英语简单介绍自己喜欢的故事。二、教学重难点1 .子母dr在单词中的发首2 .能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。三、教学准备:1.多媒体课件,录音机,练习纸 ,单词图片。教学过程TimeProcedureTeacher ' s activitiesLearners ' activitiesFeedb

31、ack &aims5minStep 1Warming-up吸引注意,积 累语百1. GreetingsGood morning, boys and girls.Nice to meet you. How are you?2. Free talks.What season do you like?Why do you like?Because (Ask and answer)3. Review Cartoon time.Read and act in groups.Nice to meet you, too.I ' m fine. And you?(学生随意回答)Group wo

32、rkWork in pairs通过游戏和对话复习与本课相关词汇并巩固句型小组合作交流,操练词汇和句型。达成目标1,2 .小组合作表演,复习Cartoon time.25min核心过程Step2Pre-task导出目 标,生成 结构Sound timeT: Why is Snow White so happy?S: Because she is beautiful and she has a nice dress.T: Yes, here is a nice dress. (PPT 呈现Sound time图片部分)1. Look and talkT: This is Andrea, what

33、is Andrea doing?(PPT 呈现:Andrea is drawing a dress. For her friend Sue.)T: This is her twin brother Andrew, what is he doing?Answer the questions.(Self think)Check the answersS: She is drawing a dress.S: He is drinking.Read after the tape and通过观察图片和回答问 题,初步感知字j在单词 中的发音.学生独立思考后回答。(PPT 呈现:Andrew is hav

34、ing a drink. It ' s cold and blue.)2. Follow the tape3. Say the chant in pairs4. Sum upT: Look at the words, Andrew, drink, Andrea, drawing. What is "dr" pronounce?5. What other words have this sound? Can you give us some examples?(将学生说出的单词在 黑板上板书。)6. I have some new words, try to read

35、 them.(PPT呈现新单词)7. Here ' s new rhyme, let 'read together.understand the meaning.(Self think and pair work)Step3Task 1回忆相关 知识,初 步运用结 构1. Look and talkT: I know you like reading stories.Look, what is this story about? What about this one? What does Yang Ling like? Let ' s read together.T:

36、 What about Mike? Yang Ling likes Chinese stories, Mike likes fairy tales, what about you.S: I like T: Why do you like the story?The single workSs: Yes.通过呈现童话故事图片提高课堂积极性,同时复习why? Because句型结 构,活用语言.S: Because 2. Enjoy the picturesT: We have so many wonderful stories, I hope you read and love them. Be

37、cause reading is like sunshine, it can light your heart, reading is like water, it can clean your mind.Group workStep4Task 2呈现刺激 材料,活 用结构总结发音规律T: Look at the words. What' she pronunciation of the letter dr? Can you write more words?带领学生边读,边进行分类The Ss do as the T told.(Self think)同伴交流,梳理文本内谷。Step

38、5Task 3引发期待 行为,强 化结构1. Try to read it2. Act it out with emotionsSay after the tape thenPractice in pairs.Group work两人小组 跟读,强化结构。达成目标310minStep6Post 4ask提供反馈评价,巩固结构1.Summary:2.Homework1) Copy the new words.2) Read and say sound time.Say out the language points loudly.(Group work)小组内推举一人汇报,活用语百O抓住主题内容

39、归纳提炼,进行课堂小结。达成目标5交往互动式教学设计课题5B Unit 1 CinderellaCheckout time and Ticking time教时第五课时日期2015.1一、教学目标:1.能够正确、流利、生动地讲述灰姑娘故事。2、熟练掌握本单元单词和句型。3、通过复习操练,使学生能熟练运用本单元的句型进行对话交际4.通过本课学习使学生有兴趣说英语、背歌谣,做游戏、敢于开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励性评价中树立信心,在小组活动中积极参与合作,从而意识到交流对于学习英语的重要意义。一、教学重点和难点:1 .能在教师的引导下完成本单元的三项目标检测,与同学合作完成自评和互评,了解和调整自己的学

40、习情况。2 .能运用比较丰富的语言介绍圣诞活动并完成相应短文的写作。教学过程TimeProcedureTeacher ' s activitiesLearners ' activitiesFeedback &aims5minStep 1Warming-up吸引注意,积 累语百1. GreetingsGood morning, boys and girls.Nice to meet you. How are you?2. Free talkT: Do you like the story ofCinderella? Why?What else do you like re

41、ading?3. Show three tasksFirst,Ican understand“CineNice to meet you, too.I ' m fine. And you?Group workerella ".Play and practise them.通过游戏,歌曲等,复习与本课相关词汇并巩固句型The whole work.Then,Icanuse"Why/' anBecauseto ask and answer questions.Finally, I know the sound of theletter“ dr ”4.Act out

42、 Story time.小组合作,表演、复述故事,达成目标1 2Checkout time1 Look and writeSay sth about the pictures .a. Talk about the picture(Self think)P1:We are having an Englishlesson now. How about Yang(Self think and pair work)Step2Ling? Is Yang Ling at school核Pre-tasktoday.Try to use"Why" t)ask a25min心过程导出目标,生

43、成question.Why is Yang Ling not at schoolThe group work.小组,操练。结构today? Then, answer.Because she ' s ill at home.P2: Look at Liu Tao, How is he?Because his birthdayIs he sad? Why is Liu Tao socomes.happy?P3: What does Nancy do?Because she ' s hot.Why does Nancy take off herBecause he ' s cold.coat?P4: How about Mike?Why does Mike put on his jacket?Step3Task 1回忆相关 知识,初 步运用结 构Review ' Sound time ' .(PPT)First, review dr-/dr/Then, show some new words. Let students read the new words by themselves.Look and understand(Self think and pair work )Work in pairs两人小组操练主干句型结构及词汇。


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