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1、英语-教学辅助资料-打印版Unit 7 Is this an orange?教学内容 t teaching materials )A: Is this a banana?B: Yes, it is.A: Is this an orange?B: Yes, it is.A: Is this an orange, too?B: No, it isn ' t. It ' s a lemon.C: This is a market. It isn' t a classroom.教材分析:本节课教学内容选自湘少版小学英语三年级下册七单元。教材的主要内容是五种常见的水果单词(app

2、le, orange, lemon, banana, pear)以及一般疑问句an?其中涉及到语法知识:ana意为一个、一只 而"an用于以元音音素开头的单词前。“affl于以辅音音素开头的单词前。教学目标(一)语言目标1、词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词banana, apple, orange, lemon, pear, market。2、句型:能运用一般疑问句“Isthis a/an.?询问物品(水果)的名称,并对此询问做出回答.(二)应用目标1、能听懂会说水果类的单词.2、能听懂、会说 Part A部分的对话。教学重、难点1、重点:能听懂、会说、认读新单词banana, app

3、le, orange, lemon, pear, market,并能用“Is this a /an进行询问,做肯定和否定的回答。2、难点:掌握一般疑问句 “Is this a/an ? ”的结构及回答形式,并能熟练的运用。教学准备.有关水果的头饰、单词图片和实物,教学磁带、录音机、多媒体课件。教学步骤:Step 1. Warming up1. Greetings.2. Enjoy a song: Apple tree.3. Revision:用课件呈现市场图片,让学生看部分猜整体,引出 market,并练习。T: Let's go to the fruit market.进入水果词汇的

4、教学。Step 2 Presentation1. New words and new sentence pattern.1) apple出示苹果PPT问:T;"What' s this”Ss: “ It ' s an appleT : Apple, apple, it is an(重读)apple.(把苹果图片贴在单词边。)板书并带读新单词,个别读,集体读。出示苹果卡片,并利用卡片进行师生配合,同桌问答.T: Apple, apple.(教师举着苹果图片引导读 ) Ss: It is an apple.T: Is this an apple?Yes, it is.(做

5、一些水果头饰,当学生回答正确时,奖励相应的水果头饰;引导学生回答并板书Is this an apple?/Yes, it is.本句型结构是本课的难点,从现在开始学习句型便于学 生反复操练)2) orangeT: Please look at the picture. What'(HsTths?F实物)It ' s疵读)orange.(拼读并板书an orange,把橘子图片贴在单词边。)板书并带读新单词。个别读,开火车读。T: Orange, orange, it is an(重读)orange.T: Is this an apple?No, it isn引导单生回答并板书I

6、s this an apple?/ No, it isn(本谍难点,逐步开始学习渗透)3) pear T: I have a fruit in my hand. Guess, what '以this?的形式引出 pear.)It ' s a pear板书并带读新单词,把梨图片贴在单词边。个别读,男女生分别读。T: Pear, pear, it ' s a pear. T: Is this an orange?No, it isn ' t.Is this a pear?Yes ,it is.(奖励水果头饰)4) lemon (出示柠檬PPT) T: What

7、9; s this?It ' s a lemon.板书并带读新单词,把柠檬图片贴在单词边。个别读,分组读。T: Lemon, lemon, it ' s a lemon. T: Is this a lemon?Yes, it is.(带领学生反复操练,奖励水果头饰)5 )bananaT: What' s this就示香蕉图片)It ' s a banana.板书并带读新单词,把香蕉图片贴在单词边。男女读,分组读。T: Banana, banana, it ' s a®nana.( a 的发音) T: Is this a lemon?No, it

8、 isn向现穿插在单词学习中,奖励水果头饰 )6)词汇操练Let' chant.出示PPT,学生跟唱。 let ' s go shoppin康乐 PPT) Let ' s read Ask and answer.2. DialogueT: Lingling and Mingming are in the market. They are talking about fruits. What are they?Let ' s listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.第一步: Listen and say不打开

9、书,听音,然后说出所听到的单词或句子,让各层面的学生有机会参加。第二步: Listen and answer.回答问题: 1)There are many fruits in the market. What are they ?2) Is this a classroom ?第三步: Listen and read.听音,跟读。第四步: Read the text emotionally逐步有感情地朗读。(突出 This is a market. It isn' t aClassroom.)第五步: Read and act小组分角色表演对话。Step 3 Practice1、水果蹲

10、的游戏戴头饰的孩子上台,规则:apple蹲,apple蹲,apple蹲完,pear蹲2、快速反应: What' s missing?(出示 PPT)学生用英语说出哪个水果不见了,指名说,给予奖励Step 4 Consolidation1. Touch and guess(触摸彳青物)在水果篮里装入各种水果,让其触摸水果实物,并用 “Isthis.询问水果名称,其它学生用 Yes, it is./No, it isn作傕F':2、 评价,对学生在活动中的表现给予肯定和鼓励,提高学生学习英语兴趣。3、 小结。4、 Homework Read the new words and Part A (读新单词和 A 部分)Make the fruit card.(制作水果卡片)板书设计:Unit 7 Is this an orange?,t.apple 苹果orange橙子pear 梨子lemon 柠檬banana香蕉Is this a /anYes, it is./ No, it isn


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